This is the little sitting woom next to ouw bedwoom..thewe awe windows on bof sides, so the light and bweeze awe always nice..we'we vewy lucky to get this woom..thewe awe zillions, but this is my favowite sweet..lots of places to sit and wun awound even when I'm inside

Mommi was outside having coffee and ummm and evil stick, while waiting fow bweakfast..I tied hew up fow punishment (she was weawing a TinTin T-shiwt to sneep in , fow those of you wiwy types who know what that is)

It was Daddi's tuwn to cook..he made lemon wicotta pancakes ..Mommi only put the powdewed sugaw, lemon wind and blackbewwie decowations on....she got off weal easy, but then she's pwetty useless in the mowning

natoowally I taste tested it befowe sewving it to anyone...wouldn't want them poisoned, hehehe
Auntie Kawen's Sissy Wobewta twied to play wif me..she is vewy sweet and loves me, but I don't think she weally knows what to do wif a wiwy kid...she's used to bettew behaved doggies

auntie Kawen and Mommi wewe weawing theiw twin shoes..awen't they silly???

we went fow a dwive and to find anti-Q stowe and gawage sales..I saw this bootiful little cweek, but I wasn't allowed to go in..Booooooooo

we passed lots of little lakes and pwetty holiday hotels

and I found out that when Daddi was a puppi, he went to a summew camp awound hewe

the antiQ place wouldn't let me in, so Daddi sat wif me outside..Mommi said evewything was too expensive and she could buy it in NY fow that..besides, she doesn't need anything

finally we got back home, and I got my lunch..punkin wif Kibble..I love it

today was a gweat day fow playing we went to the back of the house...thewe used to be a tea house and tennis couwt here when Pwesident Cleveland came fow his summews, but they'we gone now

that little house will be fixed up as auntie Susan's studio...Mommi was jelly

so they measoowed and stuff and stuck little wiwe tunnels in the gwass and then said we'we weady to play

I was not invited to play..I heawd wumows that they thought I might chew the wooden stickies and the balls too...I have no idea why they would think that

so I was tied up and allowed to watch and cheew..that's all

and this is the stoopid view I had..They figoowed that if I could see the ball wolling, and being hit, I would twy to get it

Daddi plays weally well....Mommi.....not so much, hehehehe

I got intewested in this woodpile next to the gawage, and guess what, the day aftew we left..thewe was a beaw thewe...gulp..that was a nawwow escape

the hoomans got silliew and silliew as the game pwogwessed

I think this stuff they wewe dwinking the whole time had something to do wif it
they claimed it impwoved theiw game, all I know is they suwe got vewy giggly

fow instance...just look at auntie Kawen..........................................................I west my case..

they even knocked the little tunnels down and had to put them back

it looks like auntie Kawen is, umm sitting on that stick..I think that's illegal

well, being wefewee and cheewing gave me quite an appetite!

auntie Kawen was the cook that night..It was a gweat soufwestewn wecipe fwom a guy called Bobby Flay....gwilled salmon

and salsa, and potato salad that stings...I only had the salmon

I got sneepy fwom all the excitement, and soon went to bed

the hoomans moved to the scweened powches, cause they wewe being eaten alive by mosquitos

the next mowning we wewe leaving..Dot was guawding the food fow us till we came to bweakfast..he was vewy polite and didn't snitch any , the way I would have

Unkel Dick made Fwench toast wif fwuit, and owange sauce and snausages...guess what my favowite pawt was, hehehehehe snausages!!!!!
a last sad look awound

Auntie Sue and Unkel Dick waved goobye as we dwove off..they awe the best hosts evew!! Thank you fow a faboolous Fouwf of July...see you soon!!!!

let's go home
pleeze fwiends..cwoss youw paws fow tomowwow..
Daddi gets his wesults fwom his six momfly cancew checkup, and auntie Kawen is having suwgewy...
I may not be able to post ow answew vewy wegoolawly fow a while, cause Mommi is taking cawe of auntie Kawen, but I'll twy to do it as much as I can
love to all of you,and smoochie kisses,ASTA
Hi Sweetie!
TY for sharing you lovely holiday weekend - so glad you had such a great time.
Will be thinking of your Daddi & Aunty Karen - fingers crossed for them both.
Love, pats & pets
What a fun trip in new hamster. Your mom and auntie Karen's twin shoes are so cute. I hope your mommi is not notti not after being punished.
I'll keep my paws crossed for your family. Take care
~ Girl girl
What a great holiday it was! The food looked absolutely yummy, especially the grilled salmon!
Keeping your daddy and Aunt Karen in our thoughts and prayers.
What a fabulous trip! We know you enjoyed every single minute of it! Thank you for sharing it with us, Asta!
Our paws are crossed for your daddi and Auntie Karen!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi, Asta -
You are right - those hoomans are pretty silly playing croquet. Kaci and I are sure the drinks had a lot to do with it.
We are sending lots of licks and paw hugs for Aunt Karen and your Daddi.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Bisous pour tante Karen et ton Papy ! On pense bien à eux.
C'était vraiment de belles vacances !
Gros bisous, Faya et Véronique
Hello, we’re back in business! Now we just have to catch up with all our pals!
Harry x
I am so happy that you had such a wonderful time. I would be sad to leave there, too. It looks like paradise!
I am purring for your dad and your aunt Karen.
Asta, we hope your Auntie Karen's surgery went well and we hope your daddi got really great results from his cancer tests! Thanks for sharing your great vacation with all of us!
Poppy, Penny & Patches
You have funner vacations than my parents!! And of course I never get any - they are always saying something about everyday is a vacation for me ... Whatev!!!
I will be crossing everything I have and sayer lots of pawrares that Daddi and Aunti breeze through tomorrow!
Woof ya,
Hey pretty Asta, what a pawsome time you had and the yummy yummy food.. There're alot of interesting pictures :D paws cross for your daddi and Auntie Karen!!
Hello Asta
Thank you for telling us all about your lovely 4th July holiday.
We have our paws crossed for your Daddy to have good results and your Auntie Karen's surgery to go really well.
Molly and Taffy xx
What a fabulous, fabulous trip!
And the food...I need to get my mom to wipe up my drool now!
My paws and eyes are crossed for aunti Karen and daddi!
woof u.
Asta Sweetie: Thank you for sharing your lovely holiday with us. We liked the fact that Mommi and Auntie Karen not only had matching shoes, but matching toenails too! The food looked yummy, the croquet divine, and of course, your company made it the penultimate holiday getaway.
Kisses to your Daddi and Auntie Karen today, and lots of hugs to Mommi. You be good and help her lots, she will need you.
asta, am sure chewing the stick and ball would make your day.
wet wet licks
Hi Asta! You had so much fun in New Hampshire. We hope that your Auntie Karen and your Daddy both get good news and get well soon! We are purring really hard for both of them!!!
Smoochie Kisses! Mommy says that she will be praying for your family!!!
Much love from us to you!
BEAR??!! That is why we are city dogs...of course Archie fainted when he heard that one......Now he is trying to DOUBLE cross all his legs for Aunty Karen and your Daddy......I think he is going to be out of commission for awhile......Hugs and kisses A+A
Auntie Karen's sissy should get an A in effort for trying to play with you, Asta!
What a wonderful holiday weekend you have to remember as you rest up and help your mom take care of Auntie Karen. I hope to hear good reports about both her and your dad!
We are crossing our paws and praying with our Mama that today you get good news!
Our hearts are with you!
Thanks for sharing your weekend with us. It looks like fun was had by all.
We're all crossing our paws your dad gets good news and your auntie Karen's surgery goes well. She'll have the best nursing staff around, you and your mom and who knows how many of your nurse friends.
Thank for sharing your vacation!! It looked PAWSOME!! PAWS are crossed for your daddy!
slobber kisses
What a lovely holiday at such a lovely place. We so enjoy seeing pictures of other parts of the country and world.
Our best to daddi and Aunti Karen.
Tell your mommi we do have our paws -- eight canine and eight human -- all crossed for your daddi and your Aunt Karen. We know your love will be of great help during this stressful time for everyone.
Tell your daddi though that, when Mom was a pup herself (eons ago), she went to a camp in New Hamster. It was a camp for girls called Eagle Point -- and there was a boys camp across the lake -- called Stinson, if her memory hasn't completely gone bye bye.
Lots of love sweetie. Let us know how things are as soon as you can!!!
Jake and Just Harry
That looks like a super fun trip! did you get to have any gelato, though? hee hee
We are purring and purraying for your dad and Aunt Karen.
Asta, that sneepy picture of you is so precious!
We are all thinking of your auntie Karen and your Daddi!!!
Your friend, Lenny
My paws are crossed.....they will stay crossed until good news. If auntie kawen needs care and you need a break, you could come and get me in KS (out of jail) and I could help out...
PS my mum was nice last night and she still loves me alot.
I loved your pictures of New Hamster, especially the videos. What a lovely place! Too bad that they would not let you play croquet. You would show them how it is done the fox terrier way. First you pick up the ball and then you run as far and as fast as you can. Everybody chases you, trying to get the ball back, but since you are faster than any of them, they can never win. And that is the proper fox terrier way to play croquet.
Best of luck to your Daddi in his six month checkup and to your Aunti Kawen in her surgery. I know that everything will go just fine for the both of them. Tell your Mommi not to try to do too much. We don't need her down, too.
Love and Koobuss Kisses to Everybody,
Kousin Koobie
You pictures look amazing! Those pancakes and blackberries are making me hungry!!!
We will keep our fingers crossed for your Daddy's checkup and your Auntie Karen.
Max's birthday is coming up and we are working on putting together a Vegas-themed Casino Royale party... any ideas?
What a wonderful vacation you had!
The kitties and I will keep your Daddi and Aunti Karen in our thoughts.
Hi, Asta...
It looks like you had a great vacation...
I hope they shared all that yummy food with you...
Abby xxxooo
That sure looks like a fun holiday!
We hope that your daddy'd medical result is good and that Aunty Karenn 's surgery will be smooth sailing.
Boy n BAby
All of that food looks DELICIOUS?! We are sending great positive vibes to your aunt and your Daddy!!!
w00f's Asta, watt a pawsome trip u all had...yummmie food and fun times...u nos u daddi and auntie karen iz in our prayers and me and bear and angel lacylulu all gots our paws crossed...let us no..
b safe
... Did you 'steal' any pancakes & grilled salmon for us? Or are we supposed to munch on those pictures instead? They looked so yummy... What a darn good life you've got...
Oooh, we mustn forget...
This is the most important...
Food aside. We're keeping your Beloved Daddy & Aunt Karen in our thoughts and prayers.
May GOD keep them under his Almighty wings, be safe!
We'll pop by when you're back!
To hear your good news of course.
Rudolf & Goofy
New Hamster looks like a FAB place to get away and celebrate your friends! I'm thinking the food was enough reason to be there, but it looks like the silliness and giggling were good reasons too.
I'm stinkin' happy your daddi got a clean bill of health at the dogtor's office. I'll be thinking of you and your mommi taking care of Auntie Kawen over the next week. I'm sure she'll recover faster if she has you there to nurse her. Give her lots of healing goober smooches from me & Stella!
Goober love & smooches for you,
Hi, Asta!
Thanks for sharing the last part of your vacation!
That criket game sure is fun!
I am sure everything is going to be ok with your Daddy and your Auntie Karen!
We will be praying for them!
Kisses and hugs
what a lovely holiday! Thanks for sharing. All the best to Daddi and Aunt Karen. They will be in our thoughts and prayers
Hey Asta, ooo what lovely photos, especially of all that yummy food!
I'm crossing my paws that your Dad gets the all clear and that Auntie Karen's surgery goes well. Please keep us posted...J x
My Mummy is on a diet and is nearly crying over all that lovely food. I don't what the humans drink but it makes them very strange.
Simba x
I really enjoy reading your trip to new hamster....and I hope both your daddy & aunty karen are well.
slurpy licks,
Hi again!
TWO blog awards to you from me with love!
Hi Asta
I hope you get to go back there real soon. The yard and all that good food. Perfect place for a doggie vacation. And Arrow and me will be thinking of Auntie Karen and your Daddi. Give them some licks from me.
That palce looks wonderful! I want to go visit there! All that grass, all that yummy food, all those great places to go for adventures! I am extremly jealous!!!!
Our paws are crossed and we're sending good vibes to your Dad and Aunt!!!
Have a great weekend - or probably a restful weekend after all that fun you ust had!!
You've got me drooling over here with all the pictures of food that you posted!
I'm getting some good rest right now, and I'm gonna send some ESP over to your Daddi and Aunt Karen!
It's on it's way!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
MMMMM Salmon...and we're not even kitties!!!
So glad Daddi is ok!! We sent a vat of terrier zen to him and Auntie Kawren...hope she isn't too sore today!
You surely had the best weekend ever. I can't believe they didn't let you play croquet...I'm sure you had some orange bootiful period Victorian dressie ya coulda worn for the event, too....
Kissies to all!!!
PEE ESS I'm not sure Myrna and Gilbert are ever gonna be good communicators if they don't stop passin out!!
Sissy Asta!!
We'll cross our paws for your daddi and autie Karen!!
We enjoyed looking at many lovely photos from your vacation!! Bootiful weather, bootiful hooomans!! We would love to try those pancakes and grilled salmon!!
Momo & Pinot
You know we are rooting for good results for your Daddi and hope your auntie gets better really quick from surgery.
Murph and Reilly!
You know we are rooting for good results for your Daddi and hope your auntie gets better really quick from surgery.
Murph and Reilly!
Asta, Wheelie sorry I have'nt wagged over here before now.Mom wouldn't let me, she has been working like a dog, day and nightie!! No time for me. But me's remembered what was happening with Daddi and Aunty Karen and me and Momi have been thinking of you all this week and keeping everthing crossed for them.
The hampster holiday looked heavenly!!! Fun, friends, food (mmm that food....dogalicious) drinkies and play.Pawfect. And what a bootiful place too.I'm green when I should be orange...
Take care Asta. Wiry wags, nuzzles and kisses. Eric x x x x
We are glad you had such a lovely fourth. The food looked delicious, we got hungry just looking at it. I am afraid we wouldn't of had such good maners. We would have probably jumped up and goobled it right up it looked so good.
We will be purring for your Aunt Karen and your Dad. We will also says some prayers for your Mom as being a nurse is tough work. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Look at all that delicious food and beautiful scenery! Glad you all had a nice time!
I am crossing my paws and thinking good thoughts for your Dad & Auntie Karen.
Love Clover xo
What a nice 4th of July..ya shoulda got that ball 'n colored stick though..I am sure ya coulda played better than the hoomans....too many pawtinis will do ya in fer sure...hope all is well with yer Dad and Auntie Karen...keepin' our paws crossed here....
Dewey Dewster here.....
Wobewta is kind of goofy, huh? I don't get those see-through shoes at all.
We hope you got good news for your Daddi and your Aunt Karen is ok, we have been thinking about you.
hi Asta, that is such a beautiful place where you stayed. we love the huge big yard and the giant porch. presidents always have the nicest places, don't they? you are lucky to get to visit there. we can see why you don't want to say good bye.
we are sending you a ton of curly poodle good luck and healthy vibes for your daddi and auntie Karen. if you are taking care of them, then we know they will have to be okay.
Asta, We read the good news about your dad and that your auntie Karen's surgery went well over at the CB, so we just had to come by to say how grateful we are to hear this.
What a lovely time you had. All our thoughts are with your daddi and Auntie Karen.
Asta, I just finished reading all about your trip to New Hampster in 3 parts. It looked like you had a very good time. It's so nice of your parents to take you everywhere with them. In one of your videos your mom was acting just like my girl...telling you not to eat grass and wanting to get your eye gunk out for you. Maybe that's just a mom thing.
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