a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, January 15, 2010

HAPPY BIWFDAY GWACIE!!! and a wequest

Sweet Gwacie has hew fiwst biwfday today!

As many of you might know, hew angel sissie Sassie was my sissie . 
She and I and all the gang (fwom the CCSI Adventoowes) had many wondewful times togethew,
Well, this is Gwacie's fiwst adventoowe wif us and I'd like to  announce at this time, that I would be honowed if she would officially become my sissie.


do not miss this party - you wouldn't believe the food she has dished out!

(she has special tweats fow woofie fwiends, so don't be shy about going)
and thewe is lots of fun stuff to do!!!!

photo by Gwacie
fwont caws l-w: asta, momo, mrs. Oz. bawney, gwacie, opus, & olive
back caw fwont l-w: edna, notty, & tintin

back caw top: kawl, coco, & wuis

we will see you thewe!


I also have a special wequest..please cwoss youw paws fow my Daddi who is going fow his checkup today

my sweet thoughtful fwiends Huskee and Hewshey and theiw sweet Mom made this bootiful cawd fow him
I went to visit them just now, and they have lost a good fwiend, so pleez go give them youw love
I am so vewy gwateful

smoochie kisses


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

We know your papa has already had his check up, but momma just said a prayer for him anyway. We have our paws crossed too. Your daddy reminds us of ours...just an all round nicce guy! Bet you're busy with all the Mango Minster stuff now. We'll let ya go!
Oh---see you at your "new" sissy's birthday party!
BabyRD & Hootie

Huskee and Hershey said...

We hope your daddi likes the card and hope that all those crossed paws there will bring good news!

Have fun at the pawty, Asta...

Basset Human Slave! said...

What a great card from Huskey & Hershee.
We wish your Dad all the best for his check up.
We will visit Gracie to wish her a Happy Birthday and our pals H & H.
Have a lovely day,
Martha & Bailey xx

Hamish Westie said...

Hi Asta
I just paid a quick visit to Gracie. All that food! Just looking at the pictures induces Mango-like quantities of saliva....
What a nice card that is for Daddi. I too have my (sore) paws crossed, hoping for a favourable report. I know you will take good care of him whatever, Asta.
Cheers, H.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We will be crossing all of our paws for your Daddi, Asta. Between us, we have 32!

The WriggleButts said...

What a lovely card, we hope the check-up gives good news.

Bajas, Virus and Hyssing.

Dexter said...

Good luck Daddi! That header photo is most happy making.

I think Gracie totally rocks. I am going to wish her happy birthday right now.


Unknown said...

hi sweet asta.. we came back..
the card is grate.. and original..
We crossed our paws too.. for your uncle george...

a big hug darling...

Gus said...

Paws crossed her, for Daddi AND for Mommi. Be sure you have a pawtini waiting for her when she gets home.


Hollie and Janie said...

I'm sending hugs and good thoughts to you, your mommi, and your daddi! Happy Birthday to Gracie!!!
love you, sweet asta!!

ScrapsofMe said...

Oh Asta, what a lovely party spread at Gracie's! Thank you for inviting me to her party!

I will let the support staff know to say extra special pawreyers for your Daddi today. Give him a sweet woofie kiss and a snuggle from me.


TwoSpecialWires said...

Oh! We've got a new sissie!!!! What a wonderful way to start our day! We'll be sure we introduce ourselves at her birthday party as SissieFergi and BruvverJake (isn't adoption WONDERFUL???)

You know we are thinking and praying and hoping and wishing all good things for Daddi today. We will all week long, 'cause we know it's a long week waiting for the results. Just imagine us in that PAWSOME card that Huskee and Hewshey made and sent. That has to be the coolest Best Wishes card we've ever seen!

We're getting cleaned up right now so we can go to Gracie's party lookin' nice. Plus, our Girl is comin' home in a few hours and we want to be fluffy and white for her! We'll have to be careful to not get any yummy foodibles in our beards!

Have a happy day, SissieAsta
Your adoptive bruvver and sissie xxoo

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

We have our paws crossed for your Daddy!

Also, Happy Birthday Gwacie!!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

All paws are crossed for your daddie today as he goes in for his check up. I will be anxiously waiting to hear from you with the news. I know it will be good news. Good things happen to good people.
Thanks for taking the time to stop over for the party. I hope it took your mind off of things for awhile. Please come back and stay as long as you like. Thanks for the wonderful card and being party of my first birthday celebration! You are a dear, dear sweet friend.

Moco said...

Birthday wishes and crossed paws in our house today.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...





Angel Ginger Jasper said...

My paws have been crossed for your daddy. They were crossed for my daddy this week as he also had to go to the hospital for tests. I know your mum will be worried as was mine. We will keep you in our thoughts.. See you at Gracies.. Love GJ xx

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and YES! I cannot believe that I didn't say yes, I think the mom and I got so busy thinking about your daddie's check up that we couldn't hold more than two thoughts at one time in our little brain or something.
This is the bestest of best birthday presents ever! I have received so many and your will last forever!!!!! Yey sis! Boy that sounds great!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good luck to your Dad, we hope he gets a good report. And we are off to join Khyra and all the other woofies at Gracie's birthday bash.

Woos and happy weekend, Phantom and Thunder

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

We have our paws crossed for Uncle George too - we love the header photo.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta! It was great to see you at Gracie's party! We are sending lots of purrs for your Daddi today! We hope his check up goes well!

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta, we down the butt end of the world have all our paws crossed for your daddi. Sending good aire vibes.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Kelly said...

Sweet Asta,
I went and visited sweet Gracie! She is really having a great party over there!

Also, I am praying for your Daddi's test today. I just KNOW that the news will be good news, but I won't stop praying until we know for sure.


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We have our paws crossed for Dad too.. Let us know how it comes out..
Happy Birthday Sissie..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! PAWS crossed for your Dad. I'm sending him my golden healing thoughts. Happy Birthday Gracie. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Eric said...

Paws, leggeds and fingers all the way over the pee are crossed extra specially tight for Daddy Cool Asta. For Momi too,it's specially hard waiting. For you too sweet pea. Wagging photo of you with Daddy Cool Asta. Looking Lovely.

Went to see cute kittie Gracie the other day. Now I'm off to gatecrash her party.See you there.

Wiry loves and a million billion kisses and hugs for you all. Eric xxxxxxx

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Gracie! As for your Daddi: he'll ace his tests, just wait for the results. I know, 'cause I'm a dog and i've got strong instincts.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Happy Birthday to Gracie!
I am sure everything went well with your Daddi's check up!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay am i too layt to cross my paws??? can i do it retroaktivly??? ok bye

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Happy Birthday to Gracie! Is she officially your sissie now?

We hopes that your daddy is well. We will purr and pray.

Duke said...

Our paws are crossed for your sweet daddi, Asta!
Happy birthday to Gracie! You can never have too many sissies!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch


Hi Sweet Asta,

We hope your daddy's check up turned out to be full of good news! Daddies are special, aren't they?

We luv ya Asta and we'll always be here for ya.

Your Pals,
Riley and Star.

Teddy Westlife said...

I have been at Gracie's party and it's such fun! I have my paws crossed for your Daddi, Asta. I send my best purrs.

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Asta,
Happy Birthday to sweet Gracie, I just stole a lobster tail on her pawty table.
What a cute card that Huskee&Hershey's Mom made for uncle George. Their Mom is caring and thoughtful, thanks to her I have received two presents from them so far but I have not sent to them anything. I have collected a few things but I feel that it's still not enough to show them my love.
My paws are short but I could make a nice cross for uncle George, if every time a paw crossed bring uncle George good luck then I'll cross my paws constantly to pray for him.
My family has been devastated 'cause we can't see Betty and Jack(my hooman sister's dogs)anymore due to some hooman conflict. For Jack&Betty best interests, my sister chose to let Betty and Jack stay with their daddy instead of separating them. Their new mom gives my sister more and more hard times picking them up lately she has to let go of them. My mom cried for a week and still weeping whenever she thinks of them.
Every family has their own sorrow but compare with others, my family is so thankful for what they receive in life.
My dear Asta, a big hug to all of you. We love you dearly and keep praying for a positive outcome,k?

Mack said...

Happy Birfday Gracie!

Ms. ~K said...

Our paws are crossed..hoping all went well!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Unknown said...

Hi Asta sweet pea!
Of course my paws are crossed! And that pawty looks like fun.. oh the places we go!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey pal, my paws are crossed for the test results.

Oh, and Happy Birthday to Gracie! J x

Bobby said...

Looks like a good spread for the party. We hope your Dads tests were all fine.

Princess Patches said...

We've got all 12 paws crossed and our mom has said prayers for your daddi to get good results from his tests! That's a really great card from Huskee and Hershey! We hope Gracie had a great birthday!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Dear Asta,
We are gonna keepsez evfurry single paw in daw housee crossed.
I tink we addz up to 20 pawzez, although, since I yam tinkin' dat becuz dey are crossed, da equay-shun addzez up to a itty bitty more.
Here iz how I figgered it:
4x(^~^)=20xd(^~^)700?(+900bloggospearz)todapower&us=500 trillton pawzez!
Hmmm. It haz beenz a while since I tooks da algy-bra. No matter. We justee are keepin 'em all crossed, no matter how many!
Dr Tweety

The Animal Doctor said...

Sweet Asta, we are saying a short prayer for your Dad, we hope that all will be well with his tests. We know how much you love him and how precious he is to you. Take care.


Petra said...

Hasppy Birthday to Gracie and all 4 of my paws are crossed for your wonderful dad!

Joe Stains said...

We saw on facebook that he had good results on his tests, we are so happy to hear that.