a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, January 4, 2010


Mommi and Daddi went to a NewYeaws Pawty and seeing silly Daddi having such fun,plus being able to talk to a bunch of DWB fwiends on the secwet NewYeawsChat, I figoowed this would be a pwetty good yeaw

but when I went out the next day fow a walk wif Mommi ,I wealized someone has weally messed wif ouw weathew....I pwetty much fwoze.
This is NOT a good stawt to the yeaw..fiwst a baf, now fweezing......

hewe's a closeup in case you don't believe me..sheeesh..I love snow, but not this stuff

wicked icy winds..this is not fun..maybe it won't be a fun yeaw aftew all

when we came in Mommi suggested I weaw hew hat fow my next walk..ummm, I can't seee

I opted fow my wawm leggings, and scawf that my Fwiend Ewic sent me last yeaw and my wawm Snitchybug owiginal coat..at least I can be stylish while I fweeze, hehehehe

honestly, wif this weathew,,I would wathew just stay in bed, but now I found out I have to go all the way to Pencil Vaynia fow two days to visit my Daddi's bwuvvew
so again I'm going to get way behind in visiting you

I want evewything to get back to nowmal and stop having all these events..I miss all of you and all these stoopid plans intewfewe wif my time wif my fwiends.

Stay wawm!
see you soon
smoochie kisses,


Dexter said...

Those leg warmers are very Jane Fonda. Not sure if it is still in style or not (maybe in I OWE YA).

Sorry about those icicles on your under carriage. It was kind of cold this weekend.


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Don't let Mango tease you, our sissy was wearing leg warmers when she came to visit - of course she's from California and you never know what goes on out there - sheesh! Hers were black, but we think you carry of the pastels really well.

And we're concerned that PA won't be any warmer than NY - our Mom says it's colder than a witch's .......well we won't repeat what she says. It finally got up to 20 degrees Fahrenheit here today, but it's going back down faster than it came up.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

This is SOOOO my kind of weather!

If woo would like, woo khan hide under my floofy tail!

Khywa & Khousin Mewdie

Eric said...

Aggh. What do they know? Nothing. Legwarmers were back in again last year just a week or so ago. Ask Aunty Jane. Mom has some she wears which she wears on her arms too like you on your front leggeds.

But off to Pencil Vanyia sweetie? Hope you have time to see your bestie Lacie. Oh no forgot. She's in Transyl Vania not Pencil. OOOOOOO Haaaaaaa!!!! That's a good un. I'll use that again!!!

Stay warm. it's frigging freezing here like there too.

Wiry love and kisses Eric xxxx

Gus said...

Cold here too sweetie. Me and Teka wearing our coats outside and our sweaters inside, and staying near the fireplace. We'd send pictures, but Dum Old Mum has lost the cord for the camera!

Have a pawsitively pawfect time in Pawsylvania.


Amy & the house of cats said...

Stay warm Asta - it looks super cold there! We have it here too but we are kitties so we get to stay inside! You look very cute in all your warm clothes!

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Yes, it has been so cold lately. At least you have been able to get your walks in. And you have such an elegant winter wardrobe that you can wear in this cold weather.

As for Pennsylvania, if you are going to the southern part, it is warmer than New York. But, if you are going to the northern part where I live, it is colder than New York. Bring your winter outfits and you'll be well-prepared for whatever part of our state you are in.

Have a nice twip.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We are so sorry it is too cold for you , Asta. We have really bitter cold here and it is getting worse every day. But we love the cold and all the snow we finally have here. We hope your leggings and coat and scarf keep you nice and warm. Mom needs to get you a coat with a hood:)

Stay warm and have fun on your visit to Pawsylvania.

Tail wags, Phantom and Thunder

Unknown said...

If it makes you feel any better, it's even cold down here! It was 27 degrees outside when we woke up this morning. Our poor impatiens have called it quits and Mom is going to bring the hibiscus inside tonight. Brrrr. No beach for me. Although yesterday Buddy and I got to romp around outside. My new favorite game is dropping rotten tennis balls off the end of their dock, then barking for someone to come fish them out. Of course, by then they've floated away! Went to terrier time today. Nothing warms you up faster than racing around a golf course with 8 of your pals. There was a 4 month old Westie who looks just like a baby polar bear. Mom tried to steal him away. Anyhow, stay warm and keep the home fires burning!

Your pal,


Unknown said...

If it makes you feel any better, it's even cold down here! It was 27 degrees outside when we woke up this morning. Our poor impatiens have called it quits and Mom is going to bring the hibiscus inside tonight. Brrrr. No beach for me. Although yesterday Buddy and I got to romp around outside. My new favorite game is dropping rotten tennis balls off the end of their dock, then barking for someone to come fish them out. Of course, by then they've floated away! Went to terrier time today. Nothing warms you up faster than racing around a golf course with 8 of your pals. There was a 4 month old Westie who looks just like a baby polar bear. Mom tried to steal him away. Anyhow, stay warm and keep the home fires burning!

Your pal,


Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Love your snow gear...The leggings are great...

Abby xxxooo

houndstooth said...

A hound always has to be stylish, no matter what the weather! I think you look quite fetching in your coat and leggings!


Hansel said...

we;re the same way asta- can't get any time for posting and visiting.

Jake of Florida said...

It's even cold down here - although not cillblain cold like where you are.

You do look stylin, though sweetie, if that's any consolation.

We hope your daddi's brother is OK -- where in Pencil Vaynia does he live?

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

the magic sleigh said...

Wooos! I see Jake has already told woo the Florida forecast, but I am lovin it! I woo to go out all of the time, but only stay out for a little while, after all I am a Florida Husky, not a Siberian on. Scampi is wearing his little coat in the house he is so cold! Have fun on your trip!
-Kira The BeaWoootiful

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Well... with that weather sure I'd be under my blankets all the time!
Have a nice and safe trip!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

I wish I could send you some of my bone warming AZ sunshine. I hate being cold so I know how you must feel :(

Inky and Molly said...

You keep warm little kitten and enjoy your trip!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Have a safe trip, Asta, and we hope it gets warmer soon. It's pretty cold here too: -8C (18F) this morning!

Bae Bae said...

Oh dear.. you sure look freezing there.
I hope you get warmer weather soon

Have a pawsome 2010

~ Bae

Duke said...

We never got the rain on top of the snow that you did,Asta! It sure looks cold in NY! brrrrrrrrrrrr
You look so pretty and stylish in your leggings and scarf and coat!
Travel safe to PA!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay it shoor duz luk cold their!!! maybe it wil be warmer in pawsylvaynya!!! ok bye

Hollie and Janie said...

They said on the news today that it's colder here in Birmingham, AL, than in NY!! Can you believe it? I love it, but mama is ready to move to south Florida!! You look so cute in your winter wear!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Ohhooho it looks like Jack Frost (or Fwast as you might say) was nipping at more than your nose! Poor little Asta! We're back here in Phoenix now so nothing so cool for us on the horizon...already we miss the snow. Mommy is just laying around with a headache and catching up on all our favorite blogs with us. Hope you had a great visit in PA. Those guys have a little cold weather too our GreatGrandma said.
Smooches to our dearest NYC friend,
BabyRD & Hootie

Juno said...

Happy New Year 2010, Asta and family!!

We know we know.. it's freezing here as well. How can we go for a nice walky? Your leggings and scarf look so cute on you. We hope the weather is treating you well and you're having great visit in Pencil Vaynia!! Send our hugs to your dadid'sbwuvvew and family!

Hope the new year will bring you and your family lots of joy and happiness!

Momo & Pinot

Clive said...

Oh Asta, it's freezing cold here too and we're really not used to cold like this!

Stay warm and have a safe trip!

take care

The Animal Doctor said...

oh, poor Asta! We dont have snow in the Philippines, but I can imagine why you're not happy with it. At least you can still look fashionable, girl.








Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Oh you poor cold sweet baby! I knew the cold was on the way, as you get the weather that we are done here with. Cold, cold, and more cold. It isn't over yet. Plus be on the lookout for snow. I know you like the snow but not so much the cold. What does your poor mommie and daddie do when they have to take you outside? At least you have a fur coat to keep you warm. Does your mommie have a fur (fake or course) to keep her warm? I am glad that as a kittie I don't have to go to the outside to go.

Agatha and Archie said...

Yep IT IS FLIPPING COLD.........Love A+A PS the leg warmers aer so chic...Archie wants some....oh brother..HA HA get it??!! oh brother..oh I kill myself...

Princess Patches said...

Asta, I'm sorry you're so cold! It's really cold here, too! We're even supposed to get s-n-o-w tomorrow! The weather fools say we could get up to two inches. I know that isn't much by NY standards, but here, it's a major disaster! I'm sure the bread and milk shelves, in the grocery stores are already empty! Try to stay warm, sweety!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Stanley said...

My sweet Astaroni Lovepup!

I hope you have a little sunshine greet you in Pennsylvania. If not, you will definitely brighten things up for everyone you see.

Glad your mommi & daddi made it back from their New Year's celebrations in one piece. It's stinkin' cold here too, but I LOVE to be out when it's snowing and come back in with a thick white blanket of flakes all over my fuzzy back. Then I curl up on my couch and dream of you warming me up with some snuggles.

I KNOW that this year will be better than last year. It just has to be (and last year we even got to meet for the first time)! Maybe we'll get to see more of each other once my girl gets her act together and gets us moved from this tiny little hole where we are living! (Can you tell I'm ready to go go GO?!)

All my goober love & smooches,

TwoSpecialWires said...

It was days ago that your wrote this. And we know you are headed back to your toasty warm home by now. But after reading all the comments and catching up on the news, it seems it was cold EVERYWHERE in this hemisphere these past several days! And what does Moma go and do? Give us a bath! When it's snowing outside. (We must've been really stinky.) Anyhow. We know how to get warm. You taught us. Snuggle up close with those you care most about and let your heart glow with love.

We've missed ya, AstaSissie. We'll be glad when we're all back in the arms of our families, in our toasty warm homes. Life is good.

BruvverJake and SissieFergi xxoo

Cookie said...

I wish I had some fab winter wear like you, Asta! It's not very cold here in southern BC, but even a little bit of cold is too much for me! Maybe I can convince Channy into getting me a sweater . . .

Huskee and Hershey said...

You look like a (freezing) fashionista in your trendy coat and leg warmers, Asta!! If the girls are all like you in New York, I'll try and convince my mom to move there!!

Marvin said...

Happy New Year Asta!

No worries about not visiting, we will still be here, in totally frozen UK!

We had minus 11 last night and the forecast for later this week is minus 20 degrees just a bit further north than us, so I am growing icicles just like you!

lotsa icy licks, Marvin xxxxxx

William Tell said...

Layers, Asta. Just put on everything you own! Brrr!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

doyle and mollie said...

we are hoping you've found a ray of sunshine in pencil vaynia - mind you that orange coatey of yours with the flower on it is so dam cute the cold can only make for a great excuse to show it off... no?

Moco said...

Those were quite the icicles handing off of you. You could have been stuck in place for some time.
Daddi looks like he might have enjoyed the par-tay.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...that Mango has no idea what's in fashion in New York...sheesch...I mean he looks good in a kilt and that, but I mean you're in an original Snitchiebug and those 'dorable warmers!!! And I loved loved that fur hat...we sooooooooooooo would have killed it!!

Kisses girlie!
