a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, June 18, 2007

Why I like our neighborhood

Yesteday,after taking my Daddy to the run, so he could buwst with pwide at having such a good daughter,and watch me play, we went to bwunch at a place just a few blocks fwom our apartment. We met at least 12 doggies on the way, of course I had to be polite and stop to play and woll awound the sidewalk with them. We finally got to the westauwant, where we got a lovely sidewalk table, they immediately bwought me a dwink, then they asked my 'rents what they wanted. There was a jazz band playing inside, and we could just softly hear it where we were. The people next to us started talking to Mommi(she talks to everyone, heheheh), they were major doggie lovers fwom Alabama, and of course gave me mushes and tummy rubs. The mister was in town to fight for people who had pwoblems fwom agent owange(way before your times, but my 'rents thought he was cool), then we wan into fwiends fwom the run, and at least five other people we knew..it was like holding court.(I'm suwe my fwiend Stan knows all about that, being a wuler of his own countwy)...we had a super yummy bwunch(I tasted everything :sausages,bacon, pancakes, toast,eggs, goat cheese,spimach,gween and wed peppers, it was a feast! ), but weally the bestest part is that you can't walk a block without wunning into at least four or five fwiends...that's why I love it here...only I wish I'd bump into all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!amoochie kisses ASTA


Stanley said...

Asta!! (Or should I address you as Your Highness?)

I just realized... don't know why it escaped my notice before... but you are the QUEEN OF GREENWICH VILLAGE! You are obviously of royal blood (at least your neighbors think so). How appropriate that you would hold court, and just while you're grabbing a bite to eat at that!

So good that relations between our two kingdoms are very open and friendly.

Love the photo at the end. Is that one of your mommi's paintings of you or did she snazz up a photograph?

Goob kisses & hugs,

Joe Stains said...

I sure am jealous of your neighborhood. My neighborhood is too hot to even go outside right now!

Boo Casanova said...

i'm getting jealous now asta, just a block and you get to meet so many fwiends?? how great! you will be so surprise if you bump into any of us! hehe.

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You are so lucky to have all those friends to meet while you walk by your block. I never get to meet my doggie neighbors here, they are always behind their gates!
Your brunch sounds delicious. Sure you enjoyed it a lot.
Have a good night

Mimi Lenox said...

What an adorable blog. I found you via Ruby Bleu and found a peace globe! Thank you for participating in BlogBlast For Peace and flying your globe in the sidebar.

It was a wonderful day and I'm still finding globes and answering emails.
Your peace globe is awesome.


Mimi Lenox said...

P.S. Your globe was posted in the gallery tonight.


Huskee and Hershey said...

Yeah Asta, I wish I could bump into u on one of my walkies.. but mom say that is quite impossible. *sigh*

Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hehehe! You are so cool Asta so of course everyone wants to know you! :) Kisses!

Nugget said...

Hi Asta,
Sounds like a great place to live & brunch too! Yay sausage!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Sounds like a great place.

Simba xx

Duke said...

What a cool neighborhood you live in! You're very lucky Asta!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you're so cute I'm sure you're very popular at your neighbourhood. I wish I bump into you sometimes..

~ girl girl

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Hello your highness! Sounds like you had a most excellent time at the park and brunching. No wonder you have so many friends being si cute and gorgeous.

Oscar x

Koobuss said...

Hi Asta,

Wow! You and your friends had such a good time! A sidewalk restaurant! That sounds terrific! And all those dogs! What fun!! I bet none of them were cuter than you! You must have been so excited!! I bet all you did the next day was sleep.

I love your pictures. You look so much like someone else I know.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Gus said...

Oh, I am so jealous! I haven't eaten at a sidewalk cafe since last spring in DeeSee. Azrizona doesn't lend itself to eating outside, except in the winter you know!


Finnegan said...

That sounds fabulous! Our city stinks because it's not dog friendly. Mommy and Daddy hope to move us all back to somewhere in New England. I hope so because then we will be closer to my Nana who spoils me!

By the way, I have Part II up!


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Nurse Asta, you're very lucky to be taken out to lunch. I'm normally too noisy (I like to bark at passers by) to go to lunch with J1 & J2. J x

Ruby Bleu said...

Hey Asta...
My Mom is getting all misty eyed again after reading about your great neighborhood!!! At the rate we're going any more posts like this and she's packing our bags and moving back east!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Faya said...

Je vois que tu as une vie remplie d'amis... c'est beau non ? Et quelle chance de pouvoir aller au restaurant et tout goûter... Tu es très heureuse et ça se voit.... tu es adorable... Bisous, Faya

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta Up Over,

They always bwing me dwinks at Melbourne restaurants too, but unfortunately it's winter, so my parents won't be sitting outdoors too much.

And, I get wots of special attention because nobody here knows what I am.

xxx Asta down under

Tadpole said...

Did your dad survive the burst of pride he felt at your cuteness, intelligence, friendliness, and overall incredible-ness?

hee hee! :-)

Maggie said...

you are making me dool here ..... i read about the tashi, your daddi, the sign about jackson, and your baby pix(i accualy think you are more cute now than you where..) so now im all caught up !!! see ya

Murphey said...

You are so lucky to get to go eat brunch with the peeps. I am, well, not too well behaved around lots of people, I like to bark and jump....so I don't get to eat out.


Lenny said...

Hi cute little Asta! It's nice to officially meet you. Your blog is great - your mom is so talented!

I used to live near Boston - you are a lucky dog to live in such a cool city with so many dogs!

Your friend, Lenny

Frasier said...
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