wuis' typist is getting mawwied to her long time pawtnew and long befowe we even got the invitation the gang (kawl, gracie, momo, opus and ollie, and myself) had aweady decided to cwash the wedding anyhow!
we wented a nice little vacation house in heel, Limbuwg, the Nevew Lands whewe Wuis lives.
pictoowe by Momo
then we took the MFV and dwove ovew to wuis' house to unpack ouw pwesents and the cake and set up for a nice cocktail pawty befowe the wedding.
we had just stawted to unload when wuis scweams NO! and tells us we awe actually unloading at the neighborw house, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! typical, hehehehehe
photo by Gwacie
after moving to the wight house, we decowate a little.
pictoowe by Gwacie and Kawl
and then we set up the wedding cake in the backyawd and hide all inside of it, waiting fow the hoomans to show up so we can jump out of the cake!
pictoowe by KAWL
pictoowe by me,Asta
we put the table wif the pwesents (pink champews and chocolates) on the side of the yawd

photo by Asta
Momo,Ollie and Gwacie managed to get chocolate all ovew theiw pwetty pawty dwesses and had to change , SHEEEESH
and then Momo had to bwing in the back up chocolate fountain since we pwetty much ate up the othew cake, heheheehe...
photo by Gwacie
Gwacie finally put up the bootiful flowew awc
photo by Gwacie
tonight we will celebrate in the cafe where Wuis and Kawlf once celebrated carnival!
Kawl and I and pwobably Gwacie and Momo too will post those pictures this weekend! so come back!
we pwomise it will be wowth youw time!
Together again! This is beyond wonderful!!!!! Wishing the best for the new couple. How wonderful, even though we crashed things, that we can share in their important day!!!!!
Oh Miss Asta! You all look wonderful! We're so impressed that you all managed to fit inside that cake! SUPER BIG CONGRATULATIONS to the NEWLYWEDS!! And best wishes for their future!!
-Gizmo, Bart and Ruby
Oh Asta! What a celebration you all set up! We wish much happiness to the new couple and hope you can get the chocolate out of your dresses! I wish I could have been there!!!
yeaaah as gracie said: together again! what fun we are having, though i must say - those endless minutes inside the cake - i could have done without those....
but now let's PARTY! and congratulations to the happy couple.
now ruis - come over here - i want to dance!
A wonderful wedding! We love the cake..so sad it got eated too early.
gussie n teka
What a beautiful celebration you had in honor of Wuis' Mom - that cake was just beautiful.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Hi Asta, we have missed you but see you are still in a social whirl!
What a wonderful wedding cake, can we please have a piece to put under our pillow so we can dream of a handsome Mr Basset!
Much love
Martha and Bailey xxx
I don't know what they would have done if you hadn't crashed the event. Your catering as always was superb. And didn't you girls look lovely and the guys handsome as always.
Oops! Darn it! I missed another wedding and great time! Everyone looked lovely and the decorations were bootiful. You guys sure know how to pawty.
I must fire my social secretary. Hehe...
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Oh Asta...we wish Ruis er Wuis' Peeps the best wedding ever. Hmm...I had forgotten the idea of sleeping on a slice of wedding cake as the Aunties Basset reminded me...sorry about the removal of the top tier, but if a slice brings one dog, imagine what the whole top of the cake would bring. I love your dress...change of color for you?? Brings out the white in your furs...
Now I had heard about the carob fountain, but the Lacie is off to work on a new project...
AN ICING FOUNTAIN. Numerous ones with different flavors...lemon in one, carob in another...one would grab a slice of un-iced cake (or de-iced...I could help with that) and hold it under the fountain.
Miss Lacie Frosting Face
What a beautiful wedding pawty, Asta! I can't wait to see more fotos. You all look just fab!!! Butt, I especially was cracking ups at you all in da Cake. Heeheeeeeeeeee
What a beautiful wedding pawty, Asta! I can't wait to see more fotos. You all look just fab!!! Butt, I especially was cracking ups at you all in da Cake. Heeheeeeeeeeee
Oh Asta... you KNOW how I do love a Wedding!!! THAT was a Lovely Cake!! Can't wait to see more pics. You all looked soooooo Nice.
Hey Asta!
Wow, what a pawesome event! Weddings are a blast. The cake is great...I've heard of jelly-filled donuts, but never critter-filled cakes! BOL You all look just wonderful and I hope everyone has fun!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
What a beootiful wedding! :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Everybody loves a wedding. And that includes us. (We're just a little worried about tracking sand along with us. Please excuse our beach-blown look!)
Much love, to you, AstaSissie, and to the lovely couple
Jake and Fergi
Wow, what a good event planner you are, Asta!! Everything looks just perfect for a wonderful wedding :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Love is GWAND and so is this cake! Thanks for saving me a few bites! It looks like a beautiful ceremony and I am sure the humans were very happy that you all made the trip.
Your pal, Pip
White Dog wishes for much happiness and joy on this special day! We woo the newlyweds our hopes that they have a life filled with blessed togetherness, love, and contentment.
Asta you and the gang did a GREAT job on making sure the day was perfect!
To love!
Congratulations to them!
Sure it was a beautiful wedding!
And you made it more interesting!
Thanks for sharing all the pictures!
Kisses and hugs
Congratulation on your wedding! nice photos thanks for sharing asta! :)
Dog Fence
Good to be together again. However, perhaps not quite as close as we had to be while in the cake. Phew, was I squashed! Great to be out and munching cakes!
Asta once again you have excelled yourself. To organize a wedding party in one house (albeit the wrong one) and then move it to another is amazing .Everything looked absolutely purrfect.
We cannot believe you all sat in that cake and didn't eat your way out. We would have!
Congratulations to the happy couple.
Molly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Hi Miss Asta, oh that wedding looked amazing. I like the idea of sitting in a big cake. My mum likes the idea of chocolate and champagne. No worries, and love, Stella
What a happy reunion!!!!! The wedding cake, pink Champaign, pink chocolates... everything looks pawtastic!
Momo & Pinot xoxo
Hi Asta
Oh love is so very GRAND! And I am so happy for the cute couple. We
send magic bubbles full of happy wishes for them to have a lifetime of love together. You all looked so nice, and I would be so tempted to taste that cake.
We cannot wait to see more photos.
I know you have been busy getting their new home all ready for them
What a great event! I can't wait to read more.
Nubbin wiggles,
w00fs, wow, what bute ti ful decorations...Happy and long life to the happy couple..
b safe,
A little secret, Asta.... this was the ONLY wedding cake we had! :-) So that's another reason why we were so happily surprised you all came "crash" the party!! :-))
Thank you so much, girl!!!
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