a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

terrier fun

I'm posting this to cheer up all my heavy-hearted friends..Mummy said Fufu would not want us to mope forever..he'll keep making us smile whenever we think of him...so I hope this terrier madness brings a smile to all your bootiful doggie faces..you too girl-girl
Pretty soon, she'll tower over me, but I'm sooo excited to have an Airegirl to play with..up till now I've been lucky to have many very nice friends at my doggie park, but never a terrier..I was feeling a little like I belonged to an extinct species..my Mummy says we were more popular a long time ago(the dark ages...30s and40s..whenever that was????)...so isn't it great...Oscar mon amour, Maggies, ,Putter ,Miss Sunshade, Mitch ,Jaffa, Faya ,Bogie , Liberty,and all my airefriends...seeeee I'm good at playing with you...so come visit me
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Ruby Bleu said...

Hi Asta...
What a cute new friend you have!!! She's going to towering over you soon enough...but you have much to teach her.

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Joe Stains said...

you guys look like great friends, except maybe in that second video you maybe look like you wanted left alone for a minute

Maggie said...

huh , im so happy you got to play with one of my own kind . i wana go see you in NY !!!!!!!!!!!! thanks for cheering me up , just what i needed !!!!! :0)
luv maggie #2

Maggie said...

ooooh yah , you should tell her about all of us , maby she could get a blog !!!!!! ;0)

Gus said...

Hi little buddy: thanks for sharing the pictures, it did help with the blues.


Liberty Doo Dah said...

Wow Asta!
Adele is pretty cute! Does it make you want an Airegirl to play with all the time? It definitley reassures my mum that should I ever have a sister, it should be a WFT!! Mum says I have to be older though! I better mature soon!

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh, you doggies are so cute. I'm gonna ask Eil if I can have my own terrier too~

~ Girl girl

ps. Fufu would be glad to see us all happy

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Adele will be great fun to play with I bet. I think it's nice that us Wires and Airedales aren't too popular. I like being an individual, and then it's more fun when you meet a friend the same as you!

Oscar x

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Oh you guys are playing with a squirrelie! Amazing tug toy!

Bussie Kissies

Unknown said...

Hi! I am Adele's mom. You all seem so nice!
Adele has told me she wishes she could have met your friend Fufu.
Girl girl, Asta speaks very highly of you. We hope you are not too sad w/o your buddy. Adele is eager to have her own blog and is pushing me to get one going.

Megan & Adele

Duke said...

You guys look so cute playing together! Remember to play nice! hehehehe

Love ya lots,

Boo Casanova said...

asta, she's only 4 months? i can't believe it. if you didn't tell me age, i would assume adele is the older of you two.

wet wet licks


Putter said...


What a super cute friend ... I bet you two have such fun!:) Talk to you soon:)!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Putter said...


Is that a flying squirrl you have in your mouth??? Isn't it the greatest? I have one too!

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

You certainly do look supercute together! Remember to show her who's boss though! J x

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


I liked the pics of you with the Airedale pup. My Mom & Dad used to have an Airedale (Penny) a couple of years before the stalk brought me. Dad says I picked up right where Penny left off, always barking at the neighbors and always have to have the last word.
