I missed all of you twemendously and thought of all of you constantly.
It was a faboolous vacation! I pwomise to show all of it to you, but befowe I get to the pawt about the Lake, I have to show you my last day. MEETING MY BEST FWIEND FUWWEVEW, LACIE AND HEW HUNKY BWUVVEWS IN THE BUWGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

muwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! I'm so happy to see you Laciekins
then the left. babyStan is sooo polite. He just waited patiently to come gweet me.
Lacie and Scwuffie awe mowe inquisitive, and had to ask about my "Ohhh duh Lake". they had nevew smelled that pawfoome befowe

back at the mansion, baby Stan asked if he could get me anything fwom the countew..such a thoughtful, and incwedibly handsome boy
The hoomans wewe going out fow dinnew, and sweet Lacie stood demoowly and said we would of couwse behave while they wewe gone

They took little big nose wif them to dinnew, and aftew a few bites of yummie fish, let him taste Mommi's pawtini
see fow youwselves...no snoopewvision at all, and they say we'we bad
honestly, the pawfect hostess
she picked flowews fow me in my signitoowe owange mixed wif hew signitoowe puwple, and that touch of white..twooly an awtisitc paw
SHE IS A GOWGEOUS ,SWEET ANGEL just like I've been aways telling you.
Now my Mommi and Daddi saw it fow themselves too.
We had a gweat evening..talking thwoo the night about all ouw fwiends, while we sipped Lacie's pawfect dwinkies
The next day, she made me a booty appointment to get the tangles out of my haiw fwom the lake. I hesitated, but she insisted (she is the most gen ewos best fwiend evew)
Hewe is anothew kid waiting to be finished at the spa
aftew the walkies, they wewe waiting fow me to get back
I didn't inhewite his fizz eek (obviously I got my Mommi's and he got auntie Mumsie's)
He needs to entew the next pawlimpics fow suwe
I finally awwived home...ummm, appeawantly, haiw styles in Da Buwgh awe a little difffewent than in Noo Yawk
do NOT say anything about the gween wibbons in my haiw..DO NOT!!!!!

Once I knew, I was happy about it, but Lacie was still a little paw plexed
I almost cwied when I saw b-Stan wunning down the hill to say his fawewells.
Thank you fow youw pawfect hopsitality and all the fun!
I love you , holytewwiews lots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will twy to visit all of you in the next few days..Pleez be patient, I'm so vewy behind.
( the lake pawt of the vacation will come soon)
Asta we are so pleased you arrived home safely.
Your visit to the Holy Terriers looked fantastic, Lacie certainly seemed to be the perfect hostess.
We look forward to reading about the rest of your holiday.
Molly, Taffy and Monty
Asta! What a great adventure...getting to hang with Lacie and have girlie drinkies and lots of sippin n snackin n yakkin all night. Do tell all! I'm glad you are back, Mango needs help. There seems to be some conspriacy involving the Pee-Wee and a family friend.
Asta my dear!
What did she put in your smoothie?
PeeEssWoo: Tank woo fur sharing your pawesome visit! Woo sooooo needed a fluffy tail there to inkhrease the zoooomie khwotient!
What delightful hosts. Looks like you had a perfect visit with your friends. We're glad you're safely home.
I am so happy you enjoyed Pittsburgh. Did your mommi see my house from Mt. Washington? I can see Mt. Washington from my play yard, I didn't see her, though.
your pal, Morgan
Asta what a lovely trip you had. You must be exhausted. I am so glad you are doing so well and I love your athletic jumps. Wow.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
omdog you are so so so lucky. Mom grew up just outside the burgh in total farm country, but visiting the city was always so special. It really is a beautiful place.
BUT more important I cannot believe you got to meet Lacie, Scruffy and Babystan! HOW COOL. Lacie really does look like a nice sweet girl. Are you sure that was really Lacie? No sedation?? I think your haircut looks fabulous and the bows are too cute. Mom said she did learn that living in PA they do tend to be a few years behind on the fashion front.
We are soooo glad you are back and just as glad you had a great time with Lacie, Babystan and Scruffy. We can see in your eyes, everyone's eyes, how much you love each other and how special your being together was. Everything looked pawsitively perfect. (We're a bit jealous.)
We had to chuckle at the tension on Scruff's leash and the tone in his back legs in those two Oowopean kissing pictures. He was such a (restrained) cavalier. Babystan was such a patient gentleman. And you were such a lady. Mostly we're glad you set the story straight about Lacie ... she is clearly a gorgeous, sweet angel. And everything that has been said about her beasty personality and her (large) bottom are obviously not true. Everybody needs a BFF. We're glad you were there and are there for Lacie.
Welcome home! Rest and enjoy the familiar comforts of New York!
Fergi and Jake
Hi, Asta!
Glad you are back!
I know you all had a pawesome time together!
Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Hi Asta
What a great visit! You all look so happy together. Hope big nose is ok.
Hey Asta! I loved reading about your visit with Lacie and Scwuffy and Babystan... Those are great photos of everyone you visited! We liked the walking video! We most certainly are looking forward to the lake photos! Be careful whatever you do!
Woweeee, how wonderful to meet up with Laciegirl, Babystan and Scruffman. You are so lucky Asta. You also look terrific after your trim.
Oh by the way, please come by our blog. We have an award for you.
Noah Willow Tess Lucy
Hi Asta
Great to read all about your travels. I see you toyed with the rugged country look there for a while, before experimenting with a new urban style. Oh you girls...
Cheers, H.
PS Now Asta ,I hope you're not going to start worrying about your figure. Like many males, I like my girl-dogs to be just a bit cuddly!
What a fabulous time you had with Stan and Scruffy and Lacie! We just knew Lacie was the sweetie that we've always known her to be! We're so glad you squashed all of those crazy nutty rumors, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Asta
Welcome home! We missed you but we can see you had the geatest time.
The pictures were wonderful - so nice seeing you with Lacie, Scruffy & Baby Stan. We loved the European kiss!!
We have always known that Lacie is a sweetie and have never believed the rumours!
You know how these things start and then just grow!
You all looked beautiful together - all that wiry goodness!
We are also loving your new cool blog background.
Martha & Bailey xx
I think having you around helped the little beast to behave. I liked the way brudder played with BabyStan. My Master used to do that with Angus.
I think your aire cut is very stylish. And ladies are supposed to have curves, ya know, not be all muscle bound like Scruffy.
Asta Dawling,
We missed you so much and are sooo glad you are back home. It sounds like you had a safe trip and a wonderful visit with your BFF and brothers. We'll have to go by and meet them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
What a fab vacation!
I would just LOVE to herd all you terriers when you're together again. Not that you need herding...you all look so well-behaved!
Your pal,
Well..It looks like a FABULOUS time was had by all( that Scruffy,European kissing...he is sooooo well you know)I have been telling Scruffy the finer points of Earthdogging so I am glad he is practicing....and Archie has been telling everyone about grass eating(his new thing).. And I am surprised you didn't show Lacies new orange blender....She told me she was getting one just for you...We like you hair cut..You look very fluffy and very white..You make us look very flat and gray!hee hee..the bows however???well I don't think I could wear them but Archie said he would.We are glad you had such a wonderfull time and we can not WAIT to hear about hte rest!! Love and kisses A+A
What fun getting to see Lacie. We loves the background for your blog. So pretty. It'll be fun catching up with you. ~S,S,C & F
We are late, late, late. I cannot believe that bloggie let me down this way. I am soooooo sorry that I didn't get to enjoy your post almost a whole day ago.
Anyway, you look lovely, everyone looks like they got along well, and we are very glad to have you and Mommi and Daddi back.
What an absolutely fabulous time you all had!
Wow, how exciting for you to meet your friends in person, or rather "in dog", like that! It looks like you have a wonderful time. You're so lucky you get to travel with your parents.
Welcome home, Asta, we missed you......thanks for sharing your adventures with us :) What a marvelous adventure you had.
love and purrrrrrs
Welcome home! What a great adventure you had with the holy terriers! You may never be the same again! Glad you all had fun!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
Ya welcome back. You have been missed. Sure looks like you all had a great time... We love the pictures..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
Hi, Asta...
I'm sooo glad you got to go see Lacie & the boys...
I always knew Lacie was a Sweet Heart...
Looks like you had the time of your life...
Abby xxxooo
Hey kousin Asta,
Welcome home!! Looks like you had a super time there in da Burgh. It's good to see everybody together. Great photos!!
Someday you will have to tell us more about Little Big Nose. He seems to be a problem drinker. Does he do that everywhere he goes? Poor guy.
Glad you are back!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Hey kousin Asta,
Welcome home!! Looks like you had a super time there in da Burgh. It's good to see everybody together. Great photos!!
Someday you will have to tell us more about Little Big Nose. He seems to be a problem drinker. Does he do that everywhere he goes? Poor guy.
Glad you are back!!
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Oh Asta...
I just can't tell ya how much fun we dogs had with you Girlie....oh my!!!!! Your fur is so wiry....I'm gonna switch to that blue shampoo you brought for Scruffy...will that give me your white, wiry and tummy spotted looks??????
My blender is completely shot...kaputt...I mean it ran nonstop for 12 hours and then died...how stoopid is that...thank dog I got the extended warranty...I'm gettin' the next one in Total Purple....with a little orange trim...so can't wait till it comes....
Since ur mommi makes cakes in the blender (how weird is that???) I've decided to make roast rubber chicken...does she have a recipe????
I need to go and make Mumsie some kind of blenderless medicinal drink...she's coughin' like she has TB; I just know I'm gonna get the plague....
Love ya lots sweetest girl...and um sorry I took at little nip at ur butt...
My bad...
Love ya lots...
Laciegirlie...ur BFF
B L U S H......
What a wonderful trip you had. It is nice to see and hear a different view of Miss Lacie. It looks like you all got on so well. Don't worry about the green bows - we think you got a very nice haircut.
Woos, the OP Pack
What a wonderful vacation you had! We really loved seeing all of your woofie pals and seeing how nicely you all get along. Lacie is adorable and we're amazed at Scruffy's jump!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Wow, your having a great vacation. I you could come down south, we could play in the park. You look like you were having fun.
Sally Ann
hey Asta girl, i don't need to ask as i KNOW you had a great time.....
so you gossiped through the night OR did you two slipped downstairs and had another dwink???? no wonder the blender is now kaput...not to worry, i will not snitch on my new friend
Sweetest Sweetpea of my Heart!
It is obvious you had a BLAST on your vacation. Aren't Lacie, Scruffy and BabyStan the BEST?!! And that Mumsie sure knows how to make a pup feel the love. I was just imagining what it was like to be there with them. Maybe someday we can do the Burgh vacation with them together!
Lacie & you are going to be even thicker buddies, now that you have had the snout-to-snout summit. You're right! She is a very sweet girlie who takes her job looking after her brothers very seriously. She knows how to work hard and how to play even harder!
I can't wait to hear all about your time at the lake and your roadtrip! Whenever I get in the car I think of our roadtrips together & I smile!
All my goober love & smooches,
Aw Asta, so happy to see Back. Come here. Mwah, Mwah, Mwah. Us europeens do 3 kissies to somebloggie special.
What a sooper dooper time with the terriers, I'm so wagging for you terriers and leggededs and even little Big Nose. (Think he might like little Eric? Scruffy quite the dog about town. Does he work out every day Asta? He's one toned dude. And Stanny all gentlemanly and proper polite (must go with the name huh?)And BFF Lacie excelled herself with her horse pitality. The orange flowers, she loks happy and smiley too! Now the gossiping...wdo tell, what did she whisper bout the green ribbons really? I say nothing. Gulp. Swallow those words. My lippers are sealed. Seems they strippers very different in Pencil Vanyia but you look a beauty as always!!!
Wiry love and tons of kissies (from another city on the river!!!) Eric xxxxx
Oh Asta...
What a wonderful visit! And your new hairs cut looks smashing! I was so great that you and Lacie could get some special girl-time in...do you get to do any shopping???
I can't wait to hear all about the lake!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Welcome home dear one! We heard your mommy say they were torturing you at the beauty parlor. Looks like it was worth it because you look B-Ute-I-fULL dahling! Good to hear that BabyStan was upholding the tradition of upsome polite Dales. I'm proud of him.:<)
AireKisses, BabyRD
Oh Asta you are so lucky to get to visit one of my favorite girlpups in dogson!! Did she smell good? Did she tell you secrets? Did she mention my name? Oh, I dream....
WelshieHugs, Hootie
Hi, Asta -
You're lucky you get to meet so many DWB pals. Mama was born in da Burgh so she liked looking at the city pictures.
We liked all of the pictures. But the favorite action picture is of Scruffy jumping in the air. Mama told us that Bosco (my older sister) would jump like that. Mama had a good laugh at that picture - it was sooooooo cute.
We also like your new haircut.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Welcome back Asta.. We missed missed missed you so much!!
OMdoG.. you got to meet more of our DWB pals! We loved all the pics.. you are right, that BabyStan is a real gentleman..
The new haircut looks fab!
Aw.. what a sweet meetup with Lacie, Scruffy and BabyStan. ;)
~ Bae
looks like an incredible vacation - but there is nothing like home and nothing like NYC
Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ
What a wonderful visit with such great friends! I enjoyed every picture!!! Asta, you look pretty with the ribbons!!! Of course, you look pretty any way!
Love, uSSSSS
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