a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, May 27, 2007

I've been tagged again

I haven't even done the last assignment, I have nooo idea who I look like????? and now I'm supposed to write about pawsome facts you might not know about me, that's easier. Here goes:

1-I think I'm part dalmation, cause I KEEP FINDING MORE AND MORE SPOTS all over me,I'm gonna hide them with talcum powder, but they keep sneaking out

2-I can make food fly into my mouth,I've been practicing hypnotising yummys till this happens

3-my Mommi calls me her pupcake, Daddy sometimes calls me poodle(between the dalmation spots, and this I'm going to have an identity crisis soon) also my real name is ASTA GIFT FROM HEAVEN

4-I walk bootifully(although at a 45 dgree angle),next to my 'rents, unless of course I spot a doggie, a kid, a hooman...at that point either pull like mad, lie down and won't budge, or want to jump and play.

5-I'm the official toe licker around here..even guests are in danger if they take their shosies off

6-I DETEST taking baths, but love to supervise Mommi doing it

7-i don't disembowel my softies, I just munch them

I have lots more stuff to say, but that's for another day...

I don't know who's left untagged for this game, let me see, hmm, how about my new friends TRIPLE B


Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

They're beauty marks, not spots!

Bussie Kissies

Duke said...

awwwwwwwww I love that your mom calls you pupcake! That's so sweet!

Love ya lots,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta. Toe licker? I do that too!
Thanks for sharing those things about you
Have a nice day!

Janie said...

I'm called pooper.

Fuzzy Face Snuffies

Boo Casanova said...

well asta, i walk bootifully at every angle too! hehehehe.

wet wet licks


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I have lots of spots on my tummy too. You can see them more when I've had my haircut. J2 calls me "Chumbles" but I don't know why. I think "Pupcake" is better! Can you give me some tips on making food fly into my mouth? I've been practising but it doesn't seem to work. J x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you sound like a sweety. Would you lick my toe too if I go visit you?

~ girl girl

Faya said...

Toe..... j'adore aussi lécher les pieds surtout quand elle sort du bain.... Bisous, Faya

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, How's NYC these days? My mom is going there next week.

the many Bs said...

Okay we did our taggy thingie! Hope you like it.

Juno said...

Asta, sorry.... Sounds like I gave you the hardest assignment!!

Thank you for sharing pawsome facts about you. Your mommi calls you cupcake? That is so sweet!! Asta gift from heaven is even sweeter! :) Speaking of a cupcake my mom often says super famouse Magnolia's cupcake is the best. Is that true?? :)

Momo xoxo

Bogart H. Devil said...

Awwwww.... pupcake is cute!


Maggie said...

pupcake ,
is it hot in NYC yet , its getting hot here , and there is a bunch of people from differnt places , its getting anoying !!!!
dont worry , the spote are beauty marks ......
luv , =magzies

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Pupcake is the pawfect nickname for you!

I normally do a lie down protest if there's a dog approaching. Need to ensure that I get to say hello!

Oscar x