My BFF Lacie had owganized a faboolous all giwls day fow us.
Snickers,Sally,Agatha,Tosca,Asta Mawie wewe meeting us at Lacie's to go to a spa and meet wif the wondewful miss Fewgie(my sissie), who will give us hew help in achieving hew pawfect speckled looks. Aftewwawds, we will have a slumbew pawty and giggle the night away.
to make Fewgie feel bettew about hewself and hew tendency to dwoop hew pwetty tail, we all pwacticed putting ouw tails between ouw legs to show hew it's OK (Lacie helped coowdinate us)
It was a glowious day of massages, hewbal waps,facials, welaxation, talks wif giwlfwiends,soothing hewbal teas and booty tips
I was hoping to wemedy the last haiwcut I'd gotten whewe my, ummmm, beawdy was shown, but somehow the extensions that The haiwdwessew suggested wewe just not vewy wealistic.
(and BTW who invited that weiwd looking kid ????????????????????????????????????????)
We discovewed to ouw dismay, that Lacie had invited Tanner to join us(she said she absolutely had to have a date.
It was sposed to be all giwls, but Lacie insisted that Tanner would be a great asset wif his makeup expawteeze)
It tuwns out he had nevew had expewience wif an aiwebwush, although he had convinced us he could give us pawfect speckles like Fewgie's
(make shoow to biggify this and see the mess)
needless to say, ouw speckles didn't tuwn out anything like Fewgie's, even though she was thewe as a model
(note to self:nevew let the aiwbwush specialist join you in Lacie's special soofing smoofies)
Tannew passed out wif a silly gwin on his face aftew he had made a total shambles of ouw haiw and the whole woom
(I hope the spa has insoowance)
We all went to take a mud baf and a showew to twy to wash off the disastewous wesults of Tannew's awtistic vision. When we finally came out, Lacie was nowhewe to be seen.
Tannew passed out wif a silly gwin on his face aftew he had made a total shambles of ouw haiw and the whole woom
(I hope the spa has insoowance)
We all went to take a mud baf and a showew to twy to wash off the disastewous wesults of Tannew's awtistic vision. When we finally came out, Lacie was nowhewe to be seen.
I think she must have fallen asneep while in that mud tub
My dawling sissie Fewgie was a little twepidatious about coming fow this twip..all alone...wifout hew sweet bwuvvew Jake to be neaw hew and pwotect hew, but I assoowed hew that twoo giwlfwiends will be thewe fow you and that she would have a wondewful time

nothing would evew huwt hew again!
( I weceived an uwgent text fwom Fewgie's Moma who couldn't find Jake and was vewy wowwied..
she was wowwied fow nothing..I saw this pictoowe on Lacie's Phone wif a cwiptic message "mission accomplished"
I just knew that bwuvvews wewe behind this....
when Lacie sent the shawfuww(babyStan) to pick up Fewgie in hew puwple stwetch limo,
They snuck Jake into the woomy twunck
I'll just bet thewe is a pockew game somewhewe in this town)

smoochie tiwed kisses
Asta. This is Fergi and jake's Moma writing. I am sooo relieved and can rest now that I know where Jake is! I had no doubt that Fergi was going to have a fabulous time, but I had no idea that jake was going to join the girls. That stinkpot! He coulda told me!!! I can't be too mad at him, but I was worried sick!
I'll get off now. I know Fergi is going to want to leave you a note once she is home and over the excitement of her first party with her girlfriends. Thank you so much, and thank Lacie too, for making this such a special event for her. She'll remember it furever!
MomaSally girls....
Not for the first time, I'm so glad I'm a bloke!
He he.
Cheers, Hamish.
hello there beautiful airedales furgirls,
We're glad to see you're having tonnes of fun at the spa and slumber pawty. Pity Lacie and Tanner had to mess things up ... which is a good thing that most baths can rectify in no time!
How's Jake doing?
licks and wags
Tuffy and the Dog Woods pack
OK! That just looks like a total nightmare! All those smelly things and mud baths and hugging and crap. Yuck! Poor Tanner! Don't worry, dude, we'll have some guy fun soon, I promise.
P.S. Momma says your mommi stays up very late at night, huh?
What a wonderful photographer you have - can we borrow her sometime?
We're glad you got Fergi to come for a girls day out - it will help her gain her confidence being with you.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi, Asta -
Mama had a good laugh reading about your adventures. She needed that because she just finished a class and is going to start another one tonight.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
you always have the best trips asta!
Maya here......
What a great great great time you had with the girls!!!!!
Can I ask you something????
I know that I'm not a airedales girl...but pleaseeeeeeeee.....can I come with you in your next spa day???
I'm becoming a girl and I would love to know some girls's secrets!!!!
CAn you teach me????
Hope yesssssssssssss!!!!
Wonderful post and pics!!!!
HAve a wonderful day lovely girl!!!!!
What a wonderful time you all had (despite the sparkly disaster!) Maybe I'll have to get the girl buns together to try the same thing!
I just know Paris Rain would have loved that! Tanner's makeup expertise is world renown!
Tanner strikes again!!!
But seriously, it all turned out with all you gals looking drop-those-tails gorgeous.
Woos, the OP Pack
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay ummm hmmm i think tanner is probly not going to be invited bak to the spa as an employee but stil it luks like yoo all had a gud time!!! espeshly him!!! ok bye
Sigh...I got to Ioway and miss Snickers is not here. I hope you all had a good time.
Sure looks like you all had a grand time!
Mommy just wanted me to say that she did get the card and that she sent you all an email thanking you last week...hope you got it! Now that mom has more time since we don't have a foster doggie, she is going to try to get her act together a bit more and let me blog some more!
By the way, so sorry I missed you on my friends are some of my bestest friends and it was just an oversight by my mommy cause she has had so little time!
Anyway, thanks SO very much for all the support of us while we had Cecil. You all are the bestest!!!
So THAT's where Tanner went?! BOL!
Oh geez, so THAT is where Tanner is!! he even missed Tanner Tuesday! I am sorry you had to deal with his mayhem, he is a total menace. Glad miss Fergi had fun though, you are a wonderful friend Asta.
Hi Asta
What a wonderful day you planned and we just know Ms Fergi will have loved it!
You thought of everything and we were very touched when you held Ms Fergi and promised nothing would ever hurt her again.
We are so pleased the Ms Fergi is surrounded by such a wonderful family and such wonderful friends, she is double blessed.
Loved the pics!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx
Asta...OMD...thank you for bringing that amazing sour cream and BUTTER dip!!!! Those colorful carrot rhodents that Aggie brought are sumptuous dipped in it were amazing!!!! To die for....seriously!!!
Um...should we tell Fergie that Babystan stopped and picked Farfel up on the way?? You woulda thought she might have noticed; she musta been watchin' the telly pretty intently in that limo...I know the movie "Dales in Motion" was on followed by "Dales Sleeping"...I think she was riveted...
I don't think her tail's been down at all since she first got here....
Oh...I've started a few flirtin' lessons with her too...
She's an apt pupil...
Love and kisses...Laciegirlie
oh my, as a committed Vegetarian Dog, I just hope no Cucumbers were hurt in the making of this post Asta!!!!!!
lotsaluv, Marvin xxxx
WHAT? Farfel was in the limo?? Ohmydog NO!! I knew I was a little beside myself, but I had NO IDEA that I was that tuned out. What must he be thinking?? Please tell me it's not true! I don't know how I'll ever explain to him. I know it's been a while since we've communicated, but I would HOPE he knows I still love him. Oh.... I'm so ashamed!
(tears welling in my eyes and tail quivering just a little)
What a day!!
Sure you all had a "terrierific" time!
Tanner?? Jake?? Farfel??
Kisses and hugs
Wow, your party was wonderful for Miss Fergi. You are such a good sissy. Could I come to your next party? I noticed you didn't have any Welshie girls there.
Sally Ann
That spa and slumber pawty look like fun! You look great in the mudbath! My brother Monty loves the mud! Especially to dig in!
Oops!! I mean Lacie looks great in the mud bath!
Oh boy!!!! What a super time we had. This was so much fun!!! It was so great to see everybody and spend some time together. And, Lord knows, I sure needed a make-over! Hehehehe..
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Girl, I'm still sleeping off last night!
Asta, sissie. I don't know if I've even properly thanked you for such a wonderful time. I am soooo tired from all the partying, but most of all because I've been up all day telling Moma all about it. I thought for sure I'd nap, but as soon as I told her one thing, I remembered another. It was so much fun and you made me feel so loved and confident.
I've got a lot to process. A lot happened that was new and exciting. I'm still trying to recover from the slip from my muddy paws. (Did you know about that?) Maybe when I bumped my head, I sort of lost a bit of memory. For the life of me I don't remember Farfel being there, or playing (and winning?) poker with the boys. I hope I didn't do anything that will come back to embarrass me someday. I don't think I did. What is important.... I had a FABULOUS time and every big milestone seems to help me become more and more carefree. Thank you, sissie.
I love you,
Foxy Ladies with a purple haze!
I think Lacie has so much going that she forgets what affair she is attending. Why would anyone think Tanner could airbrush?
What a day, sissy! All girls (and boys too) need spa treatment!!!
Momo & Pinot
Why so the girls have all the fun? How did Tanner and Jake sneak in? That mud looks really inviting. Don't know about the green things on your eyes...
What an amazing time you all had. If only I had known I would have popped Taffy over for a makeover....seriously he has that much hair he looks like a girl. Hope he does not read this comment or I will be in big trouble.
Love the purple limo.
What an amazing time you all had. If only I had known I would have popped Taffy over for a makeover....seriously he has that much hair he looks like a girl. Hope he does not read this comment or I will be in big trouble.
Love the purple limo.
Hee hee obviously our makeovers were FABULOUS because lots of kids think we were AIREDALES!!! ha ha ha ha ha Serioulsy, those cukes are the nuts....ALL the bags have gone...and my spots are so better highlighted... Archie has not eaten since we came home..something about eating 43 hot dogs..... and HE WILL NOT TAKE OFF THOSE PAJAMAS......I'm glad everyone liked the rodent carrot sticks...Archie learned that on one of his cooking shows...He said when he wakes up there is a good show on something he has to learn how to make for the next party..but he won't say what....I think I need another little nap..Love A+A
Sorry for not stopping by lately. You still a sweetie pie and boy you had fun there!!
Hehehe- that mud tub! HAHAHA!
I am glad yu awl had a fabewluss time! Nose hugs!
Lookie at all you square sweetpeas! What a pretty picture. Really almost the bestest apart from my beloved Pupcake of course.
Looks like you all had the most wagging wonderful spa time. And Miss Fergie spots quite made me want to play that joinn the dots game hehheeee!! Now I know no bloggie agrees but I kind of like Tanner's new look. Very Cosmo Polly Tan.
Shame about the beardie extension tho Asta, I'm looking for them myself. Bark if you find some goodies eh? Oh and any of them dogalicious rodents on sticks.
Wiry loves and kisses to you girlies Eric xxxxx
All that girlie stuff didn't interest me until you got to the mudbath part. Now THAT I would like! hee hee
You do look mighty spiffy, though, so I guess it was worth it (Owww! I just got an elbow in the ribs from Glynn, who likes girlie stuff herself).
Happy Tails,
William Tell
All that girlie stuff didn't interest me until you got to the mudbath part. Now THAT I would like! hee hee
You do look mighty spiffy, though, so I guess it was worth it (Owww! I just got an elbow in the ribs from Glynn, who likes girlie stuff herself).
Happy Tails,
William Tell
why is it always girls just wanna have fun. I'm with jake. jump in.
you girls sure know how to have fun......may a chi join you at your next spa date???
it'll be fun as we chi gals like to gossip too and i could tune you in to our chi facials......peefunme.....poobaths....hiney mudpads
Ruff, all of you ladies look very pretty after your day of beauty! *blush*
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