As many of you know I have some vewy close kitteh fwiends
we have been on tons of gweat adventoowes ovew the last few yeaws
The gang is togethew once again!
Gwacie, Momo, Kawl, Wuis, Opus, Ollie, and I awe shawing once again in a celebwation.
We awe all going to a wedding.
You awe pwobably wondewing who is getting mawwied and whewe we awe ?
If you would like to know you will have to visit tomowwow to see
See you at the wedding!
smoochie kisses
What? Are we the first to RSVP? After all these weeks away? A Wedding? (Just so long as it's not OurGirl's wedding ... we'll be there. Or, at least, we'll TRY to be there!) We've missed you so.
We're gonna stay up late tonight and read read read, so we won't be TOO uninformed when we finally see everyone again!
WE LOVE YOU, Asta Sissie!
Jake and Fergi
A wedding? We love romantic mysteries! Of course we will be back tomorrow.
Dear compassionate friend, you always know just the perfect thing to say. You made momma smile with your words of encouragement (and cry a little out of the joy of having such caring friends)! Thank you.
Cool! a wedding! And one of mom's coworkers has a son getting married this Saturday!
We likes your outfit and the tangerine shoes!
Schiopl? Asta, you're in Amsterdam? So close. They have lots of flights to Aberdeen, why not forget about the kittehs and come right over? Please!
Toodle pip!
Asta as you are so close you could pop down and see us after visiting Bertie perhaps?
MOlly, Taffy, Monty and Winnie
Weddings are so beautiful and so much fun! We can't wait to hear more, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh a wedding. How very exciting. But hmmm, er, what is a wedding? I will visit again to find out. No worries, and love, Stella.
Whoooopeeeee, I'm on my way! See you there!
We love weddings around here!
Wonderful! Will be there showtly.
Teka says she loves the are looking frabjouus.
A wedding??? You know I am a romantic guy at heart. Will there by champagne and cake??? I will be back tomorrow for the details!
I must say you are looking smashing and very hip. You go, girl!
Your pal, Pip
You know I just LOVE a wedding... Will there be TWO BRIDES???
Oh a wedding I love a wedding and will be back for sure tomorrow. cant wait.. Hugs GJ xx
Oh the suspense!! We'll definitely have to check back tomorrow...we can't just be left hanging! :)
We're sure you picked out the perfect outfit for the wedding--being that you're NYC chic and all! Have fun and we can't wait to see who's getting hitched!
Elyse and Riley
hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo for stopping by with the informayshun abowt yore mommi dansing at that strayndj rownd bilding in avalon that wil definitly help with my investigayshun!!! my mama and dada hav ben tawking abowt going to sum sort of jazz festivul in november wot wil also involv dansing in a big rownd bilding koinsidense??? i think not!!! ennyway i wil kontinyoo my reesertch into the aynchent kultcher on catalina iland and wil soon hav a full report wot wil mayk me faymus!!! hav fun at the wedding i bet their wil be dansing their too!!! ha ha ok bye
A wedding??? How exciting - we will be back tomorrow for sure. Bet you will be the most beautiful lady there.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
So wonderful to all be together once again and to celebrate such a happy occassion! We have all come early and will stay late!!
Great outfit, Kousin Asta! I really like your shoes!
: )
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Great outfit, Kousin Asta! I really like your shoes!
: )
Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Is it a Duck Wedding?!?!?!?!?!?
Can't wait fur da details......
I wished I could come
Oh sweety, it was sooooo good to see you all again!! But i thought you all came with the MPV?
Loooove your orange outfit! :-))
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