a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, April 27, 2014

a lovely suwpwise

happy sunday to all of you deew fwiendses

 it's a bootiful spwing day wif sunshine hewe and I had a gweat suwpwise yestewday
 One of my fiwstest and oldest DWB fwiends fwom way back when I was a mewe pup lives in Ostwalia..hew name is Asta too she called me Asta up ovew and I call hew Asta down undew I know all my old bloggie fwiends wemembew. 
She stopped blogging aftew Bogawts's Dad Klaus died...she was too sad to go on

anyway..hew pawents awe in Oowope visiting fwom Ostwalia and they came to Boo da Pest on a day twip fwom Vienna, just so they coold see whewe I live and maybe meet up. we wewe home, so we wewe able to wun ovew to meet them and have a few houws togethew

this is a picshoowe along the Danoobe walk wif auntie Louise Hichcock, Mommi and me

 Auntie Louise held me tight 

I was a vewy happy giwl...just wish Asta down undew coold have cum wif them, but thewe awe howwid quawantine laws in Ostwalia so she had to stay home

(unkel Bwian, Mommi, Auntie Louise and my waggie tail)
we walked a bit, the hooman nevew stopped talking

(auntie Louise unkel Bwian , Daddi and me)
then we had a littol dwinkie...
we have known each othew fow seven yeaws, but this was the fiwst time we gots to meet in pawson and we absolootely loved them like we knew we woold

 I gots lots of scwitchies and cuddels fwom bof auntie Louise and Mommi, sighhh

sadly befowe too long, it was time to say fawewell, but auntie Louise pwomised she'd cum back again sumeday

we have made so many wondewful fwiends , fiwst fwom Dogs wif blogs and now in bloggieland and have been lucky to have met so many in pawson..we tweasoowe all ouw fwiendships and know they will last fuwwevew even though so many miles sepewate us

smoochie kisses

Monday, April 21, 2014

Happy Belated EASTEW

Phew, late again but I wanted to hop by to wish all of you a belated Happy Eastew! 

 I hope the bunny bwought all of you bootiful weathew and happy times wif youw families

it was a bootiful sunny day, this is the hallway outside ouw apawtment

I was all weady

so was the house

the table was almost set

I whiled away the time playing wif my bunny

 the cheesecake was done

 so was the woast

I dwessed up in my Eastew wibbon

but when do we get to eat?
finally auntie juli and unkel chwis came and it was time fow howse doovwes
I pwefewed the goat cheesie ones

finally at the table auntie juli and unkel chwis

yummie lamb

Potatoes anna

spwing gawden vegebulls

and Mommi's fantabooloos cheesecake

I had sum of evewything

nom nom nom

it was a pawfect Eastew

I hope youws was too

smoochie kisses

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Spwing has Spwung

Hewo Fwiends!

  Happy Spwing to all of you ..I hope you still wemembew me
I have thought of you lots and lots, but Mommi(secwetawy) was in no shape to help me post, so it''s been a kajillion yeaws since I've been hewe to see all of you.

 while I've been away, Spwing has spwunged

 thewe awe flowews evewywhewe and the sun is out

I can see my shadow and even find flowews between pawked caws

all the westauwants have theiw tables outside and I love taking Mommi out to have a snack

 it's nice enuff to sit outside even in the evenings

 I, of couwse have no self intewest in these outings

 I just want to make shoowe my pawents have a good time

and if sum fwench fwies happen to land in my mouf...well, all the bettew, hehehe

I hope all of you awe now having good weathew and awe happy and healthy

smoochie kisses