a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, July 21, 2008

Snickers' BirfdayBash, and ovewdue awawds

I know it looks like I'm being shelfish, but in fact, I was giving them advice on how to woo theiw sweetie pies

photo by Asta

fwom lowew left clockwise: Jackson,babyStan,Archie,Lenny,Butchy,Flash,Kirby,Sweed William,Sam I Am,Noah,Boy,Toby,Eduardo,Eric in his owange waincoat,Rudy,Scruffy,Gussie,Huskee boy, Peanut.....
the smallew ciwcle stawts wif Tannew doing his welaxing WHATSUPPPPPP, Mack,PeteyDewey,Joey,Chef,Rocky and Mitch

I'm so behind wif posts..these wewe given to me a while ago, and I still have othew things I haven't gotten to, but hewe's a stawt

I want to thank my fwiends who have given me these awawds:

the Arte-y-Pico
this was given to me fiwst by Petey, then Hershey and Kaci, the 4 Bs and Abby
Thank you all so vewy much!!!!!!!

In accordance with the rules set by Arte-y-Pico we must clearly state THE RULES...so grab a pawtini and make yourselves comfy....here you go...

1. You have to pick FIVE blogs that you consider deserve this award for creativity, design, interesting material and also contribute to the blogger community regardless of language.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and a link to his/her blog to be visited.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and link to the blog that has given him/her the award itself.

4. Award winners and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of the "Arte-y-Pico" blog so everyone will know the origin of the award.

5. In compliance with said RULES, the award winner must show the rules.

I will pass this award to Dewey Dewster, Stanley and Stella, , Wally and Ethel, Mango, Rocky,Bear and angelLacyLulu

I also got two of the most wondewful awawds fwom my gweat hooman fwiend BLue..I'm sowwy it's taken me so long to post this..

I'm not so suwe I desewve this..I don't wite poetwy and songs and wondewful stowies like so many of my fwiends..but I will tweasuwe it!..

The photogwaphy awawd means a gweat deal to me, cause I wowk vewy hawd on getting good photos of all ouw adventoowes...Thank you so vewy much Blue!

I'd like to pass this along to Patience and the whippet Waggle , Gussie and Muzzew, and Scruffy ,Lacie and babyStan and Mumsie...Petey and His hooman, and Joe Stains,Tanner and Rhoda
all of them constantly amaze me wif theiw wit

and lastly...please don't forget to vote for the best pictures of the International Goodie Exchange at Chef's photo album!

Thanks evewyone!!Have a wondewful week!


Unknown said...

Hi Asta,

It's Mica here. Petey has a terrible hangover from too many of Lacie's smoothies. He was wondering if you have a spare icepack?

Your photo must have been when he decided to go skinnydipping around midnight.



Petra said...

It looks like you were the center of attention at the party, Asta!

Peanut said...

Flash and I learned a lot from you Asta so thanks. You deserve all those awards.

Joe Stains said...

That is the ONLY time I will be in the water, just for YOU! We had so much fun at the party, I think I will be pooping smores for a week!!!

PB 'n J said...

Oh what fun you guys are having!

Congratulations on all your awards Asta, they are well deserved!

Petra said...

Oh, Asta --- I meant you were the center of attention in a good way, not a bad way! I'm sorry if you got the wrong impression. And you have lots of good advice to give ~~~ no doubt about it, girl!

Lacy said...

w00f's Ms Asta, me wuz in awe of ur gorgousness...me had wayyyy lots of fun at ms snickers pawty...congrats on ur awards, and thank you fur passing the Arte-y-Pico award on to us...u sooo deserve the photo award, ur picturs iz pawtastic..heehee mama cood never learn to do dat...

b safe,

Gaia the Airedale said...

Asta congrats on all the awards! Dont forget I gave you one too a couple of posts back!

puppy breath,

Mack said...

That party was WILD and wooly wasn't it! I appreciate all the advice. You are one smart and beautiful girl Asta!

Noah the Airedale said...

We had a blast at Snickers' pawty Asta. That sure is a nice piccie of you with all the boys.
Congrats on your awards btw...they're well deserved.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Looks like you had a great time at the pawty...& you had all the guys attention...

You sure got alot of Awards...You deserve them all...

Abby xxxooo

Joe Stains said...

Thank you for the award Asta, I am so sorry I missed it the first time, that is what happens when Mom comments on stuff at work!! we will post the award tomorrow.

Dewey Dewster said...


What a party horse you are.....adorin' eyes of all the guys just trained on ya in that super outfit.....congrats on yer awards...'n thanks fer the Arte-y-Pico award....ya won't believe we got it from Oorvi and Eric too so a triple honor it is.....fer sure... don't think we can find 5 blogs that don't have it though.....but we'll look anyway...

Dewey Dewter here....

Dexter said...

Oh Asta! Thank you for the award (its the second time I have received it). It really cheered me up to know that you were thinking of me even when surrounded by all those studly dudes.

Super Slobbers,

Duke said...

Thank you for the heart to heart girlie advice, Asta! It was sure appreciated! Maggie and I sure had a great time at Snickers pawty!
Congratulations on all of your awards! You deserve them all!

Yer friend,

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

The birthday pawty was tons of fun. We hope everyone enjoyed the home made ice cream that Papa made for us to take. It's a good thing Ruby had a freezer on the plane - we would have had ice cream soup.

We didn't know that you had so many "boyfriends." You are a little flirt, aren't you? That's OK you look smashing in your bathing suit. We would not look as good as you in that suit.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

i said...

What a fun time! Congrats on your awards!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

What a fun time with the boys.
Those are pawsome awards Asta. ;)

~ Girl girl

Moco said...

It looks as if your advice will be well taken in the future. Quite the gathering at another gala event.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure it was nice to be surrounded for all the boys there!
Congratulations on your awards!
Kisses and hugs

Koobuss said...

I hope all those guys were listening to you, Asta, especially Petey. I'm sure you gave them some good advice.

Congratulations on the awards. They are well deserved.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Deb Cushman said...

Looks like you had a great time at the Birthday Bash! Looks like you were a popular gal at the pool!

Ben & Darling said...

*blush* Asta, you look so sexy ler....we always live your pic....both you & your mommy are great artist.

slurpy licks,

Amber-Mae said...

Wow! You were a big attraction huh Asta? You look nice in your swimming suit. No wonder the boys couldn't resist. Hehehe!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, love your hairy legs! I know it looks like I'm laughing in that photo - I think it was at Tanner's antics!
Congrats on your awards! J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Dropping by to say hello. Hope you had a great weekend.

Simba x

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, what a lot of well deserved awards!!! Congratulations!!!

Amber said...

Hey Asta, you look so great at the pawty. glad you had fun :) Congrats on all the awards~


Daisy said...

Asta, you sure have shapely legs!

Clover said...

Congrats on your awards! You so deserve them!
Love Clover xo

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Good Heavens...it's not like me to THINK I typed a comment, only to go back and see I didn't. Asta..that pic reminds me of Scarlet O'Hara sitting at the BBQ with all her beaus!!! And you do have so many! Wasn't the pawty a blast??

That emergency walk in' clinic that I opened around midnight for anyone who need first aid or required my nursing services was amazingly busy! Harry wanted his blood pressure taken...I think seeing Maggie elevated it a bit. Stanley...(goober) had a small abrasion on his face...ok a BITE MARK...that Stella is a tough sissy. Um...who else (OH, I'm not violating the HIPPA thingie...all dogs signed my name so that I could blab about them.) Archie, Myrna and Gilbert came in for repeated syncope...ya know faintin'...I hooked them all up to Holter moniters to moniter their hearts for arrythmias...Um...both Myrna and Gilbert appear to be heartless...like they were both flatlined and walkin' around. Archie has severe vasovagal reactions...he sees LIKE ANYTHING and he passes out cold. I'm havin' him learn to walk on his front leggies...a flipped Trendelenburg position...ya know...like a Wheelbarrow...it seemed to help. The Wheelies suggested it. You, Gooberstan, Koobie, Scruffy, Eric, Agatha and others too numerous to mention came in with hypothermia due to the midnight skinny dippin in the pond. Thankfully we had lotsa warm blankets and some of my warmitup smoothies. I was hoping some of the antics goin' on under those blankies on the stretchers were just snugglin' together for heat and NOT CANOODLING. Miss Snicker's Mama specifically requested that NON OF THAT BE PERMITTED. Come to think of it I do remember Snickers and Gussie on an ectra wide gurney, but I think they were playing checkers. Then Teka came in with Swede William...um...I can't even tell ya what she wanted. That Petey went through almost all my ice packs for his head. He's a smoothie lightweight, that one!!! Babystan had a bump on his head from passin' out lookin' at that pic Cassidy sent him...needed more ice there. Did you see Gaia flirtin' with Babystan? She came in for a jagged nail...it felt pretty smooth to me...but Babystan was on the next stretcher. Asta Marie needed some Muttrin for a sore back. Something bout cramin' herself into a drinkin'bowl last week. Dewey needed...um...don't wanna go there either.

OK...enuff is enuff...if you saw any patients that night, (when you were done canod er canoeing with Stanley, feel free to add to my list...we could post it for inquirin' minds who wanna know!

Gabby barks, ur BFF...lacie

OH>..that fab pic of us in front of Barney's....is on my desktop. So glad you took the snap before that horrid dog spilled that caramel latte all over me.....!

Eric said...

Asta, you are a star and of course you deserve those awards and more!! The photo of you with all us boys is WICKED and 'MAZING!!!!!!, Mom tells me that that would be a LOT of hard work with so much detail of the reflections and the water splashing....how VERY VERY VERY clever you are. I've been looking at it for ages as so much to see and it's very funny,(I love me in my raincoat too he he!!)So huge woofs of admiration.

wags, Eric x x x

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


You sure are busy! Have you ever thought about taking a vacation? Perhaps you would like to come to Arizona and play some bitey face with me? I will let you stay in my more luxurious bed!!!

Hehehe! I hope all is well in your world!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

We love your picture. You are not being selfish just teaching!!
Congrads on all your awards. Well deserved...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Chrissie said...

Hello, Asta! Thanks for stoppin' by today and dancin' the Twist with us! Woofies are always welcome! You should see Roxy and Lucky twist-they're a hoot!

Kirby said...

Hi Asta,

I had the best time hanging out with you at Butchy & Snickers place! You are such a sweetie, you've got all us guys crushing on you. He he!!

Your pal,

Snowball said...

Asta, no wonder I heard some of the grumbling about the boys not giving them any attention at all. They were all attracted to you and have no time to look at other girls! I hope they dun set dress codes or set rules on the dos and don'ts for the next pawty.

Congratulations on the award. You totally deserve them.


Huskee and Hershey said...

*nervously* Oh dear... I sure hope that Baby doesn't spot me in the first pic. You know girls can be a tad 'sensitive'... But in case she asks, I'll explain that you were giving me advice on how to select the best 'carat'.

The Cat Realm said...

Asta - you got showered in awards! Congratulations, you sure deserve them all! And what a beautiful picture of you in that bathing suit, Mrs.OZ got a bit envious, hahahahahahahahaha - I don't think she would fit that well in a suit like this, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Kyanite said...

Hi Asta!

Re Jackson - I'm worried too sweetie.
Have exchanged emails with JI.
We'll have to wait on the tests as vets baffled!!!
Fingers & toes crossed.

Love, pats & pets

Stanislaw said...

What a luxurious birthday bash!
Congrats on all of those awards. you are one popular pup!

Deb Cushman said...

We wanted to give you an award, too! Drop by when you have a chance to pick it up! You rock, Asta!