I have been lucky enuff to be smawtened up by being a doggie bloggew and meet all the diffewent wondewful bweeds of doggies that thewe awe and leawn that it's not bad doggies, but bad hoomans who cause all the twoubles that Pitties
awe blamed fow
I know all of you wemembew the howwid towtoowe that sweet Shelby (who was wescooed by the Houston PittiePack, and assisted by so many bloggie fwiends in healing )endoowed at the hands of hoomans..yet she fowgave and was loving and twusting
ovew and ovew we have seen those big Pittie smiles and kisses, yet thewe is still pwejoodice
Today, I'd like to send my love and bestest wishes to Cowbin, a sweet
Pittie fwiend who dweams of a day when we stop judging by appeawances..
pway fow that too
Pleez go wish my vewy good fwiend Cowbin a vewy happy Biwfday and join all of Blogville in celebwating ouw devewsity and the wondewfulness of Pitties!
smoochie kisses
I love the poster... Ban Stupid People... Not Dogs!! That is perfect.
Great post, Asta. You are definitely a great friend to everyone... :)
(Milo and Dixie would approve this comment if they were awake...)
Hey Asta!
Wow, you barked this out just perfectly! No one should be judged by appearance, but by their heart and spirit instead. Love that smoochie kiss for Corbin! He'll be totally waggin' over that!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, Pitty Wanna Be
A sooper post fur a sooper guy from a sooper girly
Uji, Izzy n Ziggy
xxx xxx xxx
What a Most Wonderful postie you wrote, Asta! Blogville really is the bestest place in the world for getting to know somebuddy on the inside...instead of just judging 'em by what they look like on the outside. I sure do feel lucky to be a part of it and have such super terrific furends like you and Corbin!
Wiggles & Wags,
Boy HOWDY did you ever get this one RIGHT where it LIVES. GRRRREAT POST. SUPER GRRRREAT.
Now about that KISS though... now you are gonna have a bunch of the HEdawgs gettin all grrrreen with Jellyness over THAT.
You do have a way with your words girrrrl.
Hi Asta, We are pleased you had a great visit and you are so brave to go in the lift, and the moving stairs. We like all the swimming places, they look great.
It does look an exiting place to live.
We do wish Corbin a Hgappy Birthday,
and hope he stays well.
Licks Bobby
Oh Asta dat was an awesome postie and was so well pawed! Them legislations hads to has been made up by a bunch of drunk law makers lookin' fur sumptin' to do.
And sweet Shelby...where are da words when I needs 'em?
Awesome post, my friend!
What a wonderful post, Asta, and the best part is that Corbin got a birthday smoochie from you!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
Miss Asta,
This was a most beautiful post and I know Corbin will love it. I dream of a day when all the stupid people who hurt dogs, cats, and other peeps will be gone. My paws are crossed for a kinder, gentler world!
Love, Pip
Very well said My Sweetest. And to see you post two days in a row, that is wonderful.
Have a great week
ps...the spanikopita was cold and they were out of dolmades, you did not miss anything.
except the little beans doing their special dancing.
A smoochie from Miss Asta? He must be over the moon!
I am all against banning stupid peoples too- not dogs!
We love your post! Well done!
dearest asta love
thank you for being our voice and remembering our beautiful angel
we love you more than words can say
pibble toots
the pittie pack
Oh, Asta... a smoochie?! I've really got everything a guy could ask for on my birthday this year! Thank you so much for this great pitty post. Shelby will live on and keep changing minds forever. Thanks for joining in on the Pitty Post Day!
Well stated, dear friend! We stand beside you in your call for a kinder more accepting world. We will never understand the human need to label and judge everything.
Miss Asta, just beautiful and we bet Corbin LOVED that smoochie kiss from you. Yowza! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Asta, what a lovely post, we totally agree with you, the 'problem' of pit bulls - and other demonised breeds - is really the problem of stupid (and cruel) human behaviour.
We dogs can only try our best to make ALL humans as nice as the many nice ones out there.
Toodle pip!
Hey Asta, great post.,amazing...
I love the banner...
Dog Fence
Dog Containment
Awww what a sweet post for the Birthday Boy :) He's gonna luv it!
Waggin at ya,
Pitbulls rock!
Asta!! We're all on your side! Great post! Ban stupit people, not doggies!!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Asta!! We're all on your side! Great post! Ban stupit people, not doggies!!!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Thank you for the kind words about Charlotte. They mean the world to us
Nola and family
Asta...brillo paws poster!
Yeah.."Ban people not dogs!" Happy Birthday to Corbin.
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx
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