a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, August 12, 2011

My BabyBwuvvew Duffy's Biwfday

Thuwsday was my baby bwuvvew Duffy's Thiwd Biwfday! I can't believe it..it seems like just yestewday that he showed up..we've had so many wondewful times togethew..he comes to my house often wif his mommi(auntie Kawen) and sometimes to spend the day and night

Thuwsday, he spent the whole day wif me and when his Mommi finished wowk, she came ovew and we celbwated togethew

She bwought us pate and wunny cheese and of couwse a Biwfday cake
we ate the fiwst couwses so fast that Mommi couldn't take any pictoowes, but she finally got hew act togethew in time fow blowing out the candles

hewe he is contemplating what wishes to make
(his Momauntie Kawen was gwinning fwom eaw to eaw)

I guess he made his wish, and decided to stawt eating as he blew the candles out, hehehe

auntie Kawen put the cake on the table and I wanted to make suwe it was all wight

then he had a taste

and I politely backed off( ackshooly, he told me to get back)

mommi said i was being good, so i could have some too

wif a full tummie, I settled down to playing wif a stuffie

Duffy decided he wanted it too, and we played a gweat game of pull-tug.

ahhhh, siblings....can't help but love 'em

Duffy went home all happy aftew ouw pwivate Biwfday pawty and took my suwpwise pwesent wif him....( we wewen't allowed to open it  hewe, so that he could enjoy it wifout me ummm, stealing I mean teawing,ummm, playing wif it)

he sent me this pictoowe fwom his pawsonal cell phone as soon as he got home along wif this note:

"than you Sissie for the wonderful Birfday peezzie. I can tell Mr. Hefalump and I will have some fun times together
Luv, D"

I'm so glad I got to celebwate this big thiwd biwfday wif dawling Duffy..he's a twooly sweet and handsome boy and I'm pwoud to have him as my baby bwuvvew


smoochie kisses


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday, Duffy - it is hard for us to believe that you are three already too. We are so happy you were able to share your special day with special Asta.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Unknown said...

Happy birthday! What a delicious cake you had for your birthday. Looks like you had great fun.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Wyatt said...

Happy Birfday, Duffy! Birfdays are wonderful...cake, pressies, family!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Happy 3rd Duffy. Oh My! what a CAKE and presents you had. What a FUN celebration you guys had. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Lots of Golden Thanks for PAWTYing with my on my 10th Barkday! Appreciated it and had lots of Golden FUN. Delighted to be bloggie friends. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Jans Funny Farm said...

Happy Birthday, Duffy! It sounds like you and he had a great celebration with your humans.

White Dog Blog said...

Happy Happy Happy barkday, Duffy! It looks like you had an elegant and yummy dinner and that you and your sissie had a splendid day. We wish you many happy returns of the day, long healthy life, friendship, contentment and laways,...love! The White Dog Army

WFT Nobby said...

Happy Birthday Duffy. That must be the nicest birthday possible, having you all to himself for the whole day AND getting a special cake.
Toodle pip!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Oh Miss Asta, you are the bestest sister ever. I love family occasions especially when they involve party food. Did Duffy blow out all the candles? I'm glad you had such a lovely time with your brother. No worries, and love, Stella

Duke said...

Happy 3rd birthday to Duffy! What a fun pawty you treated him to, Asta!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

George The Lad said...

Happy Birthday Duffy, he had a great time, that's a lovely present you got him, I'm sure he will treasure it.
Have a good week
Pucker up for a kiss ;)
Love George xxx

Gus said...

Happy Birthday Duffy. The muzzer said you are a great fellow and that you don't look a day over two.


Pandafur said...

Happy Barkday Duffy, you sure had a grate pawty! xxox

Scooter said...

Hey Duffy!
Wow, I'm sending you a huge happy barkday!! I hope you have a pawesome day and a wonderful year!
Hey Asta!
Wow, it's so nice you got to enjoy the barkday together! I bet that cake was heavenly!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

What a fabulous party and celebration day! Happy Birthday Duffy!

Your pal, Pip

houndstooth said...

I think Duffy must have had the most fabulous birthday ever with you, Miss Asta! I think you were an excellent hostess!


The Black and Tans. said...

Happy Birthday Duffy. The best way to spend your special day just has to be with your sister and party, party, party!

MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie

Anonymous said...

Happy Barkday Duggy!

You are a very gracious sister Asta!

woos, Tessa

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

HAPPY BIRFDAY DUFFY... I can see that you had a wonderful time with the lovely Miss Asta.

THANK You Asta fur sharing your Private Pawty with us.. You're the BEST.

Oskar said...

Duffy is growing up to be a very handsome young dog. It was very nice for you to host a party for him.

I'm glad you got to celebrate the day with him.

Nubbin wiggles,

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousins Asta and Duffy,

Happy Birthday to kouisn Duffy!

You sure know how to throw a pawty, kousin Asta! That looked like lots of fun, especially the tug of waw. The food looks great, too, just like all the food your mommi makes. : )

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Well a special Happy Birfday, Duffy. You two could almost be twins!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy THIRD Birthday Duffy! What a fun time to spend it with your brother!

Daisy said...

Happy, happy birthday to you, Duffy!

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

BowWowzer Asta! We forgot that you have a baby brother. Soooo cool that you dedicated this post to him. Happy Birthday to Duffy...
from HOotie and BabyRD. Hope you had the best day yet!!

Shane Kent Louis said...

Belated Happy Blessed Barkday! Party! Party! :)

Dog Fence | It's All About Pet Fences

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Seriously, Asta...how can Duffy be THREE??? Wasn't the stork just bringin' him?? He was just a baby...member you guys in the matching chicken costumes for Halloween??? Sheesch...

So how was the Long Island Iced Tea?? Long and wet??? We heard it rained something insane like 8 inches yesterday!! Hope you made it home safe and sound...

Will be flyin' in on my Broom tonight to eat the remains of Duffy's cake...you did save me most of it, didn't you???


Miss Lacie Teacakes

Oh...we FINALLY posted...Mumsie's so lazy...

Sally said...

Happy Birthday Duffy.
Better late than never. :-)

Nice woooh

Finn said...

Happy birthday! I love that green elephant? toy too! Looks like a great day. Can't wait to hear about your prom details!

TwoSpecialWires said...

Asta. Next time you see Duffy, would you please deliver our belated but heartfelt birthday wishes? And please tell him that Fergi still feels bad about the time she rumbled at him.

Jake and Fergi