I decided that I should pawticipate in Ms Blue's Twoo Colows thuwsday
Today's colow is
I've wanted to do it fow a long time,but let's face it..We awe in NYC
and Mommi's closet is a colowful sea of BLACK clothes, hehehehehe
hew effowts in the summew to be colowful awe in my opinion not entiwely successful
I'm sowt of embawwased to be seen wif hew looking like a clown
and Mommi's closet is a colowful sea of BLACK clothes, hehehehehe
hew effowts in the summew to be colowful awe in my opinion not entiwely successful
I'm sowt of embawwased to be seen wif hew looking like a clown
As you can see she did get a new pawasol(unkel Mawk called one day and said he had found one in a thwift stowe and did she want it??? it's a vintage one, made wif silk , not papew)
smoochie kisses
we love the colors and the parasol - its NYC anything foes
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
What's wrong with your mom's colorful blouse? You'd look cute in a matching top, Asta.
Mom looks lovely - forget the black - break out the color - it lifts the spirits. Thanks for sharing the beautiful colors of the rainbow.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Asta, your mommi is beautiful no matter what color - or how many of them - she wears.
(And she has POLKA DOTS! That makes me smile even bigger!)
Sissie Fergi and Bruvver Jake xxoo
My momma much prefers cold weather clothing as well. I think mainly because it means she always has an outer layer to protect her real clothes from slobbers.
I think the least your mommi could do would be to color coordinate with you.
Oh kousin Asta,
I weally like your mommi's outfit with all the colors. She looks really cool, in more ways than one! But my question is, where is the rain?
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Polkie Dots...we love em. And we think Mommi looks lovely, happy and comfy and well protected from the sun. So get over it...you will see plenty of black when muzzer arrives.
We think Mommi looks lovely. And we love the parasol - well Mom loves the parasol - we Scotties are scared of parasols and would never be able to walk with our Mom carrying one.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Your mommi looks beautiful in her colorful rainbow blouse, Asta, and we love her new parasol!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
I think your mom's outfit is cute. And her very best accessory (besides you!) is her pretty smile!
we think its pawfect that you've decided to start playing true colours and we love your post asta - you always make us giggle arf arf
oh Asta - Color is the new Black!
and anything goes in NYC!!
I love black too.... colors are fun, but I love black!!!!
xo martine
your mum could be wearing a potato sack and she'd still look lovely....but why aren't you wearing something matching???
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Asta....
your mommy could put on everything and she'd look very very very beautiful and elegant still!!!!!
She's adorable wearing that colored shirt!!!!!
And pleaseeeeeeeee.....stop black...we agree with our friends from Op Pack....break out the color.....it lifts the spirits!!!!!
And Asta....you look adorable and very very very beautiful too...of course!!!!
HAve a wonderful colored day!!!
We think her colorful look is quite successful! Love the silk parasol...Two classy ladies out for a stroll!
We're New Yorkers (Mommy was even born here!) but we still prefer to wear color rather than black all the time. And we've seen your Mommi in plenty of gorgeous colorful clothes!
As for "ack sessamies" — Asta, your blog is getting harder and harder for me to read! It's like translating Chaucer!
Your baffled pal,
Hi, Asta!
Good job with the True Colours!
My mom likes a lot black clothes but she says she likes your mom's blouse!
Kisses and hugs
Ciao bella Asta!
Santa vacca, tell me about it! La mia ragazza has the closet of an undertaker ... everything is black. At least I, Lucia, have the fashion sense to offset the starkness of my black saddle with complementing gingery furs on my long leggies and adorable face. She, on the other hand, is just hopeless.
I think you and your mama look divine strolling together like that, BTW!!! Very fashion forward, the both of you!!
Tanti baci!
I just love your new banner photo. I must say, the spa day was a success. You look so rested and refreshed. I see you got the extentions under control. Looking good GF!
I think she looks super!! A little or a lot of color never hurt anyone!! Well, except Tanner and those spots he tried to spray on. we are STILL laughing about that.
A furry nice showing of rainbow today!
As fur the blakhk - all of my mom's blakhk khlothes have various hints of white and gray on 'em!
Dear Asta,
Your mom's blouse brings a smile to our face. Sooo Fashion Forward! My mommy especially loves her red parasol.
Sarah Jessica Parker, eat your haeart out!
Asta, I think you need a matching scarf.
I luv high fashion, I'm into pearls and pretty dresses. Riley is rolling his eyes right now.
Star and Riley.
That is a happy blouse Asta! Not bad! You should see the way my mom dresses!
Darling Asta, I am soooo delighted to have you join TCT.
I think Mommi looks lovely in her colourful blouse & the parasol is wonderful.
I use to wear lots of black but now find I need a colour and not just blue - LOL!
Love, pats & pets
Hi Asta
How colourful your mom looks - great choice for your rainbow colours post!
The parasol is lovely too and you of course just set the picture off to perfection!
Martha & Bailey xxx
i think your mumster's cool and my mumster thinks she's sooooo pwetty....
i agree and wished mine should growl at me less.....
If I were to select a photo depicting a New York street scene...it surely would be that picture of your mommy smiling and happy! You just have to love it...it radiants carefree cheer!
Hi Asta! We live in Sunny California and I think your mommy looks beautiful in all those colors! We love the parasol too! You need to bring her out here as she would fit right in! Have a wonderful day!
Hugs & smooches xoxo
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow it must be yore mama that the faymus minstrel tori amos wuz singing abowt in her faymus ballad parasol!!! ok bye
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Интересно написано....но многое остается непонятнымb
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