a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Boston-the Flat Touw Pawt 2

I woke to a most bootiful cwisp fall day,looked out my favowite window in the kitchen and sniffed the aiw..I just knew it would be a glowious day

Mommi discovewed a wondewful spot to stawt hew day..Agatha and Awchie's woof..a pawfect place to have hew mowning coffee and ummmm, that icky smokey stick

The sun wawmed, the aiw was fwesh, and you could smell the fiweplaces in the neighbowhood while biwdies said good mowning

you can see in all fouw diwections and Mommi loved it up thewe

she left evidence of whewe she had walked, hehehe..(you'd think wif all the mystewy books she weads she'd know to not leave footpwints)

meantime, Agatha and Awchie(in the faw pawt of the pictoowe) wewe having theiw own bweakfast
"OK, we'we weady to go " say the little nudnicks

thewe awe a billion wondewful buildings and it's hawd not to get a sowe neck swiveling and twying to see them all

finally, ouw destination..The Main Public Libwawy on Copley Squawe
(we had lots of enewgy, cause we had just finished big bowls of chowdew-xept fow some ,like Lacie who awen't piggies and only eat naked salad)

We all LOOOOOVE Books and this was a You nan ee Moos choice

hewe awe The DogmomsIn fwont of a Lady awtist statoo
Ewic's,Duffy'sLacie's mine, and Agatha and Awchie's

this is the view of the squawe fwom the steps

Aggie and Awchie's Dogdad is the bestestest toow guide in the oonivewse..he knows evewything!

up the staiws we went,
that cat is wathew lawge,but he was fwiendly,so ouw flat selves wewen't scaiwed

you wondew what the Mom's awe looking at?

the amazing moowals..some wif paintings of the most bootiful ladies,(obviously gowgeous tewwiew models wewe all the wage even then, hehehe)
just dazzling

looking down at the centwal couwtyawd
we decided it would make a pawfect doggie wun ,we just have to figoowe out how to get them to give it to us(along wif the building so we can all live thewe togethew, hehehehe)

if you look closely, you can see us westing ouw feets down thewe and having a little snackie(we had to make do wif what they had at the mooseum, I can't believe they didn't let Lacie plug in hew blendew aftew she lugged it all awound wif hew just fow such an occasion)

befowe leaving, I peecked into the main weading woom, and thewe was Awchie
he's such a vewy stoodious boy(I just love an intellectooal boy)

We had just enuff time to wun home,pick up the welentlessly hooge's Mom and meet evewyone fow dinnew in the Nowf End
What a gweat neighbowhood..non-stop Italian eatables evewywhewe

My flat self sat next to Mango's flat hoogeness(he was a vewy polite dinnew companion and a suwpwisingly delicate eatew)

Flat Lacie sat next to my baby Bwuvvew Flat Duffy but only had eyes fow the Mango

Mango was no match fow hew chawms, and even followed us to the ladies woom

latew that evening..Wiley joined us fow an aftew dinnew walk and wouldn't you know it..he fell fow hew too

Toffee weluctantly posed fow the camewas, but was most anxious to wun back to hew woom wif hew twoo love flat-Ewic Squawe dog, who had come all the way fwom London fow the occasion

It was a splendifowous Day, just as I knew it would be..we all dwopped into bed wif happy memowies and full tummies
be shoowe to visit Agatha and Awchie, Lacie,Duffy, Ewic, Toffe and Wiley fow fuwthew descwiptions of ouw adventoowe
smoochie kisses


Koobuss said...

Looks like everybody is having a super time! Isn't Boston gweat!!

Loved the pic of all the moms. And the one with the daddi, too. What a nice looking bunch!

Love and lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Boston is such a great city to visit - Mom was from western MA but spent a lot of time in Boston when our human sister went to school near there. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. We have been reading about all the fun at some of the other blogs too. Wish we could join all of you one day.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Deb Cushman said...

What a wonderful time you are having! Great pictures. We felt like we are there with you!

Dexter said...

That library place looks HUGE and beautiful. Figures that Archie would by studying. He must take after his dad.

The rooftop looks a little scary. I am not sure even my flat self would have liked it, but all the buildings around A&A's house are most lovely.


Oskar said...

It seems like the best day ever!

I especially love the picture of you on the mural!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Well. Since we couldn't join you as our own flat selves, you did a super good job making us feel like we'd seen the same places and done some of the same things. Great descriptions, Asta! What a incredible place and super way to wake up and start your morning. Those rooftop views were pawsome and we noticed that A+A have their own breakfast nooks just like we do. (We'd'duh fit right in!) And that trip to the library! The dogmoms looked like they were having a grand time. (Winston pressed his nose right up to the monitor to catch a glimpse of Foster Mum. Sent that picture right off to her, he did!) We go to the library all the time, but never get to get out of the car. You were INSIDE! And in such an amazing building! Gardens and terrier frescoes. Reading rooms (Archie is STUNNING! We can hear our Girl crooning now... "I want a boyfriend like THAAA-UHT!") Who was Lacie flirting with, by the way. Peeking around that column in a way only Lacie can do? It's obvious everybloggie and everydoggie had a great time. Lucky Toffee to be able to join your flattnesses. (We're glad her visit was short... Eric had come a long way to see her! We're sure they enjoyed themselves, too!)

What memories you'll have. What memories we'll ALL have, thanks to you all.

Sissie Fergi and Bruvver Jake


Dear Asta,

You got to go to Boston? Geeze, you get to go everywhere! I bet you learned a lot of history while you were there?

You are a world class traveler!

We be envious!

Riley and Star.

Gus said...

We are jelly....but very glad you all had a wonderful time.


Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Looks like a great trip...

Abby xxxooo

Joe Stains said...

Looks like the library was spectacular, Mom loves libraries. Not the best place to take dogs she thinks, but flat dogs sure :)

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is such a great tour! You all looked like you had great fun, flat features and all...*grins*


Sally Ann and Andy said...

Your flat selves are having fun in Boston.
Sally Ann

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh ASTA!!! What amazing weporting!!! I'm soooo glad ur mommi didn't fall off that flat woof...lotsa flat things this weekend!!!

Wasn't the library heavenly...we terriers certainly look like angels on those frescoes...looks like we're dancing like the nurses did, huh??? I was a little irritated bout the NO BLENDER rule at the library...honestly, it doesn't make THAT much noise and I've only caused 37 fires...sheecsch...

I hope Archie doesn't get eyestrain with all the reading he's been doing...he may need to get spectacles...

Speaking of reading, did you hear Eric got hungry on the plane ride home and ate part of Miss Enid's Eat A Cat book???? She's not pleased....

And yes, I have TONS of Mango Undies to sell...dunno what he's going to wear in the meantime???

Love and kissses to ya sweet Girl!!!



Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Miss Asta,

Would you like to go and see Headless Horse 'Dales with me?


Babystan falls into a dead faint at the thought of that awful movie......

Lacie trots over and nudges him, but he's out cold...she takes over the comment...

Sorry Asta...don't think that DATE with Babystan is gonna happen....not unless you want me to get a backhoe and lug him around????

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Master Chew Sits really looks to be a fun place!

Tank woo fur sharing all your flat fun!


Agatha and Archie said...

Do you know that we just got ARchie out of the library?(actually we sort of forgot he was there hee hee KIDDING Arch) WHen I went on the roof I KNEW it was your Mommi's prints becasue PL2 and I read all the same mnystery's your mOmmi does...What a lovely time we all had...Love A+A PS do you know anything about this book Archie is reading called etiquette and girls?

Teddy said...

Wow, what a great trip!! We've never been to Boston. It must be so fun to travel around and get to meet your DWB friends.

Noah the Airedale said...

Wow so much to see and do in Boston. D cant wait to see it next year woo hoo.

Noah xx

Martha said...

Fabulous pics of Boston - including the moms!! Our mum is quite jealous - what fun for all the moms to meet and also see that fantastic city.
It was a bit strange with all those strange flat doggies cropping up right enough!!!
Martha & Bailey xxxx

Maxmom said...

Hey there, Asta
Wow, but you guys have been busy getting to know all those doggie-moms!!! (Or did you know them before?) It has been wonderful to go on your travels with you and to see all those scary-mom faces!...quite amazing....most of them seem to be my mom's era....mmmmph!
Well, you are looking as delightful as ever too, I must say. Look afta yourself and don't go getting into too much trouble.
Lots of licks

The WriggleButts said...

We may not be flat, but we enjoy travelling with you online!


Hollie and Janie said...

It looks like everyone is having a blast! I love, love the murals!! Mama's best friend lives in Cambridge, so she is excited about going to visit Boston soon!!

Princess Patches said...

OMD! Our mom soooooo wishes she could have been there too!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Unknown said...

You know, Mommy lived in Boston for eleven years and worked just a few blocks away from the Library (the first public library in the US) and never went in??? Did you go in the church across the square? It's gorgeous - she used to go there for their candlelight Christmas carol service. Don't know if it's still true, but for a long time, it was the only building that was always included on the list of 10 greatest architectural building in the US. Did you go to the Isabel Stewart Gardner museum, out near the Museum of Fine Arts? Your Mommi would LOVE it!

See you soon!

Your pal,


Hamish Westie said...

We want to go to Boston. NOW!
Hamish and Gail.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Super dupa reporing Asta.. You gave us a super tour and the pictures are realy good. Thank youi for it all and looking forward to seeing more.. Hugs GJ xx

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

You're having a wonderful time!!!
So many sweet mommies and daddies....
and so many friends!!!!
But we're a little jealous.....pleaseeeeeeee....can we come with you next time???
We love all your pics.....
thanks for sharing with us....we felt like we were with you!!!
You're sooooooooooooo special for us!!!!
What a great new header you had!!!
We love it a lot!!!!

AND YOU!!!!!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!

Duke said...

What a great time you're all having! OMG, you're right! What a great dog run that central courtyard would make, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Toffee said...

Asta -

Excellent repawting on the weekend!
I am still trying to recover from the weekend!