a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

asta and roxy2

Hi everydoggie, as you know, I twy to go to the doggie wun near my house every day, ususally in the morning, cause then Mommi can get stuff done without me bugging her to play all day. Pawsonally I don't see what's wrong with wanting to play all day, but Hoomans are hard to figure out.
Any way I go and if I'm lucky my best fwiend Roxy shows up...I don't know what kind of doggie she is, but she has lots of tewwier in her, cause she likes to play tewwier games. She's weally good at bitey face, wrestling, wolling awound the gwound, running like maniacs, playing pull-tug...well you get the picture..but in this video,it was at the end of an hour and a half of play and all I wanted to do was keep the ball in my mouth and not give it up..as you can see.....I am stubborn


Sophie Brador said...

Roxy looks like a blast. Whose the little Westie? I have a real soft spot for Westies. My mom says she thinks she might know where your dog park is from when she used to dog sit Felix in NYC. He lived really close to you guys. I think my mom misses NY. I don't know why she can't just be content in la petite ville.

e said...

Hi Asta
Thank you for signing up my pledge.
I liked your post about your daddy. I love Caz too and he's like my daddy.

Roxy seems like good fun. It's great to have best mates!


Boo Casanova said...

wow, those are some laughs! hehe.

asta, tell ya, i sleep all day while the hooman are out working. so when they come home, naturally i will wanna play with them. but nope, they wanna do something else other than playing with me. i bark and beg and bug them to play with me.

sometime, my hooman even send me to grandma's so i'll get tired at night and sleep. that's just unfair.

wet wet licks


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I like your video playing with Roxie. And yes, it was clear for me that you wanted to keep that ball only for you!
Have a nice day

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Poor Asta, you look totally pooped! J x

Duke said...

We terriers can be pretty stubborn, huh Asta!! hehehehehe

Love ya lots,

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, That's the dog park! There was also a pet food shop on 9th where we would pop in for cookies. I'll bet you do the same with your mom.

I may be back in the Fall to take care of Andrew's new dog. He moved further north into Chelsea, but not too far. If I do make it down, I will let you know. And please let us know if you come to Montreal.

Sophie Brador said...

I should mention that when I say me, I mean Sophie's mom Sherry and not actually Sophie, since she would be a lousy dog sitter.

Gus said...

Hello little one: You have had a busy morning! And you are not stubborn, you are a WFT! We know wat is good and we make it ours.

I gotta say I am with you on the pool thing. We go next door to Jim's every once in a while, and muzzer thinks I should be happy happy puppy. Truly...it smacks too much of bathwater to me!


Tadpole said...

Way to stand your ground, Asta! I know how stubborn terriers can be *cough...FIG...*cough* You have some terrier in you too, though! :-)

Persephone and Buster said...

Wow--that's a serious terrier-fest!

You guys are really good together--no chewed ears, no non-stop woofing. Wish we Kerries could be good like that!

Sephie & Buster

Stanley said...

Sweet Asta!

Loved your pup run video, but then, I could watch video of you sleeping. ;)

You had a spurt of sauciness there at the beginning, then look totally pooped out - but determined. How old *was* that ball anyway?

Your goober,

Joe Stains said...

good job asta, if you want that ball you keep that ball for as long as you want!

Simba and Jazzi said...

Its my ball and I'm taking it home. Looks like you had great fun.

Simba xx

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Good job.. Fight for what you want!!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hey Asta, great to have a friend to play tug with. :)

~ girl girl

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

You're not stubborn, your a terrier, and a pawfect one at that!

Oscar x

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...you guys look like you were having such fun. It's so nice to have a good friend.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Annebelle said...

Thanks for coming to visit me! I love North Carolina and have been there many times, mostly in the Asheville region. Which part of NC are you from? My girl LOVES NYC and visits there each year. She grew up in San Francisco so she loves being in a big city.

I love the portraits your mommi paints. They are wonderful. Come back by to see me anytime!


Sir Chance-Lot said...

Heheh..Way to go, I would never never let go of my ball, not even to Amber mae if you know what I mean.
You are the "Il presidente of the Balls", and MY kind of doggie

Cairo The Boxer said...


You did a great job keeping the ball.