My Sweet's been days since I wote..I'm so sowwy, but it's been cwazy awound hewe..
Thank you all fow youw pwayews and cwossed paws and puwws fow my sissie
Momo..I still have no news of hew condition, so I'm still pwaying!
Then when I finally wead some of my messages today, I saw that ouw bootiful fwiend
Frieda Delta Bu
nny..Charley's twue love passed ovew the bwidge..Wun Fwee Sweet Giwl!
This made me vewy sad and Mommi leaky eyed..
on the good news side..
Jackson IS doing vewy well and has some big latin named thingy on his tail (a pimple, hehehehe) this made us vewy happy..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now Fow the weason I haven't come awound to visit...This was a vewy big deal weekend! Daddi thwowed a big pawty fow Mommi's 60th Birfday Satuwday night..and thewe was lots to pwepawe....PLUS!!!!! MUMSIE came on fwiday to be pawt of the celebwation...can you believe it????MUMSIE all the way fwom Pittbuwgh 
This is us aftew I got ovew my snit...why was I in a snit you ask??? Well I expected my BFF And Scwuffy and B.Stan to come out of the suitcase when she awwived.


I couldn't believe it and at fiwst did not even want to give hew a smoochie kiss

but when
Petey awwived to join Duffy and me in gweeting Mumsie , he whispewed something in my eaw(go see his bloggie to find out what) and wight away I was in a bettew mood.

of couwse all the pwesents and pizza helped too

Mommi got gowgeous flowews delivewed fwom
Archie and Agatha and theiw PLs

and fwom
Toffee and Riley and theiw pawents too...Mommi wanted to have them hewe fow hew pawty but they couldn't come..something about wowk and stuff..Mommi Looooved the flowews and kept sniffing them and putting them in vawious places to get it just wight fow Satuwday

Duffy twied on his santa suit that Mumsie got him (I'm not showing you mine yet, but it's pwetty fab)

all the excitement tiwed the little fuzzbwat out

he asked mommi if he could go sneep on the sofa

of couwse she said yes

then auntie Jane had us in stitches wif some stowies and imitations of fwiends --I think she's a secwet actwess ow something (we'we calling hew Olga fwom now's a long stowy)

I fell had been too exciting a day

When it was time to go home..Petey wan into my pawents bedwoom and hid behind the pillows..Mumsie finally coaxed him outhim out

Mumsie is vewy bootiful and young( I think she could be Mommi's daughtew ow something ..she's also vewy UNsubstantial..unlike Mommi)

this could be the weason...all she eats is dwessing..I'm not kidding( I won't show you what Mommi has at the same time hehehehehehe)

and then thewe is the time she and Mommi stopped in Soho and Mumsie had tea wif nothing in it, while Mommi dwank solid chocolate, hehehehehehe
nuff said.I will wite about he pawty tomowwow..and hope that I have good news about Momo too..sweet dweams I love you