a tired dog is a good dog

Thursday, May 17, 2007


So, every month I have to help my Mummy color her hair..she does this herself, cause she'd rather spend the money on shoes than the hairdresser...but you already know about her shoe obsession, so I won't go on about that...anyway, if she doesn't color her hair, it's just like a WFTs, what I mean is that it's three different colors(gingerish,black and white)...You know how gorgeous this is on us wiry kids, but somehow it just doesn't work on a hooman that well,.....so here I as making sure we have the right box, so she doesn't wind up with green or platinummum hair..OK Mummy go for it.
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Juno said...

Hi Hi Hi, Asta!! :)

Momo is here...my huuuumas are so busy and can't help me to update my blog! But I thought I should stop by and say HELLO! :)

You help your mom to colour her hair? I think it's NICE to work with huuuumans! I feel so happy and I am sure you feel the same way! :)

You Wire-haired fox terriers have gorgeous hair & beautiful colours. I am jealous!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

She's lucky to have you there as colour consultant. How much do you charge? J x

Duke said...

What a huge helper you are Asta! I bet your mom truly appreciates it too!

Love ya lots,

Janie said...

My Mommy does the same thing - she has to use 2 boxes each time now cuz her hair has gotten long! I help during the waiting process tho usually by curling up on her lap.

Bussie Kissies

Joe Stains said...

thank goodness she has a good inspector. Where is the 'after' picture?

Boo Casanova said...

oh asta,

yeah yeah. i wonder why the hooman can't have tri colours like us. i have mostly white fur, but mom say she will not want to get white hair. i wonder why.

i hope your mom didn't accidentally dye your hair the same as hers!

wet wet licks


Gus said...

My muzzer is too lazy to use colors, plus she is not as artistic as your mom, so I think she would end up dying her face! She spends her savings on shoes too! As a dog, I find shoes superflous. As a male, I think they are kind of intriguing sometimes. I like these ones muzzer has that have BIIIG heels and lots of straps and .......

muzzer says..."no more about my shoe fetish gussie, or I will tell them about you and the blue football under the bed!"

Sophie Brador said...

Asta, You should open a salon!

Juno said...

ohhhh yeahhhhh that's a good idea, Sophie and Asta!!

The hair salon-Asta
The colour consultant-Asta
The Cafe-Asta (all about goodies!)


The shoe shop-Asta for your mom?? :)

Momo xoxo

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

So now you have saved money on the home hair-dye, do you have to go and help her buy more shoes?

Oscar x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Hi Asta, you're so nice to help your mum with the hair coloring. You sure do have very pretty color fur

~ Girl girl

Ben & Darling said...

Good Job Asta.

Putter said...

Hi Asta!

Thank you for my birthday wishes! I wish I could go to Switzerland and try a cow pie:)! You are nice to help your Mum with her hair. I think you should definitely help on the next shoe shopping trip! Like me, I imagine you are very helpful in the shoe department:)!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta.
I do the same with my mom. If I don't supervise her, shen ends with very funny color in her hair! And the waiting time is for belly rubs!
Have a nice day!