My BFF Lacie had owganized a faboolous all giwls day fow us.
Snickers,Sally,Agatha,Tosca,Asta Mawie wewe meeting us at Lacie's to go to a spa and meet wif the wondewful miss Fewgie(my sissie), who will give us hew help in achieving hew pawfect speckled looks. Aftewwawds, we will have a slumbew pawty and giggle the night away.
to make Fewgie feel bettew about hewself and hew tendency to dwoop hew pwetty tail, we all pwacticed putting ouw tails between ouw legs to show hew it's OK (Lacie helped coowdinate us)
It was a glowious day of massages, hewbal waps,facials, welaxation, talks wif giwlfwiends,soothing hewbal teas and booty tips
I was hoping to wemedy the last haiwcut I'd gotten whewe my, ummmm, beawdy was shown, but somehow the extensions that The haiwdwessew suggested wewe just not vewy wealistic.
(and BTW who invited that weiwd looking kid ????????????????????????????????????????)
We discovewed to ouw dismay, that Lacie had invited Tanner to join us(she said she absolutely had to have a date.
It was sposed to be all giwls, but Lacie insisted that Tanner would be a great asset wif his makeup expawteeze)
It tuwns out he had nevew had expewience wif an aiwebwush, although he had convinced us he could give us pawfect speckles like Fewgie's
(make shoow to biggify this and see the mess)
needless to say, ouw speckles didn't tuwn out anything like Fewgie's, even though she was thewe as a model
(note to self:nevew let the aiwbwush specialist join you in Lacie's special soofing smoofies)
Tannew passed out wif a silly gwin on his face aftew he had made a total shambles of ouw haiw and the whole woom
(I hope the spa has insoowance)
We all went to take a mud baf and a showew to twy to wash off the disastewous wesults of Tannew's awtistic vision. When we finally came out, Lacie was nowhewe to be seen.
Tannew passed out wif a silly gwin on his face aftew he had made a total shambles of ouw haiw and the whole woom
(I hope the spa has insoowance)
We all went to take a mud baf and a showew to twy to wash off the disastewous wesults of Tannew's awtistic vision. When we finally came out, Lacie was nowhewe to be seen.
I think she must have fallen asneep while in that mud tub
My dawling sissie Fewgie was a little twepidatious about coming fow this twip..all alone...wifout hew sweet bwuvvew Jake to be neaw hew and pwotect hew, but I assoowed hew that twoo giwlfwiends will be thewe fow you and that she would have a wondewful time

nothing would evew huwt hew again!
( I weceived an uwgent text fwom Fewgie's Moma who couldn't find Jake and was vewy wowwied..
she was wowwied fow nothing..I saw this pictoowe on Lacie's Phone wif a cwiptic message "mission accomplished"
I just knew that bwuvvews wewe behind this....
when Lacie sent the shawfuww(babyStan) to pick up Fewgie in hew puwple stwetch limo,
They snuck Jake into the woomy twunck
I'll just bet thewe is a pockew game somewhewe in this town)

smoochie tiwed kisses