a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fed-Up Fwiday

I'm stawting a new day of the week post..by fwiday most weeks I'm fed up, hehehehehe
I bet you think I'm aways in a good mood..shoowe, hehehehehehe

You think Lacie can smiwk?
Well take a look at this face, hehehehe

This has been a week of fwustwations fow Mommi..not enuff time fow anything
and cewtainly NOT ENUFF TIME fow me.
maybe now we can finally catch up a little wif my fwiends.

I'm thwilled it's fwiday cause it means I get Mommi and Daddi fow the next thwee days
all to myself.
Things awen't as wushed
going on walks, and the wun and playing soccew in the hallway and the quality of the food that floats into my mouf fwom the table is aways bettew on weekends.(I think they make mowe of an effowt when fwiends come ovew and that oosually happens on weekends too.)

Hope all of you have a gweat Labow Day weekend
smoochie kisses


The WriggleButts said...

Hope you have a great Friday and weekend, Asta! We're going up by the lake so we'll be relaxing for sure.

Bajas & Virus

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Have a great long weekend together!
I've commented on your TCT post below.

Love, pats & pets

Martha said...

Hi Asta
Your comments on our blog about your secretary getting too old too made us laugh!
Then we came over here and looked at that face and laughed again!
Our mum is also at home all day on a Friday so it is a good day for us too although it hasn't stopped raining here for days!
We hope you have a great weekend with your family Asta.
Just relax and enjoy - well take pictures too of course.....
Martha & Bailey xxxx


We're not sure what "LABOR DAY" means? Do we have to do all the work while mommy, sleeps, eats, pooopies and plays all day? That's what she said!

That doesn't sound fun to me and Star just shutters when she hears the word LABOR!

Have a great weekend.

Riley and Star.

Dexter said...

That photo is most certainly retouched. You would never make Lacie face! You are a princess.


Tosca the Lakeland Terrier said...

Asta, I'm with you. Our homies owe us bigtime this weekend!

Noah the Airedale said...

Hehehe that face is precious. Did you eat a lemon?
Have a great long weekend. Our labor day weekend is in October.


Islay said...

Hi Asta - hope you have a lovely weekend with your humans!

-Lovey (for Charlie's DogBlog)

Gus said...

have a great weekend with Mommi and Daddi. We are just kickin' back here too...no big projects or major trips.


Gus said...

have a great weekend with Mommi and Daddi. We are just kickin' back here too...no big projects or major trips.


Marvin said...

oh Asta, that picture of you is priceless...........

Have a grrrrreat weekend.

lotsaluv, Marvin xxxxxx

Lucia said...

Ciao bella Asta!

Heeeeeeeee!!!!! I, Lucia, love your smirky face! Eccellente, la mia amica. We occasionally have to remind hoomans that our world is not all sweetness and light ("it's a dog's life," indeed -- pplbbbb!!!) and that one little smirk certainly conveys a thousand words!

I hope you have a perfetto fine settimana with your mama and papa, Asta. La mia ragazza and I are going to see il mio nonno -- he always gives me squisito cookies!!!! (Mmmmmm...cookies...)

Tanti baci!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

As another one being stalked by a certain LACIE BEASTIE, I khonkhur with Mango RH!

Woo khould NEVFUR EVFUR make that face!

Happy LONG weekend with your mommi and daddi!


Sassy Kat said...

Have a relaxing three day weekend with your mom and dad. Happy Labor Day to you and your family.

Agatha and Archie said...

Well don't come here...PL2 is crabby as this is her summer holiday and she has to work all weekend,PL1 started back to work and already has 3 million things to read and mark ,I got a stupid vaccine adn it was not fun and Archie is just being Archie..Love A+A PS We love the parasol and PL2 says she loves the fall becasue then she can get all her black 'slimming" stuff out as well...

Daisy said...

Your little smirkie face is adorable!

Koobuss said...

Hey Kousin Asta,

Happy Labor Day to you, Mommi, and Daddi, too! I never did understand this holiday. If it's Labor Day, how come nobody's working? I'm confoosed again.

What a cool sky background! I like how it's double. You are so clever, Kousin Asta.

Have a gweat relaxing weekend, sweet little kousin.

Love ya.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess My mom finally came up with a new backgound for my bloggie. It only took her weeks. She's a lost cause.

Koobuss said...

Hey Kousin Asta,

Happy Labor Day to you, Mommi, and Daddi, too! I never did understand this holiday. If it's Labor Day, how come nobody's working? I'm confoosed again.

What a cool sky background! I like how it's double. You are so clever, Kousin Asta.

Have a gweat relaxing weekend, sweet little kousin.

Love ya.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

pee ess My mom finally came up with a new backgound for my bloggie. It only took her weeks. She's a lost cause.

Tiger Lily said...

Hi Asta! I hope you have a great weekend with your Mommi and Daddi to make up for being fed up.

Clive said...

Have a great long weekend Asta!

Cheer up - we love Friday's here! The not-so-little man's favourite meal of the week - chinese or thai take-away!! and I even get some too!

lots of woofs

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Asta, Fridays are usually pretty good because it means the weekend is just about here. We hope you have an extra special one with the extra day with the humans.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Duke said...

We hope you and your mommi and daddi have a wonderful long weekend together, Asta! Maybe you can go for ice cream!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Anonymous said...

Awww Asta you're always a beauty no matter what mood you're in or what funny faces you make!

Love from Autumn

TwoSpecialWires said...

We knew you've been looking forward to Friday - three days together! It's here (well, admittedly Friday is almost over) and we hope you are enjoying each other and the food and relaxation that comes with the long weekend. We're hoping you get some yummie eatables... we had grilled SHRIMP last night! (Our Girl said the same thing when she got home, "Check out how you cook when you've got company, Moma!" Lucky for us, we were here. She wasn't. Hehehe! More shrimp bites for us!) AND we want you to enjoy long walks, fun plays at the run, and lots of scritchies, belly rubs and snuggles. You all deserve it!

Off to look for left-overs,
Bruvver Jake and Sissie Fergi xxoo

Deb Cushman said...

Hope you get great walks and great food on this three-day weekend!
We're going to do lots of chillaxin' because Deb works at a school and school starts next Wednesday -- then she'll really be tired!

Unknown said...

I've seen that face before...seconds before you realize I have your favorite red ball! Yikes!

I do believe you have out-smirked Lacie.

Your pal,


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We hope you have a great weekend.

We think you have Lacie beat on the smirk!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I am sure you are going to have a great long weekend with your Mom and Daddy!
Enjoy it!
Kisses and hugs

Sally Ann and Andy said...

It's Ok to not always be happy. I'm not always as happy as I look, but I always know Mommy loves me and my toys are sure fun to play with.
Sally Ann

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

hay,hay asta! ok anok. you duz looks the sexierest wif that look! boyoboyoboy. ok anok. sunny hoo duz finks she is the boss of eferybodee, wel she did jus telleded me enuff. ok anok. geeeeez. (but hubbahubba i duz say!) okokok sunny. bruvver. mmmuuaahh asta gurl i haf misseded u to that moon an bak. mom duz sez we kin start tu visit mor!!!!!ok anok godda go. i fink mom has a kookie jus fur meee!!! i wood efen sharz wif u!!!
Uh, sorry about Scooter Asta, but you know how he is.....I have missed you too. You ARE looking good girlfriend. Oh, gee, Mom has a cookie for me too. We;ll be catching up GF.

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

oops, that was us=so we deleted 1. 1 of Scooter rambling is enough hu? Sorry

♥ Tiffykins ♥ said...

Love the face Asta very cute. We seen the picture of your mom with the rainbow polka dot shirt on, we woulda felt a little embarrassed too!

Kali and Rumer

The Oceanside Animals said...

Yay long weekend!

Teddy Westlife said...

Hi Asta! It's very nice to meet you and thank you for visiting my blog to help with the commentathon. I hope you enjoy your long weekend with your mum and dad.

Huffle Mawson

Eric said...

Asta you sure thats not your wakey up bed head photie? I can't believe ya sweetie pea would ever smirk. Your beard seems to be growing or are they extension?

Wishing you a wicked and wonderful long weekend full of lovely thingummies. And black clothes for your Mom and mine (who did a jig yesterday cos chilly and put on black cardi!)

Mack said...

That's the cutest smirky ever!

We are so excited that mom has a three day weekend too!

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh Asta the photo of you looking all fed up did make us giggle.

Hope you have a good weekend with lots of munchies and long walks.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Have a very happy weekend Asta, I can tell you is looking forward to it.
~lickies, Ludo

Stanislaw said...

Dude! We should host a smirk contest!

I've been practicing:

Yours looks totally awesome.

Enjoy your 1 1/2 weekend holiday!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...what a fantabulous SMIRK!!!! YOU ROCK GIRL!!!! We should start a smirk school...but that might interfere with my nursing education...sheesch...those new books I got are very difficult...

That pic of ur mommi in her bootiful outfit is pawfect...and her parasol...oh my...she looks like a cosmo...that's a compliment....

Barkin' at ya girl!!


Deefor said...

I know what you mean about better food on weekends. And getting more time to do stuff with the humans. Hope you are enjoying it. (I think your mom is a very attractive clown. You should be proud to take her for a walkie)

tula monstah said...

Fed up friday -i hear ya Asta! your little cute smirk says it all! tell your mommie to make your favorite foodies and take you out for a long walkies. don't smile until she does:)

thanks for helping me feel bettah with lots of smoochies- it worked!

toodles, tula

Unknown said...

I love that smirk. Even fed up you can make us smile. I hope that smirk turns into a smile this weekend???

Princess Patches said...

What a great smirk! I think you might even have Lacie beat! We all hope you have a great weekend with your Mommi and Daddi! Happy Labor Day!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I hope that the weekend is being good to you!

Wow! Is that you behind that smirk?

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, that's a great smirk! we can't begin to do anything like that.

we get fed up too when our mom doesn't take us to the dog park enough. mom gets fed up when there are bozos at the dog park. hee hee!


Joe Stains said...

We are so glad it is the weekend too, as you can tell we are WAY behind!!