a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, August 6, 2011

My Spectacoolaw Summew Vacation

Well I'm finally back fwom all my adventoowes
While I was in Bowa Bowa, in a pawallell oonivewse, I went to Lake Seneca wif Mommi and Daddi  to welax, swim and spend time wif some soopew doopew wondewful fwiends who invited us

We wented a caw, and I helped navigate while Daddi dwove and Mommi just sat

we got thewe in five and a half houws, I had been befowe two yeaws ago, and it was as if it had been yestewday..it totally felt like home

 I checked out all the smells  to see who was awound...I saw this fox  evewy day..cheecky buggew stawed at me but then he wan away into the fowest when I said hi

down by the watew, you can see all the five docks that awe pawt of this pwopewty

I had so many pictoowes and videos that I had to ask Mommi to make a couple of smileboxes to fit them all in..I hope you enjoy seeing them

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while thewe, I made suwe to get a couple of pictoowes fow my fwiend Geowge the lad and his specialty..STEPS

these steps awe my favowite because they lead down to the lake whewe I got to swim sevewal times a day

it's a hooge lake and vewy vewy deep in the centew, but whewe we awe, it's not scawy at all and most wefweshing

I can walk stwaight in if I want and go bwing back the toys  Daddi thwows in fow me

see how bootiful that watew is? now pwomise to not laugh at me..I know I'm a tewwiew which means I'm supposed to dig and like eawfy stuff and not go awound wetwieving, but  I guess I have a weiwd stweak and I love to do this

I also love to sit in a hammock wif Mommi and just welax

and of couwse enjoy wefweshing Wally Melon

and then chill in the sun (don't wowwy, I did not get sunbuwned..I only spent a little time out of the shade when I came out of the watew)

hewe is anothew smily box wif mowe pictoowes and videos..I hope you'we not exhausted and boowed  fwom watching all of these

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the time flew by much too fast and it was time to go home..the bestest pawt of a woad twip is getting my vewy own hambuwgew when we stop fow food

weally, the whole thing was mine and I ate it in wecowd time, hehehehe

the west of the way home I snept

I missed all of you and wish you could have been thewe
I will twy to come visit evewyone as soon as pawsibull...I pwomise

smoochie kisses


Wyatt said...

What a wonderful place indeed!!
You are such a good swimmer, just like a real pro!! Your mom made a nice scrapbook of your vacation :)

Wyatt and Stanzie

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Wow Asta - that place was really close to HEAVEN - you were sure lucky to be able to go to such a WONDERFUL place. I think I might have even gone in the water too if it were me!

My very favourite photo was you with the blue swimming goggles on.....so funny!

I'm sure your peeps deserved a beautiful break too.

Lucky, lucky, lucky!!!

Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

Charlie said...

What a great vacation! And don't worry about the retrieving thing - my lips are sealed!!
- Charlie

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

I loved your two smilebox thingys.. I feel like I was right there with you.
Sorta like that FOX.
Now fur a gal that says she is City through and through.. you took to the country like a PRO.
You can't swim in the Furs.. in a City Pool the way you can in a LAKE.
That hammock looks like a wonderful place fur nappin.
I can't believe that you ate an ENTIRE Burger...
I surely am glad that you are back. You have been missed more than you know.

houndstooth said...

What a fantablous place! I wish I'd been there with you, too. You must have wished you could stay there forever!


WFT Nobby said...

Asta, what a lovely start to our Sunday, to lie in bed and relax watching all your beautiful holiday pictures and movies. You really do like to retrieve (and swim!) and not dig - that's amazing. Well, Lake Seneca looks so clear and clean and even I might be tempted in for a wee dip.
So glad you had such a great time.
Oh and all that delicious food too...
Toodle pip!
PS I saw my first ever fox a few weeks ago. You can probably imagine how excited I was!

Duke said...

What a beautiful vacation spot, Asta! We are so glad that you had a great time with your mommi and daddi!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
The lake looks beautiful. I would love to wade in there with you. I am so glad you got your summer vacation.


Gus said...


We think you all had a well deserved and wonderful vacation. The retriever thing though...please don't tell muzzer - she will start trying to get us to fetch again.

kisses, kisses, kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, you ARE quite the surfer girl - we are so happy that you and your family were able to have such a fun and relaxing time at the lake. Lake Seneca is very beautiful. Nice of your friends to invite you to come.

Woos ~ The OP Pack

Daisy said...

Ooooh, your very own hamburger?!?! Asta, you are one lucky girl. It is great to see you having such a fun time.

Stella said...

Its great that your family could spend this time at a nice lake with you. You can't beat cooling lake breezes in the heat of the summer, can you?



Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Dear Asta,

That looks like a fabulous vacation. When you live in a big city, it must be so good to get out into the country from time to time!

To answer your question... my "clones" are in fact my sister Sophie (R) and my niece Emily (centre). #1 is away and my breeder has come to look after us, and brought S & E along!


STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hi Miss Asta, what a wonderful holiday. You must feel so relaxed. How did your hair look soooo beautiful even after being in the water. You are just so glamorous. Thanks for all your pictures. No worries, and love, Stella

Anonymous said...

Oh Asta it sure does look like you had nothin but lots of FUN! What beautiful pictures too. I love the one with you in the water with the pretty flower.

woos, Tessa

Mack said...

I think that was the best vacation ever! And the hamburger was the cherry on top!


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Asta!!! What an amazing and beautiful place!! No wonder you had such a good time :)
Bora Bora is a good time too ;)
WE purr you get a chance to rest before you go on any more exciting trips !!heehee

Purrs Tillie and Georgia

Koobuss said...

Oh Kousin Asta,

That's bootiful! I'm so glad that you got to go to the lake and had such a good time. And I can't believe that you actually saw a fox! WOW!! A real live fox that was seen by a real live fox terrier!! How wonderful!! Did you catch him? Or at least chase him? You are so lucky, kousin Asta. You are the only fox terrier I know who has actually seen a fox. WOW!! I am in awe.

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh Asta....what a nice va-k-shun you had. Me wants to go on anudder va-k-shun too butt Mom says no. :o(

Me can't go in any lakes round my house cause da gators might eat me.

So I has to sticks to my pool.

Ruger said...

Miss most boootiful Asta - not only are woo bootiful, but you are MOST clefer to be able to live in two universes at the same time.
I fink your lake holiday would be my mostest favourite holiday, but I do fink that fox was fery rude. You were so polite to say hi to him, but then he was fery rude to run away.
My Mumma finks that your Mommi's Smilebox books were fery fery lubly and fery fery clefer. She fought they showed of your vackation fery well.

Lots of slobbers from your pal Ruger

George The Lad said...

Hi Asta, I would never forget you, I'm just behind with blog reading, but when a saw your comment I came straight over, and glad I did.
Wow, WOw, WOW, you lucky girl, what a beautiful place, and to pose on steps just of me ;) loved your smile boxes to, you can swim so well, dad was making you work for that ring!! loved the way you looked up at mom as if to say did I do good, course you did, mom and dad looked they where having a great dinner party to, bet you had a lie in the morning after that ;)
So pleased you had a great time in a great place.
Have a great week
Love and hugs, pucker up, I'm sending you a big X to the sweetist Fox Terrier I know George xx

Bobby said...

Asta that looks the best holiday ever.
You and Pip would be a good swim team.
I cold make a good burger eating team.
Licks Bobby

White Dog Blog said...

What an absolutely fantabulous place to go and relax, rebalance and refresh! What a strong swimmer you are! What great friends (two- and four-legged)! How happy and tranquil everyone looks! Just the perfect summertime magic at just the right time! Thank you for sharing your joy!

Lacy said...

w00fs, wow, what a wonderful vacation u all had....yummmmy dat wally melon looks good..and all that cool waters...bet u had a blast...

b safe,

Oskar said...

Oh Miss Asta, I am so glad that your family got a relaxing vacation in such a beautiful place! It looks like heaven. You are brave to get in the water & I love sleeping in the hammock with my peeps too.

Nubbin wiggles,

Huskee and Hershey said...

We are so happy to see that you, your mommi and daddi went to such a nice place for a well-derserved holiday. You are so brave to get into the water... it looks sooo clear and refreshing!!

Please give your mommi a kiss from our mom.

Love you heaps,
Huskee and Hershey

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

COULD WE HAVE A LITTLE PEANUT BUTTER TO GO WITH OUT JELLY???? Totally jelly...Mumsie looked at the pics of the DOCKS...well, it seems she's a dock FREAK, having spent many childhood hours playing, flirting, swimming on and eating ice cream. She says it tastes totally different then...oh...and she said that the best drink for the dock is an orange crush...in a bottle...frankly, I wish she'd go to bed...she's making me type too much...

You looked lovely swimming dear girl...how do you keep your back end doing that floatie thing...a very difficult MAN U VER...

Mine sinks...'nuff said on that ocmment.

And we adored the steps...and the boathouse and oh, it reminded Mumsie so much of Canada, she is going to have to go find pictures so you can see "her" lake...sheesch.

Love to you and the Peeps,

Miss Lacie the Smallmouth Bass.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Oooh! That hammock looks Most Comfy - and the perfect place to nap after all the swimming!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

TwoSpecialWires said...

Aren't we lucky to have pictures that OurPeople take so we can remember the special times over and over and over again. AND be able to share them with friends?

Even though we are really late seeing these, we loved realizing what a perfect trip to Lake Seneca you all had. Seeing your smiling faces and the fun places made us happy for you. All of you.

Jake and Fergi and OurMoma, too