a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, June 11, 2007

they work, I'm asleep


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Oh yes, even cuter! Sweet dreams Asta.

Oscar x

Duke said...

awwwwwww what an adorable picture! Night night Asta!

Love ya lots,

Stanley said...

So glad they actually WORK, Asta! Could you get some for your mama and dad & then have the run of the apartment for a few hours, unspervised?

Goob love,

Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Asta...sweetie...you look so bootiful in your jammies! Are they cozy? They look cozy! Sweet dreams...

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Frasier said...

That was a great outfit.
sweet dreams!

Juno said...

ahhhhh Asta!! The pajama looks good on you! I love your pictures!!Hope one day we'll have pj pawty! Gonna be fun! :)

Have a sweet dream!!

Momo xoxo

ps... I know you have many friends and your mommi is very busy but it's always so nice to hear from you. Thank you! :)

Maggie said...

asta, you look soooooo cute in your jam-jams !!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

hahha....can wearing d pyjamas really makes u feel like sleeping??

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, love the pjs! J x