a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Twibute to my angel sister Nora

Hello all my pupfwiends, this is Asta,I'm not going to be here next week..I just found out we have to go to New Hamster(I hope I'll meet a lot of Fufu and Girlgirl's welatives, geez, a whole state named after them, pwetty good no?)

but today this posting is not about me..it's sad and happy at the same time. I'll xplain:My Mommy has been vewy sad this week cause she kept wemembewing that this was he little Nora's last week last year...even though I'm here and I know she loves me LOTS, this was weally hawd, so I thought we should do a stowy about NOra and let all of you hear about her,as a twibute and to cheer my Mommy up...xept when she helped me do this, she kept cwying.....

many many yeaws ago my Daddy and Mommy had a wonderful WFT called Nikki..he was 12 years old at the time,and Mommy really wanted to get him a little sister to keep him young..she was surprised by Daddy for their 20th wedding anniversary with another litte foxy. She was born on their anniversary day, and they named her NORA. She was the runt of her litter and stayed small and perfect always..I hear she was the most agile,fun sweet girl. She made the eventual loss of Nikki from old age beawable,and gave enouwmous joy to my 'rents. The sad part is , that just one year ago she became vewy sick and crossed over the wainbow bwidge...my 'rents said they couldn't go through such pain again, so they were never ever going to get another doggy.....but guess what, here I am. Mommy says I was pawsonally picked by Nora to be sent to them..that's why my official name is AstaGift from Heaven....I want to show you some pictures of Nora, fwom her too short life, I hope you all can see how wonderful she was. I hope she and Nikki awe playing with Fufu and all the other pwecious doggies who have cwossed over the wainbow bwidge.. I'll let Mommi tell you a little about her......

This was Nora's birth announcement.

Nora was the best escape artist in the world,even after we put a heavy sheet of wood on top of this playpen,she managed to climb up, push it aside, and leap without fear into the world
She met Nikki who could barely see by then, but they played and kissed,and had a great time..occasionally ,he would get fed up with her puppy antics,but it was true love on both their partsshe was a little ham and loved to pose for the camera

that summer she was well known in every outdoor restaurant and cafe in our neighborhood

she kept Nikki on his toes and wouldn't take no for an answer
she had to explore everything in ,and out of sight, she was a very mischievous little girl pup
Daddy's little girl all dressed for a party with her bow and pearls
The innocent look was a specialty,even when she ate through the wall to the neighbor's apartmentI made her her own passport

she had official stamps in it from her travels
in those days we traveled a lot more, and she always came with us
she delighted us all with her antics,here proving her terrier stubbornness and athleticism with her human sister
she was my muse and participated in many of my art shows

Nora wasn't very good with other doggies, but did she ever love us and our friends..she sat in a chair as soon as I would set the table for a dinner party and behaved like one of the more polite guests
In March of last year,we had a belated New Years party with all our friends and loved ones to celebrate my G's recovery from cancer surgery...Nora was still the life of the party...she was there for us throughout our most horrible moments of fear
This is one of the last pictures of our sweet NORA ,she became ill, so suddenly, and we were helpless as we watched her fade away....she'll always be with us ......................love never dies

Good night sweet sweet Nora ..we'll never forget you


Faya said...

Terrier un jour.....terrier toujours.... Maman dit aussi que ça y est....pour elle c'est airedale un jour, airedale toujours ! C'est fou la place que l'on prend dans leur coeur...
Gros bisous, Faya

Duke said...

What a wonderful life Nora had! And now they have you Asta and you're every bit as wonderful!

Love ya lots,

coco said...

thank you for sharing the story of nora's beautiful life - she was absolutely gorgeous and i know she filled all your lives with so much love. my favorite part is how she would jump up on a chair to be part of the party! oh, and also the drinking from the wine glass - - how cute!!!

i will pawse a moment right now to honor the memory of precious nora and all the ways she blessed your family.

lovingly, coco

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
Thanks for sharing with us the story of Nora. I am sure she had a happy life with your parents. I like all those pictures of her, where we can se she was a mischievous little girl, like a happy doggie must be!
I hope you have great time at New Hamster!

Cairo The Boxer said...

What a beautiful story! I wish I could have meet Nora. I hope to meet Asta someday. I am so glad you came to live with your mommy and daddy.

Stanley said...

(*sniffle* *sniffle*)
Asta girl,

What a long loveline you have! Nora was ADORABLE! I can see where you get some of your sauciness.

Your mommy and daddy sound like my girl. When her Rosie died 4 months ago she said she was done. But now, look who's on her compooter and watching her every move... that's right. Me.

You came at just the right time to rescue your 'rents just like I came to rescue my girl. (I've got my paw around my girl comforting her right now, she's still crying even while she helps me type).

I hope your daddy is all healthy again - I'm sure you make him feel better than ever. Your mommy will probably always miss her Nora (and Nikki). Like she said, love never dies. I think you'll all be together someday.

Have a good time in New Hamster! (What ever happened to Old Hamster?) I will MISS YOU, GIRLIE!

Goober love and hugs,

Ruby Bleu said...

That was a great post Asta...your 'rents really have a special girl in you. I'm sure it must be hard on them, but you certainly do a good job keeping them busy and taking care of them! Happy 4th!!! Lots & Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

Sweet Asta: You guys made muzzer cry, but she says they are good tears and not to worry. We love you and know that you will help your mommi through this hard week. You must be a very strong and sweet girl for her. Or so naughty she is distracted.

I still love you, but I am grumpy from this heat. Poor Teka walks a wide line around my growling self.

Enjoy the hampsters. Hope you find some cool spot to play in. We will miss you, but we'll all have a lot to catch up on when you get back.

We're waiting anxiously to hear that Dad's flight has taken off from Heathrow.

love and kisses
Gussie and Teka

Joe Stains said...

Nora was such a cute doggy, this makes us sad but also happy that your Mom and Dad have you now and you bring them so much joy!

Boo Casanova said...

asta, you make me and mom teary eyes. since i'm mom's first dog, i'm not sure how mom gonna handle the pain when my time to go. that's one beautiful tribute to nora.

wet wet licks


Ronin_The_Pug said...

Oh Asta! This post is so sweet! My human is crying! Nora was such a super cute girl! And she had a wonderful life with your mommy and daddy!

ToFFee said...

This is so gweat Asta.. a tribute to a gweat fwiend.

I'm sure Nora is pwaying with Fufu and other doggies over the wainbow bwidge!

She is such a sweetie!

I hear mummy sniffling...


Gwyn Valentine said...

It was a nice story that you share with us about Nora. She seems like a very fun dog to be around with.
it must have been great memories

Simba and Jazzi said...

Nora looked like she enjoyed herself all the time and made everyone around her happy.

Simba xx

Opy - the Original GruffPuppy said...

Hugs to you all Asta - especially your momma and pa - thank you for sharing Nora's story - even if it has made mum all teary :(

I am sure Fufu is looking after sweet Nora and Nikki too.

Love ya sweetie,


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Nora sounds like she was the pawfect little wirey terrier. Your mum and dad must have been heartbroken to lose her. I'm sure you mended their hearts and let them remember the happier times with her again.

Oscar x

Lenny said...

Asta - what a nice story! I like how your whole family has "Thin Man" names. Nora sounds like a very special poochie.

I am going to New Hamster next week also! Maybe we will cross paths in our cars. My nana lives in New Hamster and we are going on vacation.

Your friend, Lenny

Finnegan said...

Oh dear, Mommy could only look at the pictures because she knew that she would get too sad reading about Nora.

She was a cutey! After seeing you and Nora's pictures, Mommy now wants a wired hair fox terrier.


Finnegan said...

Oh dear, Mommy could only look at the pictures because she knew that she would get too sad reading about Nora.

She was a cutey! After seeing you and Nora's pictures, Mommy now wants a wired hair fox terrier.


Juno said...

Hello Asta!! Hope you're having a great time in New Hamster :) ! My dad worked there for a little while and he enjoyed his stay.

Thank you for the twibute to your special Nora. My mom noticed that there are many paintings on your mommi's link and she has believed that Nora was a very very special girl. :) Nikki, Nora and you are very fortunate doggies to have wonderful hoooooomans. :) Nora's story reminds my mom about one of her dogs, Taro. After turning 14, he was very ill and my mom spent alot of time with him but she couldn't be there for him at his very last moment. He went so suddenly. She still regrets it after two decades passed by. I am sure Nikki and Nora will see you everyday from Heaven.

Momo xoxo

Sorry... my mom is a bit emotional.

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta and Asta's mum,

We enjoyed reading about Nora and Nikki - gweat names! Someday my mum will scan her photos of Caesar and tell his stowy. She is inspiwed now. Hope you all enjoy New Hamster.

xxx Asta down under

Nessa Happens said...

That was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl! Licks,

Nanook and Pooka

Nazila Merati said...

I'm sniffling now.

Sweet girl.

Ernest and his n.mom who has to read these things to him.

Sophie Brador said...

Aaaaaw. My mom is all teary eyed and could barely finish reading this to me. Nora was adorable!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Your tribute to Nora made me and my momny weepy too.. she really is a cutie. My mom always says it's the quality of the time we spend together that counts... thanks for sharing Nora's story.

Frasier said...

Hi Asta,
You had my mommy in tears.It is sad when you lose a dog and its something that takes a long time to recover from and there will always be a part that remains behind.
You are a great and wonderful addition in your parents life.
My mom and dad had a similar experience and they said that I helped bridge the transition.
Give them a big kissy from me

Kien said...

oh.. u made my mummy crying again.. Nora reminds her of Mako n Kiko which she owned last time.. Anyway, those are the memories that you will always cherish and keep in heart.. and definitely Nora will always as their love n memory to yr parents heart.. Is never easy to lose somedoggie you love..

Now Asta.. give your mommy n daddy a kiss kiss..

Golden Rossi

Emily and Ike said...

That is such a sad story and that's how my mom feels about Meg who passed away from a brain tumor one year ago and she was really young too. I am so sorry you lost your sweet girl and glad you have Asta to make you feel better like I make my mom and dad feel better. What would you do without us?

Tadpole said...

Oh Asta, my girl can't stop leaking water out of her eyes... and she's at work, so she's VERY embarrassed.... That is such a sweet tribute to Nora; may you continue to bring your parents happiness and joy - Nora picked a good on in you!

PreciOus said...

Sob sob... It's sad to hear Nora had a short life, but am glad that she had a wonderful one. Beautiful tribute.


the many Bs said...

Awwww, such a sweet and sad story about little Nora. We are so sorry for you. We once had a little sister, Bijou, today was her birthday (july 3, 2004). She came to our home when she was three months old and lived with Bailey for one week until she had a terrible home accident and that was the end of Bijou. Our mom gets very sad today and at the anniversary of her death (oct. 16). We understand your sorrow. Mom and Bailey have some sorrow too on this day.

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Asta, Such a sweet tribute for a sweet little girl,PL 2 was crying throughout the whole tribute. She had a special pup also that went to the bridge 2 years ago.PL 1+2 said that was it for them....no more heartache..and then....along we came to cheer them up and drive them crazy!! Have fun in New Hampster,you will be very close to us..We will send you kisses!! Archie and Agatha

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Nora's such a sweet doggie. I'm sure she's playing with Fufu up there now

~ girl girl

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Asta and Parents,

That was a nice tribute to Nora and Nikki. It is never easy loosing a loved one. While animals are here for such a short time relatively speaking, it is amazing the way they fill our lives with such happiness. We are happy that you have Asta to fill that void and make your days happier ones.

We were petless for 3 years after our Airedale passed. Luna has been a welcome addition to our home and a non-stop source of entertainment. It sounds like you are enjoying Asta to the fullest. We wish you many happy wirey years of entertainment and companionship.

Luna's parents John & Joan

Sharon said...

I'm glad you got another puppy. I know you miss Nora,but you are such good parents,you are good to share with another sweetie.
Snickers and Sharon

Luckie Girl said...

This is such a lovely tribute to Nora. We are glad she shared such happy although short time with you. She is watching over you and your family together with your brother Nikki.

Nugget said...

Hi Asta, Thank you for sharing the story of Nora with us. What wonderful memories of a sweet girl. Give your Mum a snuggle.


fee said...

dear asta, nora is such a precious little bundle of energy. mommy and i can feel in our hearts what a very special family member she has been to your family. u are truly blessed to have met her.

thanks for sharing your story with such an extraordinary little person with us.

love to u and your family from mommy and i - kisses, fee

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta.. I love your PUPPSPORT!!!!


wally said...

That's a wonderful tribute. Nora looks like a one-of-a-kind girl.


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Thats the most wonderful tribute I ve seen. What a cute little girl she was.
My mamma is ashamed, that she forgot to post the VERY special image that came in her camera just 3 days after our very specialiest little terrier passed on this February
She said she will make sure she does it tonight, because she said that your mamma will like it, it is truly AMAZING
We know how you feel....and we feel it with you
Sir ChanceLot

Koobuss said...

What a beautiful tribute to Nora and what a beautiful dog Nora was. It is so sad that she was cheated out of many good years. How heartbreaking.

You are beautiful, too, Asta, and you have made your family very happy. It's the same thing in my house. My family lost Koobus III after 14 years. Two weeks later they found me and I have since filled their house and hearts with love, joy, humor, torn underwear, missing remote controls, etc.

Keep having fun Asta!!!

Love ya!

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,