a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday


smoochie kisses,


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! I bet ... Lots of Golden Yummmm to you, Woof Sugar

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...



doyle and mollie said...

liver treats!!!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Enjoy a bite for us, please Sissie Asta?

Hoping for warmer weather so you can run and run and run. Sending lots of cuddles and hugs,
BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What did you get there, Asta? It looks tasty.

Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder

houndstooth said...

Ooooooh! I can almost taste it!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Treats are good. ~AFSS

Inky and Molly said...

Watcha get???

Joe Stains said...

Is that a bully stick? You are so cute Asta!!

Deborah said...

Hey, we want some!!!

Gus said...

ymmmmm...back at ya' sweetie.


Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwe, you sure are a sweetie for sure. You just ooze love from every little fur on your body.
Getting excited about the party! Be sure and let all of your friends know. There is something for everyone! Come early and stay late. So good to hear from the gang again. I guess that used to happen a lot once upon a time but still is good once and awhile.
Looking forward to seeing you on Friday!!!!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

What is that your eating! We wants some! Well maybe Monty wants some!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Whatcha eatin' Asta??
XX-Hootie & BRD

Lorenza said...

That is the way to spend a nice wednesday!
Kisses and hugs

Aki and Poopie said...

wow. I bet that tasted really good Asta! I missed getting treats. :( Sister said i'm getting a barrel body already. hrumphhh :( I bet that was never your problem. huh? I mean, you can get into all those pretty dresses and everything all the time. :)

Happy wednesday!

Bae Bae said...

Oh.. that looks tasty

~ Bae

Martha said...

Asta, are you going to share that treat with us?
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xx

Hamish Westie said...

Ah, the simple pleasures!
Cheers, H.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

With a face like that, who needs words!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Dexter said...

Is that a bully stick? Nommy!


Daisy said...

Nom, nom, nom!

Kelly said...

Mmmm! Whatcha eatin' Asta?!!?

Cassie said...

Asta, Come on over to my blog to pick up an award!
X-Cassie (BRD & Hootie's mommy)

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We LOVE treats!!

Woofs and Kisses!

Sophie Brador said...

Um, I think Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm is a word.


bbes tribe said...

Treats!!!! Yummmmmm! You lucky pup!
Thanks for visiting us.
Ernie, Sasha, & Chica

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Yum yum.. Enjoy.. Hugs GJ x

The Oceanside Animals said...

nom nom nom nom nom

Koobuss said...

That says it all, Kousin Asta!! Hehehe....

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Noah the Airedale said...

Is that a piece of Hoki fillet?

Noah xx

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

I want some!

Petra said...


Duke said...

You're making it look so yummy, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Lacy said...

w00fs, me wented and visited..

b safe,

kissa-bull said...

well hewo there asta
we saw you over at brutus bloggy and wanted to come over and saw howdy
maybe we can be furryends
the houston pittie pack
guero , coco chanel , brinks and bella

Sophie Brador said...

Was that Joey flirting with you?!!!!!!!!!! You can date him, but remember, he is my #1.

So, I think your mom and dad should rent you that super skinny house in Greenwich: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/100113/koddities/us_odd_skinny_house


Teddy said...

Is that a bully stick you have there Asta? I love those!

The Florida Furkids said...

Our woofies love bully sticks too! Nom nom nom!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

tula monstah said...

so danty with a cookie! do you give lessons?


The Cat Realm said...

we are at gracie's party already! so good to have a party together again!!!! see you there.....

Teddy Westlife said...

Is that something tasty Asta? By the way, I've just dropped in to Gracie's birthday and the party is rocking!

Juno said...

Ahhhhh yum yum yum.

Sissy Asta, thank you so much for your congrats message to our pawrents. :)

We love the old photo... yes, that is your daddy!!! We're glad you had a good time during the visit. You choose the bestest pic fot the header!!!

Stay warm, sissy!

Momo & Pinot