a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

bad picture

I was tagged and told to publish a bad picture of me..what do you think everydoggie I look like I have no eyes, and talk about scruffy hair (Mommi likes it actually),it's also embarrassing now that I think of it, that at such an early age I was already obsessed with shoes(Daddy's)
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Boo Casanova said...

well, you shown us you with shoes for 2 days in a row. we are convinced you are shoes obsessed! hehehe.

asta, i was looking at other WFT, your head hair colour is so much different from the others. is it bcoz you are still a puppy??

wet wet licks


Boo Casanova said...

ah asta, please ignore my stoopid question above. i just realised, this must be an old puppy photo of you. your current hair is just the same as others!

wet wet licks


Ronin_The_Pug said...

Hihihi! I love to sleep with my nose in my humans' shoes... Shhhh don't tell anyone else.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I think that's a pretty nice pic actually!! Hope that the shoe isn't stinky!!

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Aw, scruffy puppy look is cute. I was just the same when I was a puplet.

Oscar x

Duke said...

Your dad wears clogs too?! Mine too!
BTW I don't think that's a bad picture of you at all! You're a cutie Asta!

Love ya lots,

Ruby Bleu said...

SOOOOOOO CUUUTTTTEEEE Asta!!! I love all the fur!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Gus said...

Cute puppy pictures shouldn't count. But this time is OK

Tadpole said...

Like everyone else said, YOUR SCRUFFY PUPPY LOOK IS ADORABLE! You were so furry and fluffy! :-) You're much more distinguished and refined now, but you sure were a cutie as a pup!

Putter said...


Those are the cool kind of shoes you are snuggled up with:) My Mom has the same ones. I got in trouble once cause I ate a pair ... Ooooopppppssss:)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Asta, I think you must have a shoe fetish - but shoes do smell really good - esp if they're really old. I like to lick Grant's shoes - yum! xxx Asta down under

Stanley said...

Hey, wiregirl Asta! Your mom obviously knows hair if she likes your spikey do! I get the feeling you're adorable no matter what you're hair's doing. BTW, have to ask, mousse or gel?
Goober love,

Sophie Brador said...

It looks like you have static electricity hair!

Liberty Doo Dah said...

Awww Asta!!!

That's a cutie picture!

All passed out, scruffy and puppyish!


PS: Mum is obsessed with shoes and I take after her!

Lorenza said...

Hola Asta. That is not a bad picture. How can be if you are so adorable!
Have a good day!

Juno said...

how did I miss this picture when I was here last time??

This is a CUTE picture-not a bad one!!! :)

Momo xoxo