A few days ago (befowe auntie Kawen's visit and my sickies) ouw fwiend Vewa called and asked if we wanted to go join a few fwiends fow dinnew at an outdoow place called "ROMAI PART" (it's along the Danoobe just outside the city)
Woman legions used to be stationed thewe, way back when Hungawy was called Pannonia by them
People go thewe to walk and eat fish in one of the many outdoow casooal places
It's self sewvice fow the most pawt and most people go fow the fwied fishes
Mommi only gave me the tiniest pawt of the white fishy and no fwench fwies at all
we stayed till the sun went way down and it got all dawk
Mommi cuddled me while she talked to Vewa , who is a sweetie and loves doggies
(she used to have the most bootiful wiwy daxi called Dezsö, who had to leave fow the bwidge a few yeaws ago)
then Daddi held me until I fell asneep and it was time to go home late in the night..
I love being able to go on all these gweat outings
This mowning, my deew Fwiends, the Zoolatwy Giwls sent me this lovely message and badge

Today ~ we celebrate YOU ~
without you, we would not have had Five Years of Blogging,
and we share with you A FRIENDSHIP BADGE.
Thank you so much!
Maggy, Zoey and Ann
Thank you Maggie, Zooey and Ann
you awe always thewe to help all ouw bloggie fwiends wif youw talent and love and cawing heawts
You bwighten ouw days and help us thwoo the too many losses we expewience in this bootiful community
you make me believe in the goodness of hoomans and put smiles on ouw faces
I hope we'll have many mowe yeaws togethew!
wishing all of you a most bootiful weekend
smoochie kisses
What a magical evening but I think the best park - was the cuddles - you can never have to many of them
What a fun time! I think the snuggles would have been the best part too - or the food. Tough choice!
THAT was ANOTHER of your magical days. Well and NIGHTS too!!
Can you believe they have been blogging fur FIVE YEARS??? THAT is sooooo fangtastic.
Looks like you enjoyed another great time of fine dining and friendship.
No frenchy fries!!!! Oh, Miss Asta you must come visit me in Chicago so we can share a bag of french fries!
Hurray for Maggie, Zoe, and Ann!
Your pal, Pip
P.S.: The lighting in those evening shots are just beautiful!
So cool that you have places where you can go too!
That looked like a great outing.
Maggie, Zooey and Ann are wonderful
Love and licks Winnie
Looks like you had a fabulous evening out.
a most fabulous evening, we think you should have gotten more than a bite and at least a couple of french fries! But your Mommi is most good about sharing (usually) and so we think it must have been soooooo good that she had a selfish moment.
But only one!
We are missing you and Mommi and Daddi....on the way back from St. Loulis Muzzer was wearing her orange sandals and she and the Dad were reminiscing about the good time they had with y'all in New Yawk at this time last year. Sigh......
kisses and smooches and besos and hugs
It is a beautiful place!
Glad you all enjoyed a great time there! With yummy fish included!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
That looks like such a lovely place. Glad your mommi is helping you watch your diet!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
That looks like such a lovely place. Glad your mommi is helping you watch your diet!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
That looks like such a lovely place. Glad your mommi is helping you watch your diet!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
That looks like such a lovely place. Glad your mommi is helping you watch your diet!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
I can just imagine all the good smells from all that food! Oh it makes my mouth water to think of it.
I like to see you being all cuddled up. It feels so good, doesn't it?
What a wonderful evening Asta. That fishie dishie looked very tastie!
Have a great weekend
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
Not even one French fry, Asta?
You do look like you enjoyed yourself anyway!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
What do you mean no french fries! That is no way to treat a princess such as yourself.
Love your beautiful picshuwes Miss Asta, and I'm so happy you didn't eat those nasty fwench fwies, cuz your delicate system doesn't need dem!!!
Your furiend,
Hi Miss Asta, what a lovely day but we are sorry you didn't get french fries. We LOVE your snuggly photos. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Wow Asta! Lucky you, out on the town. I would have stolen a french fry. You are so well behaved. Slobbery smooch from Henry : )
Hi Asta
You sure are getting out and about, love seeing all the different places you go to, just watched your smile box, love that bench piano and the view at night from your window, plus all the lovely food its making me very hungry.
Blogging is special I have made some very cherished friends through it, you are one of them.
I must just say hello from one George to another :) and of course your Mommi :)
Pucker up kisses coming your way across the land
Love from your friend George xxx
Asta! I'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well :( I know your v.e.t and Mom and Dad will get you feelin like your chipper self again real soon! :) Til then I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and sending you the best healing vibes!!!
So wonderful you get to go on all these long and fun adventures in beautiful settings! Yay for you! :)
Waggin at ya,
We love all of the wonderful adventures that you get to share with your humans. And that restaurant looks like our kind of place! What a pleasant way to spend an evening.
And we so agree that Maggie, Zooey and Ann are Angels among us! Talented Angels to boot! Our community is so much richer for the fact that they share themselves with us.
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