a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Daddy's Day

Thank you to the Daddy who taught me just how good smoochie kisses are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...I want to tell everydoggie about my Daddy, but there's not enough words to descwibe just how wonderful he is....I'll twy anyway.
He's the bestest hooman I have ever known in my whole entire life!He's, sweet, and funny, and smart, and bwave...and has a heart that fills up all six ft five in. of him.
He takes such good care of me, when I first came to my furrever home, he took me out about a zillion times day or night, even in the biggest snow, just so I wouldn't have apsidentses and feel bad..he plays with me, he gives gweat tummy rubs, he buys me ice cweam, and loads of toys, he's still got the best place to take a nap(his tummy)....he takes me to play at the run,and for walks and adventures..He taught me to use the compooter, how to speak spanish,and how to like every food.....did I mention he's the BEST I look just like my Handsome Daddy(xept in a girly way).....we both have bootiful beards, gweat eyebwows,long legs ,and our hair is twicolor(his used to have a lot more red and black in it)He's the celebwety I look like! You can see the identicalness in the picture where I'm sitting in his lap.
So this is my vewy firstest Daddy Day..and boy am I lucky to have the bestest one I can imagine.

Hurrahhh!!!!!!!To the bestest Daddy in the universe....a billion smoochie kisses..and a vewy Happy Father's Day to all my bloggie friends' Daddys !!!! smoochy kisses ASTA


Faya said...

Joyeux anniversaire Monsieur le papa d'Asta ! C'est vrai que vous avez l'air très sympathique. Je vous souhaite une belle journée et vous fais plein de bisous... Faya

Nugget said...

Hi Asta,
That is the nicest Daddy tribute I have ever read! You are one lucky girl. Enjoy your Daddy's day.

Boo Casanova said...

asta is a daddy's girl! look how tiny you were in that belly rub photo.

happy father's day to ya daddy.

wet wet licks


PerfectTosca said...

What a great tribute to your great daddy, Asta! I bet he's soooooo happy to have you too!

Duke said...

What a wonderful posting Asta! You're gonna have your daddy all choked up!
Happy father's day to Asta's daddy!

Love ya lots,

ToFFee said...

Hi Asta!

Vewy well said!

I'm sure Daddy wuvs you so much and will get tears as well on his beard once he see this!


Ben & Darling said...

Happy Daddy Day to your handsome dad. You both do look alike. Im sso ooo happy that we have our great dad.

Ruby Bleu said...

Happy Father's Day Asta's Daddy!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

Happy Father's Day to Asta's Dad.
It must be true, academics make the bestest puppy dads! I love mine too!


Lorenza said...

Hola Asta.
Happy Father's Day Asta's Dad.
Feliz Dia del Padre.
That is a very nice post about your Dad.
I hope you have a great day with him.
Besos y abrazos para tu papa.

Frasier said...

Happy fathers day to your daddy Asta,
That was a great post.

Stanley said...

Asta girl!

Has your daddy seen this yet?! If not, get ready for an atomic tummy rub while he feeds you icecream... all while you rest on HIS tummy!

So good you and your daddy have each other (and your mommi - she's obviously very sweet & talented too). I wish I could meet him.

Goob kisses and hugs,

Putter said...

Happiest Father's Day to Asta's Daddy! You are a sweet girl Asta! I will talk to you soon, okay:)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a nice posting. Happy Father's Day to your Dad. J x

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta up over, You have the bestest daddy. My daddy woves me, but he did such a tewible job taking care of me that I am staying with the Figgs (no relation to mean sister Fig) till mum gets home! xxx Asta down under

the many Bs said...

That's a nice daddy posting. You are a lucky girl, Asta. You daddy is very very nice.

Anonymous said...

Aww.. so sweet Asta! I hope you and your dad had a great day together. Happy Fathers Day!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

happy father's day 2 ur dad

Joe Stains said...

happy father's day to your dad, he sounds awesome!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Happy father's day to your dad. He sounds really pawsome. :)

~ girl girl

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

My Dad is better - his tummy is bigger!

Bussie Kissies

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, that's such a sweet posting about your dad. Sounds like you're a real daddy's girl.

Did you pop the balloons?!

Oscar x

Finnegan said...

That's very sweet! You have a wonderful daddy!


Koobuss said...

What a nice dad you have. Looks like you have him very well trained.

Mine is well trained too.

Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Juno said...

Hi Asta!! Why did I miss this bootiful post!! This is a wonderful tribute to your daddy!!

Momo xoxo