a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Birfday Costume pawty for MAGGIE QOSC

BenBen invited me to a costume Pawty to celebwate Maggie Queen of So Cal's Birthday

I was in a panic, how to get my dwess made, hair, makeup, you know all the stuff a giwl has to do to be weady for a pawty, and on top of that it had to be a costume..well, I wacked my bwains, and since Maggie is a queen, I thought this would be appwopwiate..queen Asta the firstest(a vewy playful, and genewous queen)

Benben gave vewy elabowate diwections, but I ignored them 'cause I'm getiing picked up by girl girl in her new pink mobile( I hope my gown fits).....so I've been standing on my cowner all dwessed up, not wealizing how hot elizabethan costumes are,(how did those people bweathe?) I'm feeling wather faint, what with the bwocade,the waist sinching, and of couwse my lots and lots of jewelwy..I suwe hope they get hewe soonest,aND have AC in the new caw....other than being weady to fwow up fwom the heat(which I alweady did once today), I'm super excited..we're going to PAAAAWTY!!!!!!!!!HAPPY BIRFDAY MAGZ lots of smoochie kisses ASTA


Gus said...

You win, hands down. Now, get out of the silly costume and drink lots and lots of water!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
No one will have better dress than you!
I will see you there!
Have a good night

Luckie Girl said...

Hey Asta,
My my, what a pretty girl you are. Do those ruffles around the neck itchy? I'm dying to nibble them off.
I can't decide what costume to where!!

Ben & Darling said...

OMdoG !!!

Asta baby, you are super HOT Queen !!! You are so gorgeous, how could you dress up yourself in one night?? I mean all the accesories, hair, make up?? you look great Asta. See you at the pawty !!!

Ruby Bleu said...

OMdOG Asta, you look amazing! You must have been so hot tho'...yes, you must drink lots of water...but wait, how would you go peepee in that outfit...hmmmm...

Have fun at the Pawty! Lots of Licks, Ruby

Stanley said...

Asta Girl (aka Fuzz Butt)!

I know you know this, but I'm going to say it again. Beauty should never be at the expense of your health, girlie!

You *do* look quite fetching, though. It's weird to see you looking so tall...

Sorry you frew up at the dog run. You must have been one hot pup (of course, you're always HOT, as in bootifully alluring, just not always hot, as in body temp).

Your Goober boy,

Joe Stains said...

omdog asta you look fabulous and royal!!

PreciOus said...

Asta, if there's going to be a contest for best costume, you are sure to be the winner. =)


Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Oh my Asta, you look simply FABULULOUS! I think you shold go eat lots of ice cream to cool you down though.

Oscar x

Simba and Jazzi said...

Thats very regal, very fitting for you.

Simba xx

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

You look so regal, they only thing I have to weaw is my nursie outfit. Next to you, I'm cinderella,

xxx Asta down under

Duke said...

OMG you look like a bride! It must have taken you HOURS to get ready! I had a much different take on Maggie's pawty! You just have to check it out Asta! It sorta looks like we're not going to the same pawty! hahaha

See you at the pawty!
Maggie and Mitch

Hammer said...

Wow, Asta, you sure look a babe in that beautiful costume. I'll see you at the pawty. Will you please give me a kiss.

I'm going as a handsome rugged Australian football player. I hope you won't be able to resist me.

Love from Hammer

Finnegan said...

Very stuffy and stylish! Wow, you look really fancy. I hope Girl Girl had a/c so you could keep nice and cool, if that is possible!


Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta,

No way should you get wid of your costume. You look sensational!!! My mum got a big kick out of your costume. We will all have fun at the pawty no matter what kind of costume we have.

xxx Asta down under

Frasier said...

You do justice to that dress than Cate Blanchett did !!
Your makeup is better!! You should have been in Vogue...maybe your mom will send this picture in!

Tadpole said...

Oh WOW - you're even more gorgeous than usual in that dress, and I didn't think that was possible! But maybe you should have gone as a belly dancer or something... that would require less clothing and would have been cooler. And you would have looked very alluring in that get up... *dreaming*

Ahem. Yes. I'm glad you're feeling better and not puking anymore.

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Your Majesty! You look very queenly. Enjoy the pawty!

Your humble subject Jackson x

Putter said...

OMG Asta!

What a super duper dress! Was it hot in there?

You have to let me know how the pawty was, okay ... I had to miss it cause Mom was too busy with getting ready for our vacation to get me dressed ... Can you even believe it???

I will talk to you soonest!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Boo Casanova said...

your majesty, i'm here for your service!

wet wet licks


Sophie Brador said...

Asta! That is great. I love it! Did you see Wimsey's blog this week? It is either his Thursday or Friday post -- he could be your date.

Gwyn Valentine said...

Are you like a duchess?
YOu can meet King Huskee and go to the pawty together!


Hana said...

Wowie Zowie!! You sure look like royalty!!

Anonymous said...

Oh this is great Asta!