a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, May 28, 2007

My Weekend Fun

Hi Everydoggy, well the weekend is over, it was a super long one, with Daddy home since friday afternoon,which is WONDERFUL! We went to the run everyday,we had my hooman cousin and her friends come to visit, I helped Daddy edit a book(ok so he did most of the work, but I encouraged him)..I helped Mommi finish a painting, we all cooked some scallops and gussie's vegeble..drank prosecco,,,a lot...hm don't tell that to any one, I don't want to get arrested for underage dwinking...of course I didn't drive...I snoozed in between playing and eating, took some walks and helped out lost tourists(all locals left town I think), and pwobably lots more stuff I can't remember now 'cause I'm super tired and sleepy!
I hope all of you had a great weekend too..can't wait to hear all about it.....so here are a bunch of videos of me and my friends at the run..Normy could power all of NY in case of blackout, he's got sooo much energy. A lot of my bestest friends were out of town, but it was a lot of fun anyway...smoochie kisses to all...ASTA


Joe Stains said...

sounds like you had a super duper weekend!!! Mom is still 'too tired' to update my blog, but tomorrow is Tanner Tuesday, so I am sure there will be some excitement.

Boo Casanova said...

asta, sounds very fun. are you sure you are not drunk not to remember all the stuff? hehehe.

wet wet licks


Ben & Darling said...

Hi Asta, glad you have a great weekend.

the many Bs said...

wow, Asta, those are some fun videos. you really got to play. we're glad you had a good weekend. we had fun too.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Glad that you had a good weekend! Sounds like so much fun.. and you are such a nice pup to help the tourists!!

Duke said...

What a fun time you had hanging out with all of those doggies! Lucky you!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh Asta, your weekend sure does sound super fun. :)

~ girl girl

Ruby Bleu said...

What a busy weekend Asta! Question for you? In your dog run, there isn't any grass...don't your little paw-paws get sore from running around? I know mine do even when there is grass!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

yes a wonderful weekend... and then it's tuesday... Mama is drain ...sleepy :P

Gus said...

MMMMM. Gussie vegetable and prosecco with scallops (and pasta, please?) one of my favorite leftovers.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta. Glad you had fun this weekend. Editing, painting, eating, drinking, what else you could have asked for, right?
Have a nice day.

Murphey said...

Hey! Thanks for dropping by my blog. I'm planning my road trip now, so I'll make sure I plan a stop to pick you up!


Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

We had a busy weekend too dear Asta...we are catching up on blogs tonight (as mom promised we would)...We won't have time to post pictures tonight but we will before the end of the week:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo:) xox

Maggie said...

looks like you had a superty-duperty fun day !!!

Liberty Doo Dah said...

You got to drink?! Awesome! I bet you slept GREAT! Glad you had a happy weekend! I would LOVE to go to the doggie run everyday!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

What a weekend! Have you caught up on your sleep yet?

Oscar x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Sounds like a fun weekend. I went for a stroll on the beach with Seamus and Molly. We always get lots of admiration when we're all together (obviously I get the most being so handsome)! J x