a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, May 20, 2007

silly situation

Chilli the dog tagged me..I was supposed to post a picture of me in a silly situation..it was hard cause of course I'm never silly hehehehehehe, but I was caught trying on my Mommie's shoes, well they do go with my collar, and these things are important..I wasn't really supposed to wear them on the sofa, but I was quite comfy there, sooooo I hope this satisfies Chilli and all my silly friends, muwahhhhh,ASTA
(and now don't hate me 'cause I have to tag three of you; here goes, Gussie, Oscar, and Asta down under..TAG you're it..you have to look silly)Posted by Picasa


Joe Stains said...

oh those are some fancy shoes!! I just eat shoes, I dont wear them!

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

I've never eaten shoes before but I might be tempted by those! J x

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

What great self restraint not to chew the shoes!

Oooh, I am sure I can find some photos of me looking silly!

Oscar x

Duke said...

You look simply smashing in those shoes Asta! It's your color!

Love ya lots,

Gus said...

Teka and muzzer agree with Maggie, that is a beautiful color on you. I'm sure we have lots of pictures of me to use, we'll just have to review the files. Enjoy.

Faya said...

Oh .... I never can chew shoes....I will have to try..
Kiss, Faya

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

Mules are definitely your style.

Bussie Kissies