a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Some Baby pix of Asta

One of my doggie fwiends asked us to post pictures of our babyhood...I have a whole bunch, cause my Mommi went nuts with the camewa, but I want all my fwiends who didn't meet their 'rents till they were growndup, not to feel bad...You're loved maybe even a little more,by the time you find your furever homes, cause your hoomans have been seawching for you for a long long time...We're all vewy lucky puppys here at DWB,'cause we have found a place to be chewished and taken such good care of...let's cwoss paws that everydoggie gets as lucky as us....you may giggle at my baby pix..........MWAHHHHHH, Asta

I found the bestest place to sleep was on Daddy's tummy, it's exhausting being cute , it's like I finally found my twue home

I got lots of toys, and got to work wight away on destwoying them, like a weal tewwiew should

Igot a bootiful coat wight away 'cause it was brrrrrr cold in November,and I had to learn how to walk outside on a leash..boy that was hard
This is when I first met MOmmi and Daddy, he suwe has big feets

This was me at 2 momfs old, when my Mommi and Daddy came to pick me up where I was bored( in North Cawolina..they dwove in a bowwowed car for 10 hourses just to get me
Then I went home to Noo Yowk, and evewithing was sooo big, and I was sooo little


Frasier said...

Boy,I want to go to New York one day.My mommy wants to shop there!!
You were so cute,you still are !

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

I had black hair when I was a puppy too!

Bussie Kissies

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
You were sooo cute at that puppy age!!
And now you know you are so beautiful!
I like those pictures.
Thanks for sharing them with us
Hava a nice day

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta up over,

You were (and are) a vewy cute little girly girl - I never sat still sleeping on pawents tummies - I was always jumping around and biting thweir ankles. You are such a good girl.

I also had bwack puppy haiw

If you wook at my pictuwes I have a very hard stawe.

xxx Asta down under

Duke said...

What an adorable puppy you were Asta! We just love baby pictures!

Love ya lots,

Gus said...

Oh my! You were a really cute puppy! And you are turning into a beautiful doggie too.


Gus and Teka

Boo Casanova said...

omyDOG asta. you are such a cutie pie. you know how pose since young. you are a good dogmodel.

wet wet licks


Ruby Bleu said...

Asta if you were any cuter it would be a crime! Of course you are still cute, but as a pup OMdOG!!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

you have the CUTEST baby pictures, seriously!!!!! you look like a little mop head!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you're so cute.. when you're a baby. I wish I can keep you in my house with me...

~ girl girl

Nugget said...

If you could bottle your cuteness and sell it your parents could retire with millions.... Mum is on cuteness overload.

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, Asta you were such a cute little powder puff of a puppy.

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said...

10 hours, thats forever. You were a cute little ball of fluff weren't you. Now your bigger and cute.

Simba xx

fee said...

i love your baby pix, and so does my mom and so does my dad! do you have any baby paintings of yourself too? we think your mommy's paintings rock!

ps: was the painting of butchy and snickers made of pepperoni and cheese?

Stanley said...


Your beauty is timeless...

My girl is overwhelmed by your puppy cuteness. I had to remind her that no, our monitor is not a touch screen. She would love to run her fingers through your mop head!

Lets hear it for the tummy sleepers!

By the way, Butchy and Snickers' painting was FAB-U-LOSO! Mwahh!

Goob kisses,

Finnegan said...

Entirely too cute!


Gwyn Valentine said...

Hi Asta,

Nice to meet you! *woof*
U sure look really cute when you were younger! Oh, and really tiny compared to your daddy's feet!

Hammer said...

Hi Asta

You were born cute and beautiful, and you'll always be this way.

Have a great weekend !!

Love from Hammer

Murphey said...

So absolutely adorable! I still like to lay on my lady's tummy, it is nice and soft and comfy.


Tadpole said...

Asta, I think you just might be the sweetest, cutest little thing in the whole wide world.... *sigh*

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

What a cutikins! J x

Anonymous said...

Oh my dogness... You are SOOOO adorable!

Hana said...

Oh my dogness.... what a sweet little puppy you were!! I can see why your parents drove for 10 hours to pick you up!