a tired dog is a good dog

Sunday, May 20, 2007

caught in the act

what can I say , I love shoes so when I was tagged and told by Cilli, that I had to have a picture of me in a silly pose or situation,wellllll what should be sillier than seeing a bootiful,quick running,agile foxy's feet encased in shoes and only two at that,,well it's ridiculous..please check next pic for more,,kissesASTA
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Anonymous said...

ha roo ha roo ha roo! I love this picture!
Hugs, Sitka

Billy (YES Casanova!!!) said...

Oh Asta, you and mom have something in common, personally for me, I don't care for them haha! I must say the colour matches your fur:)

BIG hugs from Billy Boo...

oh by the way, what secrets are your hiding from us or is it on from Asta down under???

Urban Smoothie Read said...

i think u should get another pair of slippers to fit onto ur hind legs as well...

Boo Casanova said...

asta, you don't want to be caught in woman's shoe and to let the whole dog world to see!!! quick, pretend u r chewing it!

wet wet licks


Anne said...
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Snowball said...

Asta, you should get another pair for your hind legs. But then, how would you look like if you walk in those shoes?


Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Orange is definitely your colour. Now you just need a matching handbag! J x

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Mum needs to get another pair for your back legs. I love how they co-ordinate so well with your collar, you are so sophisticated Asta!

Oscar x

Duke said...

Is it hard chasing a ball in heels? I haven't tried it yet!

Love ya lots,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, you look great in those shoes. It's really your color. :)

~ Girl girl

Ruby Bleu said...

you are definitely a fashion plate Asta!!! That color looks great on you!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

Those are nice shoes, are those flats? I like the color!!!

<3 Pearly !

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta up over, I 2nd what Jackson says - you need a matching handbag. My mum only always wears running shoes. Now you can add fashion maven to your other list of accomplishments! I've posted my funny photo now. xxx Asta down under

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta. I think it would be hard to walk in those shoes, did you try it?
Have a nice day

Tadpole said...

Hey Asta! The shoes are lovely on you - they really compliment your coloring (and the matching collar is spectacular)! I'm gonna link to you on my blog, if that's okay - my girl loves Greenwich Village!

Hana said...

Asta, if you had 2 more matching shoes, you wouldn't look silly anymore!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.