a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Suwpwise invitation fow a Snow Day

It was dweawy and wainy in New Yawk, but luckily,my sissie Fewgi called wif gweat news!

It snowed buckets in hew home state of colowado and hew yawd tuwned into a wintew wondewland
It's only Octobew and I suwe didn't expect to be able to play in the snow yet, but wooo hooooo
Fewgi invited Lacie and Agatha along wif me to come play in hew snow!!!!

This was a suwpwise giwlie fun day, and boy did we have fun

I bwought along my big owange blow up sled fow all of us to slide awound on..What Fun!!!!!

Of couwse we all fell off at one poing and just wan, and womped, and fwew snow ball and got all full of snow, hehehe

Aftew we got thwoo playing, we went in to sit by the fiwe and talk and dwink some of Lacie's delicious new hot toddy smoofies
I don't know if it was the snow, ow the dwinkies, but we all dwifted off to sneep

Thank you deaw sissie Fewgi fow giving us this glowious snow day!!!! I love you vewy much.

I'd also like to thank Mack and Sally Ann fow this lovely awawd..they say I'm the pwincess of my house, hehehe
I'd like to pass this along to all my giwlfwiends..I think you awe all pwincesses. Pleez feel fwee to take the awawd when you visit me

smoochie kisses


Agatha and Archie said...

I AM FIRST!! TAL LA LA!!!! I am just begining to deice the snoballs on my feet!!!! ANd I think I need to lay off of the toddies for a while..hee hee hee Love Aggie and ARch GO AHEAD JUST ASK HER....geesh

Agatha and Archie said...

Uhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm Asta,WOuld you like to go get some ice cream or something.........PLOP...ooopppssss LOve Archie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We just finished reading all about your fun at Jake and Fergi's blog - not fair - we are only one state away and all we got was lots of heavy rain!!! Hope you wave to us on your way home or if you have time, do stop in for a visit.

Woos, the OP Pack

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

OMD, Asta...did ya see that Archie wants you to go out for ice cream???? Cept I think he may have fainted...hmm...perhaps you could order a hot carob drink along with your ice cream...I dunno bout you but my feets are freezing!!!

Wasn't that sledding in October the best ever???? Honestly, Fergi bout shattered my ear drummies with all her shrieking! And wasn't it sweet of Jakie to go inside early and preheat the sofa for us??? He's such a thoughtful and handsome boy...(Lacie thinks about how much she flirted with him and blushes...)

Oh...did Gilbert and Bertie ever wake up??? Poor boyz...I think they were emoooootionally twaumatized or something...

Speakin' of which, have ya seen Mango in his toot toot? In the flesh....

Barkies dear girl!!!


I figured out if I DON'T touch the mouse when ur bloggie is loading it doensn't crash our internets...hmmm...wonder what that means...

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sissie! I can't remember when I had so much fun! You and the girls made this October storm memorable in so many ways! I can't stop giggling from the time we all dumped out of your blow-up sled in that hooge drift. Into a big pile. With Jakey on the bottom. Heeheehee! Poor guy. It took him two hours to dig out! But he's a good sport. He just came in, dried off, got warm and never said a word.

Did you know the dryer overheated, trying to get all our snow suits dry? And I was eventually able to get the stain out of the carpet from when I knocked over my toddie. Whaddya think? Should we tell Aggie what we heard her talking about in her sleep? And Lacie. Oh my dogness. I finally figured out where she disappeared to - she ran across the street to check out Bailey, the cute little bichon frise you noticed. They are a perfect match, in my opinion. Ask me sometime. I'll give you the details.

What a great day! I'll always remember it. The snow has pretty much quit, and this afternoon the wheelies wanted their turn. That's a whole 'nother story!

Thank you so much for coming and bringing the girls along. Someday we'll have to take a girls' trip to Vail or Aspen. I can just imagine ....

Love you, Sissie.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

It looks like y'all had fun.
Sally Ann

Dexter said...

I heard there was some serious smoothie action going on at that party.


Gus said...

Awwww...can the guys come next time? Pleaeeeeese.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure you all had a pawesome time!
I am thinking the blender was working a lot!
Kisses and hugs

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Just think how much more fun would khould have had with ME ther to break the trails fur woo!


Teddy said...

What a great way to spend a snowy day. Mmm..I'd like the recipe for those hot toddy smoothies!

I really like your blog design. It's bee-yo-ti-ful!!


Cheyenne -Millie said...

Snow day!! My brother Monty would love that! He is so into cold!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

When it comes to fun, snow beats rain any day of the week!

Sally said...

Looks like you had lots of fun! I think we heard a blender going all the way over here - love the snow suits - let it snow...let it snow...let it snow...
Sally and Paddy

Hamish Westie said...

Oh Asta, that looks like so much fun. Please please please can you arrange to send some of that snow over here to Aberdeen, where all we have is dreary rain and wind.
Dreaming of a white Christmas (or even November..)
Cheers! H.

ocmist said...

Looks like a fun time. We hardly ever get snow here... Maybe once every 3 or 4 years. We DID have some this past winter. We will have to see about this one. BG

Duke said...

How lucky you are to be able to play in the snow in October, Asta! We sure wish it would snow at our house for Halloween!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

What a fun day you all had - we can hardly wait for the snow to come to Rocky Creek Farm.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Mack said...

I don't know about the snow - but those drinkypoos looked awfully inviting! BOL!

Kelly said...

OMG Asta!! You girls must have had so much fun! Snow is the BEST!
I bet Jake and Fergi were excellent hosts. Maybe they'll invite me out to romp in the snow sometime... except I think it would bury my little puggy self!
I hope you have a great weekend!!

Joe Stains said...

Thank dog you didn't invite Tanner for this Girls Day, it could have been disastrous. Looks like you guys had a great time.

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

Wow! Snow already! It looked so super fun!!
~lickies, Ludo