a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, August 16, 2010

Plans and Weality

Wemembew last summew???

I got to go to  a bootiful lake
I was supposed to be thewe this last week again

eating yummies wif Mommi and fwiends
swimming in spawkling cleaw watew

getting tweats fow doing something I love to do anyway and seeing Mommi laughing

instead...this is what I got to do a few of the days last week

cool off in the tiny pool at the wun

but as I told Mommi, doggies don't whine about what could be, we enjoy what we have
(I'm twying to teach hew)
smoochie kisses and cwossed paws fow little Tigew at the Pittie Pack..please go and give them youw love and help if you can (it's descwibed on Mona's bloggie)


Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta! What a sweet doggie you are to make the best of your bad situation! We know it is no fun but it is going to be ok we are sure! We know that things at your place are stressed - we hope things get better soon!

3 doxies said...

I couldn't agrees withs you more. As long as we got each others we got it all just abput...throw in some treats a nd few stuffies and life is good...oh and da health too.
Evrything is gonna be's okay. I promise girlfuriend. BUT, I do likes to see your mom laugh and smile.


WFT Nobby said...

Hi Asta
So nice to hear from you. And we know that your Mommi will be extra pleased to have you around just now. Lots of hugs and kisses to you both, and to Daddi, from across the Pond. And talking of Ponds - that beautiful lake wont be going anywhere anytime soon, so I'm sure you'll be seeing it again.
Toodle pip!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yes, Asta, it would be such fun to go back to the lake and watch your mom laugh while you have fun. We think you'll be having fun again. Just have patience.

mayziegal said...

I bets you make your mom laugh no matter where you are, Asta! And it looks like you're having a most wonderful time in that pool. And that's all that counts. You gots to make the most of what you have - and I know you do that all the time!

wiggles & wags,

Bocci said...

I agree with mayziegal-I bet you make your Mommi laugh no matter where you are! You look adorable playing in that little pool, Asta. Let's toast to better times ahead, eh? We're sending you and yours good vibes :-)

Your lovin' buddy,

Duke said...

Think of it as taking a year off. It will be twice as fun next year, Asta! We're not going to Nantucket this year either so that means next year will be even better for us too, right?!
We agree with Puddles - you've got each other and that's what counts most!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

If only our humans could learn to live each day to it's fullest like we doggies do, it would be great. Our Mom has a hard time doing it too.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Gus said...

Asta..we are sorry your lake trip was postponed (until next year?) and hope that sunshine falls on you and Mommi and Daddi in the New York that you all love. Kisses to all.


Lulu Burgess said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

You know Asta, one day Mom took a photo of me cooling off in the ocean and later that same day, she got a photo of me cooling off in that same bone-shaped pool at the dog run. And you know what? I was just as happy — I had my Mom, I had my tennis ball and I had nice refreshing water to cool off my belly. That's what really counts, right?

Your pal Petey (currently sleeping off that scary thunderstorm!)

P.S. Sorry about that deleted comment from Lulu - Mom was still logged in, working on Lulu's blog!

Agatha and Archie said...

Listen think of the bright side.. there are no undercurrents or giant waves in your pool, it is not too deep so you wont get scared and there are not as many mosquitos... Plus you can find your toy if you drop it? How's that good?? Love A+A

Wyatt said...


We have a lot more Stay-cations these days too. We just try to do fun holiday stuff at home! Just like your wading pool!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I agree with our friends. The important things is that you are there with your Mommi and Daddi and I am sure you make them smile everytime they see you!
Glad you are enjoying the pool in your run!
Please give them kisses and hugs from us, ok?
Take care
Kisses and hugs

doyle and mollie said...

aw asta you are a great role model to us all give your pawents a big cuddle ok! loves and licks

Dexter said...

Miss Asta, I have no doubt that you are living life to the fullest with whatever is at hand. Take good care of yourself and your mommi and daddi.


The Oceanside Animals said...

Whining about what we don't have is more of a human thing, yeah.

Joe Stains said...

You have the right attitude Asta. Also, your Mommi has LOTS of humans sending HER vibes too, so things will be ok. many many hugs to you all.

Lacy said...

w00fs, like they already saided, that lake will b there next summer..hope ur mommis eye is better..loves u all..

b safe,
~rocky - jodee~~

Teddy said...

Asta, that pool looks like fun. I know it's not as huge as a lake, but you can have fun anyway. Sometimes it's nice to have a change of pace and try something different.

Sending love to you and your mom (and dad).

Teddy, CC-man and mom

tula monstah said...

aww asta. yep, i have fond memories of your vacation too- that looked like funballs! but woo know what- funballs can be had anywhere!! right?

um. no fashionista bathing suit?
just sayin..


Noah the Airedale said...

You're a good girl Asta. Your mummy is lucky to have such a sensible girly.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

It is good to have something wonderful to look back on. We are thinking about out big ship trips up to Alaska. We should be packing for it by now. But we can not go this year...we also miss out trip to the seashore...not gonna happen either. We will be content in all circumstances at the cozy cottage as long as we have someone to love and a good cuppa coffee as we look back on happy times....they will come again when the time is right.
Trust in that also dearest friends...we love you.

Maxmom said...

Hey there Asta...

mmmm...I know things are tough...I wish I could help in some way. Please know that my thoughts are with you in whatever your humans are facing at the moment.

Here's the good news:...

Did you see the sun rise this morning? I saw it and I'm blessed to be able to report on it befoe you see it today (just one of those advantages of living half a day ahead of you) ...and it was PERFECT! Maybe you might be able to notice the sunrise today too ...perhaps the moon setting will also be good - keep a look out!

I am positive that you have the strength to pull through...whatever it is!
Sending lots and lots of love to you and your special momma!

Martha said...

Oh Asta, if only humans were more like us dogs!
Ours keep moaning about their wet miserable holiday - we had a great time.
The rain stirs up the scents and the cooler weather was great for tracking!
We know your mom will go again to the pretty lake but for now you have to enjoy each day as it comes.
We know this is a worrying time for your humans - there is a song in Scotland (think it is from Ireland!) called Came by the Hills - it has a lovely line in it - "and the cares of tomorrow can wait until this day is done"
Take care
Martha and Bailey xxx

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

Oh Asta, thanks so much for telling everbody to send kisses and love for my Tiger. He is so much better.

Sorry you didn't get to go to the lake but being with your Mommy and making her happy is so much better.


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, you look like you are having fun. Please tell your Mommy & Daddy Hi from uSSSSS!

Mack said...

We doggies know more about life than anybody!!
And I must say, your beard looks even prettier when wet!

George The Lad said...

Asta its nice looking back at things you have done, mom finds she forgets, thats why looking back at old photos can make you smile. but you can look closer to home like you have, and still find things that you love doing, and makes you happy.
Love and Hugs George xxx

Fred said...

Like that old song, you are making the best of a bad situation! ;P

Princess Patches said...

Asta, we are soooo glad your mommi and daddi have YOU! When our peeps are going through tough times, it always helps to have a doggie around. It also helps that sooooo many people, from all over the world, are praying for and sending good thoughts to you and your pawrents! We know for a FACT that that works! Hang in there!

Penny & Patches

The Cat Realm said...

you have such a good attitude asta! and that little pool looks just as good as a lake to us right now - we don't have either one!
you will put a smile on your mom's face anytime, and that's the only important thing!!!
lot of purrs from all of us!
the cat realm

Peanut said...

You are a crazy girl for going in that water but just as lovely wet as you are dry.

Clive said...

Asta, looks like you are enjoying that water regardless of where it is! Tomorrow is another day, as they say ....

take care
Clive and Murray

Anonymous said...

Sometimes reality stinks and Mommy says she wishes she could live in Bloggie Land.

Don’t forget to hop on over to my blog for the Give-A-Way! You could win a custom made dog collar just for YOU! You even get to pick the fabric and style. All you have to do is leave me a comment and get an extra entry by also telling me what your favorite fabric is or by posting about it on your bloggie! It’s that easy peasy!! I hope you will play with me!! Good luck!


Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Boy, you sure are right about the difference between people and doggies. People have so many things to worry about. Doggies don't worry about anything. I'd much rather be a doggie!

Love and Lots of Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Daisy said...

Oh Asta, I know how you feel! We had to make lots of changes after our dad was laid off. But sometimes, when things change, the new things can be even better!

Oskar said...

I always try to teach my mom person to live in the moment. Super schnuazer hugs!