a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Twip To NewHamstew..pawt 1

Fiwst I want to thank all of you fow th nice weplies to my Fouwf of July Post!!!..
It's going to take me a long time to catch up wif evewyone, and since I just got home , I wanted to stawt showing you my pictoowes of my twip to New Hamstew..it's going to take a few posts, cause I took lots of pictoowes
I suwe hope all of you had as good a time ovew the last few days as I did
I missed evewyone!!!!!!!!!

It's a wental caw, and I stawted dwiving, but Daddi convinced me that I should navigate instead
the twip took fowevew..7 and 1/2 houws...
I wanted to stop on the way and visit my fwiends Agatha and Archie, and Toffe and Wiley, and Maggie and Mitch,and Putter, and Kaci and Hershey..but the hoomans said we didn't have time, ...boooooooooo hoooooooooooooo

Well, aftew endless dwiving, we finally got thewe..this is how you fiwst see the house..it's on a hill and you have to dwive past it and then thwough some bootiful woodsy pawts, and then you'we thewe!

This is the back of it..it's hoooooge

as soon as we got to the fwont..Daddi found my loooong stwing and tied it to my collaw..

you see thewe awe no fences, and thewe awe Beaws, and Badgews, and Mooses, and Wabbits, and well I'm not known fow being a good listenew, so who knows whewe I would wind up, hehehehehe
...but don't wowwy..this wope gives me lots of places I can go...(btw. that's Mommi being vewy happy to be done wif the caw...me tooooooooooo)

fwom left that's Wobewta(auntie Kawen's sissy), Auntie Kawen, Susan( ouw hostess) and Mawcia
(Kawen, Susan and Mawcia went to college togefew)

time fow howsie duvwes, and dwinkables

my favowite is the cheese, but I had my own food too(fow nootwition)

I had to look at the bootiful countwieside

I think I know whewe the badgew lives, but I'm not supposed to visit him

just checking all sides

just a little weconoitewing

that's a pwetty nice view of the back of the house, don't you think?

thewe is a twadition
on the fiwst night we always have Pizza!!!!!!! and no one is allowed to have fun till evewyone gets thewe..
we wewe the last to awwive..let the fun begin!!!!

Daddi is aweady waiting in the kitchen...I think he's hungwy, hehehehe

Thewe is this bootiful old stove in the kitchen too..those bowls belong to the two kitties who live hewe..Daisy and Dot

(this house used to be the summew house of Pwesident Gwovew Cleveland
( I think he must have had staff..it's awfull big)

this is Dot..he's bwavew than Daisy, she wouldn't pose fow Mommi..she's shy

and in the nick of time, the PIZZAS awwived!
Pesto, cheese and fwesh tomato
Snausage and mushwoom

and Pollo Don Juan (chicken and awtichokes in a white sauce)..it sounds weiwd, but tastes gweat..

I had some of all thwee!!!

a bootiful sunset
then a last walkie, and we all plopped into bed...

to be continued!!!


Goofy said...

wow.. that was a wonderful trip, wasn't it?

i would have to leashed up at places like that, for sure!! if not, I'm gonna lost in the woods!!


i said...

What a beautiful house! A great place to be for a vacation! A beautiful sunset too!

Faya said...

Quel voyage mais quel magnifique destination ! Waouw c'est le paradis sur terre....tu as l'air vraiment heureuse de pouvoir courir si vite ! Et les pizzas...miam miam.....
Vivement la suite. Bisous, Faya

Snowball said...

The house is beautiful!!! We like the look of the kitchen.


Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a huge and bootiful place. The pizzas look yummilicious..

~ Girl girl

Mack said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time in New Hamster!!

Did you ever get a taste of that deelish pizza?!!

Joe Stains said...

wow, it looks like so much fun. did you go here before? The rope sure is long, looks like you could visit me on all that cord!! The pizza looks delicious, you are sooo lucky!!

The Black and Tans. said...


What a fabulous place you stayed at and those pizzas ooh so yummy.

Molly and Taffy xx

Duke said...

OMG, check out those pizzas! We hope you get to eat them every single night you're there, Asta! What a fabulous place! Mom is drooling over the stove! Does it work or is it just decoration?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Huskee and Hershey said...

Ohh my.. that is one huge and beautiful house!! Gee.. and the pizzas look yummy.. *gulp*...

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

Wow, you got to try all three of the pizzas. Papa loves pizza. We are glad that you wanted to stop by and see us on your way to New Hamster.

Mama likes the sunset picture the best. And we have to know - what town are you in? You may have been closer to Kaci than you think.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Sweet Asta! Wow...you were at a beautiful house and the countryside around was lovely! Mommy LOVES the videos of you romping around! You took great pictures! Thanks for sharing. Mommy really thinks those pizzas look delicious!!! But...mostly she just wants to cuddle with YOU!


Unknown said...

Asta, was that rope tied to your door back in New York? It sure looks long enough! I like the photos of you peeking through the porch railings. Boy, would I love to chase down some tennis balls on that nice grassy lawn! You just know it was wet with dew in the morning and perfect for a good roll!

Your pal,


Princess Patches said...

Wow, Asta! What a great house! It's nice that you have such a looooong rope so you can investigate everywhere without being in any danger! The pizzas look yummy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Gus said...

Wow, what a great house. Teka wants to kow do you ever get tangled in your long string thingy? She and muzzzer have some problems with longer than 6 foot leads, but the string thingy would be wonnerful as a temproray slution in the back yard.


Stanley said...

Hey, sweet AStaroni!!

You look so happy with all that yard to reconnoiter and sniff! And, you came when your mommi called! WooOOoHoOOoo! I LOVE to watch you run like the wind!

Glad to hear that the hoomans took care of your pizza needs and that you got such a nice variety.

We were going to call Myrna yesterday and remind her to clean up after her wild party before you guys got home. Did she do it?

Goober love & smooches,

Dexter said...

That string is super long. You could really have fun running around the people in the chairs and getting them all tangled.

Watch out for the badger! They are mean critters.


Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh My...I don't know where to start...um...I bet Koobie's mom passed out when she saw that sunset...is the sunset prettier in New Hamster? I mean is is a different sun? It never looks like that here...that was amazing!!!

That house was a former president's? Oh my...were the cats his too??? It was hooge...it looks like it was added on a bizillion times...how old is the oldest part? And the cabinetry in the kitchen...oh my...it was almost as handsome as ur daddi, but not quite...was it cherry? Wait till Gussie's Muzzer sees those pics...she's gonna freak!!!

Oh we missed you Asta...perhaps we should have a pawty up there?? Is there a place to swim??

I HAVE NO IDEA why you found Myrna in a dead faint...I do know Gilbert returned and was jumpin' up and down on the sofa...mumbling something bout being asked to appear on Oprah and he was practicing. hmm...any ideas?

Gotta run...buckets of things to help Mumsie do today....

Missed ya sweet girl...Lacie

Deefor said...

That place looks nice are cool and relaxing. I'm glad you got to run around the yard and dig --even on a long string. It's not so bad. That's what I do camping. Pizza and good smells to roll in. Looks like paradise for doggies.

Petra said...

A 7 1/2 hour drive is a long one! That's about how long it took to get to Rome, too, wasn't it?

But the long drive was worth it; that place is beautiful! I can't wait to see more pictures and hear about your trip.

And ohhhhhhhh! the pizza! ahhhhhh!

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, that was really a long drive. we're glad you didn't go crazy in the car for that long.

that is a beautiful house you are staying in. we think we remember that you went there last summer too, right?

those pizzas look so yummy. our mouthies are drooling by looking at them. mom too - she likes the top one - vegetarian for her. we like it all.


Kyanite said...

Hi Sweetie!

What a great start to your w/e away!

I want a slice of one of those pitza's right now - hungry just looking!
Catch you again soon
Love, pats & pets

Kyanite said...

Forgot to say...
I borrowed your CARD GAMBLING photo's for my Doggy Quote post last Saturday. TY - Hope it was OK


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh my how nice and relaxing that looked!!! And to run free (sort of) like that was the bestest I bet. It's been pretty stressful here...what with Auntie Joey being sick and packing for the move and fireworks. I could use a few days in New Hamster myself!

I can't wait to hear what other exciting things you did...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Daisy said...

I think that is the biggest and most beautifulest house I have ever seen! And those pizzas look very yummy. That looks like a fantastic trip!

Peanut said...

What great fun. What a beautiful house.

Amber-Mae said...

That's a loverly house & yard. Woah, those pizzas! I have never seen that green looking pizza before. I bet it's sooo TASTY! That's a gorgeous sunset picture...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Deetz said...

I can't wait for the continuation......rubbing my paws together.....
That photo at the end of the sunset...WOW!!! Great photos and the fireworks in NY are splendid.

Stanislaw said...

Seven-plus hours in a car?! Awww... just the thought makes be queazy...

But I guess it was worth the trip! That place looks like crazy fun and perfect for some bird hunting and pizza stalking. I hope you're having a tasty time!

Anonymous said...

What a fun trip! Can't wait to hear more about it... and please tell us about that BEAUTIFUL Collar. Where did you get it???

Sassy Kat said...

Wow! What a neat house!! It looks like four houses in one. The yard looked like a nice place to run around in. I can see by the photos that you are having a good time.
Sissy & Sissy

Murphey said...

I'd need a long rope too, I don't listen too well either, especially if there is fun stuff to explore!

Looks like it was FUN!


Eric said...

Wow!! Wicked weekend Asta!!Coo err...what a fab house and garden!!!Were the servants still there to help clear up after all those dogalicious pizzas??? Lovely photos and you look extra 'specially cute peeking through the railings in your groovy flower power orange collar .

BTW - Did you wear your Statue of Liberty outfit on the Fourth?

Looking forward to the next installment.

Wags, Eric x x x x

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
A long trip but it worth it! That house is beautiful!
The tradition of the pizzas sounds great!
I will be waiting for the next part!
Kisses and hugs

Ben & Darling said...

wow Asta, the house is sooooooooo big with a berry bootiful yard & view and and those pizza look berry yummylicious!!!!!!!!!!!! slurp~~
I couldn't wait for the 2nd part of your trip.

slurpy licks,

Kapp pack said...

What a bewootiful place!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Koobuss said...

Looks like a tremendous place and a perfect way to relax. What a nice twip you had! I bet you enjoyed running around on the cool soft grass! Wish I could have joined you. Did they have any mulch there?

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Agatha and Archie said...

Did you hear us sending kisses to you guys as you drove by?? Man that pizza looks yummy(PL2 started her 4563rd diet today and as you can tell she is a bit obsessed) Love A+A+PL2

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

What a wonderful vacation you must have had. That house is fantastic!

Levi's mom

Cairo The Boxer said...

Sounds like a great time, Asta! I stayed at my grandparents' house on the Fourth of July. My mommy and daddy live too close to the fireworks so they sent me to my grandparents - the fireworks make me go craaaaazyyy!

Myeo said...


The house is beautiful and you like you having lots of fun!

Boy n Baby

Sophie Brador said...

That's a fabulous house! You guys sure have some impressive friends. I was going to tell you that you can drive to Montreal in 7 1/2 hours, but we don't have a giant house and yard or badgers to show you. We do have lots of squirrels. I think you'd like them almost as much.


andrahyb said...

bootiful sunset, bootiful pawliday, bootiful hoomans...

drooling cheese and pizzas.
aww! you had a great trip!!!!


Anonymous said...

Asta you are one lucky dog. Pizza and a road trip, wow, next year we are going to ALASKA. They promised!
Sally & Rufus

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a beautiful house! Can't wait to hear about your adventures there. And the food, of course! J x

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oooooh, pizza. We love pizza.

Wonder why we thought your mom and Auntie Karen are sisters? We must have missed something sometime. Or Jan's memory loss has been affecting us again.

Looks like a lovely beginning to your holiday weekend.

Dewey Dewster said...


Wow what a lovely trip you had to a beautiful house in the country...wasn't it nice to have room to run and play? And the pizza loked delicious...we love it too and always get ta share Gram 'n Pap's.....nice sunset too...bet ya hated to make that long drive back home again.....

Dewey Dewster here.....