a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, July 18, 2008

Finally Back

I'm finally back and sooooo vewy behind in posting...I'm finally going to stawt twying to wespond to evewyone and twy to catch up on all the stuff that Mommi has neglected.

this painting was a pwesent fwom Sassy cat (my sissy) fow attending hew Mom's birfday pawty...Thank you vewy much sissy..it was lots of fun, and I didn't expect a pwesent..you awe so thoughtful..it's twuly bootiful

Then I was given this bootiful heawt awawd fwom my good fwiend Deetz...Thank you so much sweet Deetzy..I love puffy heawts...

I'd like to pass it on to my fwiend Puttew, who is wecovewing fwom suwgewy.... to Petey, cause he's wowking so hawd taking cawe of his Mom..and to Jackson, who has a scaw on his eaw (I'm suwe it will make him even mowe handsome)......to Faya , who is expecting a new fuwwy baby......and finally to Eric Squawe Dog..to show him I love him and am cewtainly not mad at him

my BFF Lacie came ovew to go shopping fow appwopwiate outfits fow Snickew's Birfday Pawty this Weekend..as oosual, we got a little cawwied away, and almost melted in this howwific heat
this is one of the suits I got...what do you think???

Finally I got all the gifts and toys, and evewything weady to go..
I hope I don't melt while I wait fow AIW WUBY
I can't wait to see all of you thewe and celebwate ouw Dawling Miss Snickers' 6th Birfday

I've missed all of you sooooo much!


Dexter said...

Asta - I tagged you. Come and visit.

Duke said...

Sassy cat's painting is just gorgeous! We love it!
And we love your orange bikini,Asta! It's YOU for sure!
See you at the pawty!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

William Tell said...

You look cute in your 'suit, Asta! Have fun at the party!

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Hi Asta, we missed you too. We hope your Aunt Karen is all better now. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Peanut said...

see you at the party

Gus said...

ooooh, love the orange suit! can't hardly wait to see it in pawson.


Deb Cushman said...

We think you look lovely in your beautiful bikini! Woo Woo! Glad you're back!

Patience-please said...

Glad you're back, Asta! We know you and your mommi helped your Auntie Karen loads, and we just had to struggle along without you for a while... We're behind, too, since the servant went to visit Swede William's nana in Sweden!

wags from the whippets

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure I hope this post means you Auntie Karen is doing very well!
I like your orange bikini!
See you at the party!
Kisses and hugs

Noah the Airedale said...

Tres chic Asta. See you at Snickers' pawty.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Amber-Mae said...

That painting is very nice & congrats on your award! Welcome back too! You look good in your new orange bikini. You gonna wear that on Snicker's Barkday pawty?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

woooaaah I like that suit!! ummm wow. The party is going to be PAWESOME! I am sorry the heat seems to be leaking out of AZ and finding you!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, congrats on your award and thank you so much for passing it onto me. I'm so glad you don't mind my new scar. The vet doesn't know why the hair isn't growing back. He stole some more blood from my neck this week, grrrrr!
How is Auntie Karen doing? I hope she is recovering well. See you at Snicker's pawty! J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Good to have you back. Have a great weekend.

Simba x

Dexter said...

Momma really likes your new painting.

You were very brave to go out in the heat to go shopping, but a girl wants to look her best and you look fab in your new swimsuit.


Mack said...

Wowee! That orange swim suit looks fab on you Asta!

I know you and Lacie had tons of fun shopping - I can't wait to see you at the pawty!!


Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

The painting is very nice. It looks like you and Lacie had fun shopping. See you at Snickers pawty.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Daisy said...

Asta, you look like a ray of sunshine in your pretty orange bikini!

Princess Patches said...

Asta, we're glad you're back and we hope this means Auntie Karen is doing well! Love the orange swim suit! See you tomorrow at Snickers' pawty!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Unknown said...

Make sure you tie your bikini properly so you don't have a Lacie-like incident! (It doesn't look like you quite got it tied behind your back...Did Stanley offer to help?)

Very excited about Butchy & Snickers party - it will be my first time flying Aire-Ruby!

Your pal,


Moco said...

Fun, fun, fun!

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I missed you...Look like you did some shopping...That's always fun...

Have fun at the pawty...

Abby xxxooo

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sassy cat's painting is just gorgeous! We love your orange bikini,Asta! We have missed you!!!

Smoochie Kisses!

Snowball said...

You look ao sexy in your new swim suit. I am sure you will get lots of wolf whistles at the pawty.


Randi said...

Awww Asta..you look so smashing in your bikini...can you give me some of your diet tips? You always look so gorgeous!

Love & Licks,

Islay said...

What adventures you have, Asta! I get dizzy trying to think of all of the travelling you are doing, but am so glad you're back!

licks & slobbers

Jans Funny Farm said...

Guess this means your auntie Karen is doing better. That's good news.

Have fun at the party.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...I told ya that suit was gonna be the hit of the pawty!!!!!

You have the cutest figure...you could wear any kind of suit...even those ones with the boy shorts that you have to have sticks for leggies and NO BUTT so to speak of....

And with ur coloring...well, black and white goes with ANYTHING!!

Don't we look fab in shoppin' in New York...do you think that new self tanner shade I have on my legs is too dark??? I can never tell...sometimes it make me look orange and that's just not my color with red fur and all....

Mumsie was rollin' on the floor laughing at our pic by the store window...hope she laughs that hard when the Visa bill comes!

Gotta go and cut the tags off of all my pretty new things. This year I don't even need a padded top style in my bikini!!! WAHOOOOOO!!!1

Laciegirl ur BFF

Deefor said...

I love the eyes in that picture. Since they cut the hair on my eyes I notice everything! Like that sexy bikini.


Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

You and Lacie sure did a good job shopping, as usual. Everything that you got looks great. I especially like your bathing suits. They are perfect for the pawty. See you there!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, dat painting iz just bute ti ful...congrats on u award...heehee and u and lacie looked like u had fun shoppin..

b safe,

Eric said...

Asta, I missed you.You have given me a lovely award, I's melting like you now and my eyes are all drippy with happiness... you are the bestest friend, me woofs lots ... thank you so very very much.I'm bursting with pride.

I see you and Lacie went to Barkeys to shop? They give you personalised bags - wow that's styling girls. Wondering if Lacie pedalled up there on that bike as she seems to be wearinga pair of pedal pushers? Hahaha!!!The new cossies look hot hot hot!!! I don't have one so I'm planning on wearing my raincoat. Nice and waterproof......

Big wigging my wag, Eric x x x x