a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, October 16, 2009

A Wetiwement pawty fow Sassy and my DADDI's Biwfday

As many of you know, I have had the wawe pwiviledge of being pawt of the boawd of Little Pwoductions, along wif my fwiends Karwl,Ruis, Opus, Ollie,Momo and ouw CEO Sassy.

I am sad to announce,that ouw beloved and bwilliant CEO and foundew along wif Angel Woscoe is wetiwing.
We awe all very upset about it, but as Kawl says ,"you can't tell a cat what to do - especially not a Sassy-cat... So we accept the facts but will give her a BIG retirement surprise party. She thought she could get away with just having a little get-together of the Little Productions board members but we went ahead and rented Versailles for the party and combined it with a trip to Paris."

photo by Sassy
l-r: Olive, Gracie, Ruis, myself, photo of dear sweet Roscoe, Opus, Momo, Karl, & Asta
We all gathewed in the boawdwoom fow Sassy's wetiwement pawty, to toast hew and wish hew many new adventoowes
we had teaws in ouw eyes fow the end of an ewa,but ouw heawts awe full of love and wondewful memowies of the many good times we've had

photo by Sassy

Hewe is a pictoowe of us in fwont of The Studio wif Sassy handing ovew the keys to Opus

Sassy thought that was the end of hew wetiwement pawty, hehehe
but not so fast

Kawl made a special suwpwise announcement : "As our CEO Sassy is stepping down from her position at Little Productions (read about it at Sassy's blog) we (Opus and Ollie, Momo, Asta, Ruis and Karl) decided to give her surprise party! At Versailles! And of course combine it with a trip to Paris, hahahahahahahahahaha."

Please go and wish Sassy well and give hew youw love and

Please join us in this five day adventure over at the CCSI blog:
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5


This was my Daddy as a little boy

he was bown 70 yeaws ago today

It's an impossible numbew fow me to compwehend
to me he is still this little boy
full of fun, and mischief and love

Happy Biwfday DADDI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you wif all my heawt and hope you have a jillion mowe!

youw loving little fuzzbwat-pupcake,


TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta, we'll go over to Sassy's blog soon, to wish her well and see the retirement party photos, but right now we want to say WE LOVE YOU NEW BANNER! AND we want to wish a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Daddi! He IS still full of fun, mischief and love. Love is written all over his face. And the fun and mischief sneak out in his smile and his eyes! Just look at him hold you up in the air for some of your smoochies! Give him a bunch of extra ones on his birthday and let him know that some of them come special delivery from us via you.

Have a wonderful birthday Saturday together as a family.

SissieFergi and BruvverJake ooxx

Noah the Airedale said...

Happy birthday Asta's daddy. That's a great photo of when you were a little boy. We hope you're having a great day.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Joe Stains said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR DADDI!!! We are sending lots of birthday hugs!!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Many Happy Returns to your Daddy, Asta!

Dexter said...

Happy Birthday Daddi! I think WFT's keep him young.


Gus said...

Happy Barkday to your Daddi, and many more to celebrate with the FuzzButt.

Gussie n Teka

Martha said...

We just wanted to wish your Daddy a Very Happy Birthday!!!
Tell him our mum thought he looked very cool for 70!!!
We also loved that gorgeous pic of him as a little boy.
As you say that little boy is still there.
love you lots
Martha & Bailey xxxxxxxxxx


Hi Asta,

Wow! Every day is a new adventure for you! We wanna go with ya next time and Star promises to go to the powder room first before we get started so there won't be any accidents! We promise!!!

Happy Birthday to your daddy and he is looking very fit! 70 is young these days.

Luv you and your post.

Riley and Star.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happi Birthday to your daddi!

I'm sure woo are making it a furri special one!

Please have some khake fur me!


The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy birthday, Asta's dada!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Happy Barkday to Asta's Daddy.
Sally Ann

Duke said...

Happy birthday to your daddi, Asta! His little boy picture is just adorable! Give your daddi a big smoochie from us! We love your daddi!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
and Sue and George too

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Aww, Asta, that is so sweet - we all know how much you love your Daddy. Happy Birthday, Asta's Daddy.

Woos, the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday to your Daddy, Asta!
Kisses and hugs

Chef said...

Happy Birthday, Astadaddy!


Oskar said...

Happy birthday to your dad person. He looks like lots of fun!

Lacy said...

w00fs,happppppppy birfday to astas daddi, me hopes u enjoy ur good food she is helping cook fur u..and u has many many more...me will go wish sassy well...

b safe,

Eric said...

We wish a hip cool happy special day to your Daddi Asta, I know we are woofs but boy oh boy, your Daddi is one Kool Kat! Hope his day is a total blast. All of us in Square dog house raised our glasses during dinner tonight and toasted him will love and good cheers for today's birthday and many many many more.

Wiry loves and huge big kisses, Eric xxxxxxx

Sassy Kat said...

A big Happy Birthday to your Daddy. And wishing him many many more years of birthdays.
I love your new header, I can tell you and your daddy love each other bunches.
I wish he came to Paris with us to celebrate. I am glad that you could teleport so you could do both.
Paris Day Two:
What a fun filled exciting day. Who could ask for more fun, food, and dear sweet friends.
You have all outdone yourselves on this super surprise for me.
Thanks a million.
I can hardly wait to see what will be gone on tomorrow.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We teleported in to leave birthday wishes to your wonderful Daddy. Hope you are having a fun day!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday George! Zowza, you're 490 in dog years!!! Sorry we're not there to celebrate your birthday in fine style. We'll look forward to seeing the photos and continuing the celebration next week when we're back in New York!

Happy DAY!!!!

Your pals,

Koobuss said...

Happy Birthday to your terrific Daddi, kousin Asta! If he is 70, then that makes him only ten in dog years! That's gweat!! Ten is fun!!!

Wishing him a super fun day and a healthy, happy, and wonderful year!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope your dad had a very special and happy birthday!

Mack said...

We hope your Daddi had the BESTEST birfday ever!

I actually gave my mom some sugars for her birthday Friday. She is still in shock!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...we had such an fabbers time at ur daddi's barkday pawty...

We wish him many more years of joy and happiness with ur sweet mommi and his little fuzzibutt...

We will pop over to visit the kitties...we can wait to see more photos of the trip...

Honestly, Asta...it's been so cold out I can barely sit on that icy feelin' cement...it like freezes my delicate tiny weeny butt....sheecsch...

Kisses dear girlie...

Lacie, along with Scruffy, Stan and Mumsie wishin' ur Daddi Happy Barkday!!!!!! XXOOXXOO

Unknown said...

happy barkday.. asta's Daddy..
a big hug

Daisy said...

Happy birthday to your dad! I hope he has a super-duper extra special day!

Deefor said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. He was a very cute pup. Hope he enjoys his day.

Deefor said...

Happy Birthday to your dad. He was a very cute pup. Hope he enjoys his day.