finally we got down to the dock whewe we go swimming
my pawents twied to wee cill twain me to come to them fwom the watew instead of wunning all ovew cweation
it tuwned into a pawfect swimmie day..doesn't that watew look soft and inviting?
Finally they paid some attention to me, but it was all too showt
that bobbing black spot in the distance was Mommi's head, hehehehehehehehe
Hewe is a smilebox again to show you how the day was wescooed
I got to twy something fow the fiwst time and now I know why kids like to go to camp
(if you hit the pause button in the will get a chance to load the whole thing)
Make a Smilebox scrapbook |
hope you liked today's
thewe's lots mowe..I hope it doesn't get too boowing fow you..I'm having fun weliving the whole week
smoochie kisses
Bored would be the LAST word to describe how we feel after reading your posts! Asta, it is so nice to see you having such a good time with your Mommi and Daddi and all the special dogs and people and boys in such a beautiful location on such a dreamy looking lake! All the pictures and videos will help you to remember it forever. We LOVED to see you swim (like a mermaid!) and we LOVED to see you sitting in your own chair next to Daddi. There is so much to say! We'll stop and just say THANK YOU FOR SHARING! We'll be visiting your blog over and over for a dose of Lake Seneca vacation. Hopefully we'll even dream about it!
Jake and Fergi
Those are great videos of you! Especially the swimming one! We thinks you are a great swimmer! We thinks you are so good at bringing the red thingy back to the humans so they can throw it again!
You're an excellent swimmer Asta. Gosh your mum was way out there in the middle of the lake hehe. D would have worn a shower cap so her hair wouldn't get wet hahaha...sad aint she.
Did you go away with friends or did you make all those friends while you were away?
Noah Willow Tess Lucy x
I don't really like the sound of that whistle (kind of reminds me of a certain shrieking beast), but I suppose learning to come even when you don't want to is important to the humans.
Keep those vacation photos coming. I will dream that I am there with you.
Hi, Asta...
What a great day...You are an expert swimmer...
Loved the Smilebox...
Oh...And, we could never be bored with your adventures...
Abby xxxooo
We love seeing the pictures of your vacation. You are quite the swimmer! It looks like you had a lot of great foodables while you were on vacation too!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
hi, i'm back again as mumster needs company...
nice smilebox and you ARE a good swimmer...
.and mumster loooves all the pics as she misses your country.....she's been to places that i can't pronounce like EL A, Nu Yok, Roar Lay, Ni a ga ra Fours etc etc ....she just loooves travelling, period
i'm glad we're friends now as you are taking her attention away from me during her free time,TQ as i'm also being nagged less...
Oh you are such a great swimmer! We love to watch. Think you take after your Mommi there, because Daddi seems to be in charge of stick throwing?
Thanks for sharing.
We haven't been anywhere except St. Loulis this summer, but muzzer promises that we can go to a beach next year.
Looks like a delicious day between swimming and s'mores. We love your Smileboxes too!
What fun! Swimmie time and s'mores. The only bit of a s'more we get is the dry cracker thingy. You are one lucky girl to get a bit of the real thing with all the nummie gooie stuffie in the middle. Loved your smilieboxie...the page embellies are soooo cute! Can't wait to see what you share tomorrow!
Sniffies all over...
I'm with the Mango! I must live vicariously through your vacations!
I would have been so much more playful than Bobo too!
HI, HI, good to see you swimming in the lake! we love our swims..even theBUSTER was hot enough to jump in for his wilson's this time! he'll do anything for a wilson...anyhow -- not bored at all -- it's fun to see all the swimming lakes around...hey if i swim to the other side of our lake will i be in yours?? we could swim together! enjoy your wonderful water vacation..lots nicer there then in hot hot nyc at the moment!
Ms.Blue, the kerry swimmer, theBUSTER, close behind and Ms.Persephone...o o curls!!!
We could never get bored of watching you swim and of all of your fun adventures, Asta! You're making us feel cooler!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
You are a great swimmer,Asta - we award you a gold medal!!!
Tail wags, the
Oh Asta, your trip has been FAR from boring! I can't believe what an excellent swimmer you are!! And a CUTE one, at that. :)
No way would we be bored hearing about your adventures and you are a great swimmer. Videos r great.
Keep them coming Ok???
Ernie & Sasha
Asta, you are such a graceful swimmer!
You sure are a swell swimmer. Wonder if I'd like swimming in a lake better than the ocean? There was a Welsh girlie down on the beach who'd leap through the waves without a care - not me! Like to feel the sand under my paws.
Gee, what's happened to your hair bows? (Rolling on the floor laughing...) Was looking forward to seeing them at the dog run! (Snorting from laughing so hard!)
It's hot - best place to be is in the pool with a drippy tennis ball!
Your pal,
Oh that Petey...your hair bows are just the lastest Pittsburgh fashion statement along with short bangs and um well interesting beardies....we do seem to be a bit behind the fashions compared to Noo Yourk....
As for that WHISTLE...OMD...we were all sleeping when Mumsie was watchin' the video and we all jumped up and started barking and going sorta hurt my ears...and that STOOPID MANGO said it sounds like me shrieking...sheesch....
Oh Asta...that bikini you had on in the swimmin' video was so tiny I could hardly see it....I can't believe ur mom would let ya wear it!!!!! And I heard via Gilbert that Myrna's is a thong??? Oh my...I hafta wear those stoopid things with ribbons and bows that make me look like a child when Mumsie's around...makes me furious....
I thought your beard smelled really good till Jessica chopped it off...musta been the marshmallows and graham crackers??? Oh yum....
Gotta go and make Mumsie shower...she stinks...
Love and kisses...Lacie
Kousin Asta,
You are such a terrific swimmew! Have you ever thought about entering the Olympics? You would surely win the gold medal in the fetching competition!
I loved the Smilebox! What a beautiful place!! I could stay there forever.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
Asta, we didn't know that you were such a good retriever! You did a great job! It looks like you had a great vacation!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
wow you swimmy so well - we swim too but bullies dont do the retrieval thing - we dont even do the chase thing - we just swim to swim!!
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
Well Asta you make quite a compelling case for swimming as an appealing activity. I may have to review my position on the issue in light of your video. Do tell me, what temperature was the water? Were there any of those nasty waves (I didn't see any). Did you smell REALLY GOOD when you came out? What makes you want to chase after that stick thing?
So much more we need to hear about!
Cheers, H.
You are really a great swimmer. Too bad they didn't let you stay in there all day! But that looks like a great place! Like a giant doggy park.
Hi asta!
wow, what an adventure you had! we love the videos and pictures of you and you are SO lucky you got to go there! We have been to sick to go on any outings lately unfortunately...
Weve missed you though! Hope to see you at the blog soon,
Wags and woofs,
Benson and Gibson
Merci Asta de nous redonner le sourire. Véronique a beaucoup de peine et elle se force à blogger mais son coeur n'y est pas.
Bisous, Faya
Thank you so much for sharing your vacation pictures. We love looking at them. You always have so much fun!
Oh Asta you silly billy, as if we would ever get bored of your adventures.
Your swimming without water wings and blush no cossy, was most impressive though the lure of that red sausage is understandable. Did it taste good? I was a more than a bit worried when I saw how far out you went- was it deep? You must never go out of your depth. Make sure your paws can touch the bottom. Tell Mom the same.
Thoe late night picnics and foods looked very scruptious - even those funny smores things you all have (Petey had to tell me what they were last year cos I didn't know. Aww the boy with you was a cutie...nightie night sleep tight.
Wiry loves and billions of kisses Eric xxxx
What a great post today dear Asta!!!
And what a great swimmer you're!!!!!
But...are you our twin???
You look a very very good retriever dog girl!!!! much we would love were with you and swimming and retrieving together your dummie!!!
And we're wordless about your videos.....soooooooooooo beautiful and exciting!!!!
Thanks for sharing your day!!!!
Can't wait to read again about your adventures!!!!
Hope you're having a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses
Hi Asta, it's Inky here. Boy, I would have liked to swim with you and your Pinkies all day in that lake, too. Did you know, I have a rare disease...It's called water addiction and whenever I see a body of water, I must enter. When my Pinkie goes in with me I am in heaven. It seems she is the only one who understands my illness. So I bark a lot when we go in together, just to tell her how happy I am. I can swim and bark at the same time! Clever, heh?!
Hey, did you climb up on that camping chair by yourself or did someone haul you up? I reckon my feet would have fallen straight through the meshy bits, you must be very talented...
Love, INKY
Hi, Asta!
I was wondering if it was my imagination about that whistle in the first video!
I loved watching you swimming! Sure it was pawesome!
And all the food, the family, the place, Wow!
Kisses and hugs
That was a GRAYTE post!!! I luv to see yu havin fun!
Insted ov "instead of wunning all ovew cweation" -hahaha that mayde Mummy LOL! Haha!
I hayte thunder. Wish I wud sleep throo it like yu!
Glad yu had fun swimmin. Not shor it wud be my thing. Bit too mutch like a barth, methinks.
We loved the videos Asta!! So how come (almost)everyone got to swim to their heart's content except you?? NO fair.. but well... maybe they want you to conserve your energy for the next day!
You are a great swimmer.. were you a mermaid in your past life?
I khan tell woo were one furry furry furry happy WFT!
Tank woo fur sharing the khool swimming video!
Aww.. You dont look happy in the last photo. I hope you get to go swimming the next time. :)
~ Bae
Someone here wishes I would swim or even want to swim like that!
What a great vacation you're having!
lots of woofs
You all looked like you had so much to do, how could anyone be bored looking at your vacation pictures. We like the smilebox too.
I (Hershey) went swimming the other day and had a lot of fun. It has been sooooooooo hot here.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
You swim really well Asta!! I just wish you had more freedom to swim whenever you want.
I hope you got a bite of that yummy food.
Please show us more pics of your vacation. Now that my vacation is over, I really enjoy watching yours.
BORED??BORED??? WEll this is what happened while we read...first we were both asleep and then we heard your Daddy's whistle and we SNAPPED to attention and started a barking fest...kind of a long one..then we saw you swim out in the lake..Archie fainted..dead away because he was afraid you were going to drown..then I almost fainted when I saw the little head bobbing WAYYYYY out there....then we saw all the food on the table and started drooling....and then.....YOU GOT A S'MORE!!! It doesn't get greater than that...Now we are exhausted..Love A+A
We agree with the "nudniks" -- rather than a boring post, that was a totally exhausting one.
But it was the best vicarious vacation we've had in a long while. You're one lucky adorable WFT and we'd go anywhere with you any time !!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
We loved to watch you swim Asta - how very brave you were. We were a bit disappointed that after your valiant effors to retrieve the orange thing it got thrown back into the water!
We have to confess we don't understand that at all!
We thought you were very impressive going straight back in.
We loved your pictures - that looks like such a great place for a vacation.
You dont have to worry about us getting bored.
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxx
What a great vacation Asta!! Really, do keep sharing!
The water looked very inviting. Swimming with no feets on the bottom does not be for me but I could see how happy it made you.
~lickies, Ludo
What a beautiful place to have a vacation. It looks like the most fun.
You're such a good swimmer. It looks very scary to me... I mean your feet can't even touch the bottom. I hope if I ever have to swim that you're there to swim out and rescue me.
- Charlie, the golden retriever who is afraid of the water
Asta you are ester williams. You are a master swimmer. What a fun time and you even had your own cheering gallery.
I'm loving all the pictures and videos of your wonderful vacation!!! Thanks for sharing!
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