a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bells are ringing..it's a glowious day fow a wedding

somehow, even though they pawtied all day yestewday, and wolled awound on the hills, and stuffed themselves wif local goodies, evewyone managed to get to the chuwch on time!
don't fowget to biggify the pics

the guests in all theiw finewy:

back wow-Stella and Taffy, Mack and Ruby, Sweed Willum and Teka, Miss LaBwadow and JoeStains, Joey and,Zeke,Tibby in fwont of him, Miss Snickers and Gussie, wif Moco in fwont of them, Maggie, Butchy,Lacie and Archie(my BFF had to come wif TWO boyz of couwse)

fwont wow-Toffee and hew Ewic squawe dog(she covewed in an excloosive one of a kind dwess made out of fwesh woses), Agatha channeling JackieO, wif Hootie looking deb-on- aiw

the guests just kept coming, what a sight..so much elegance and love in one place, I'm ovewwhelmed

back wow----Penny, Ludo's sissie Ludo van doggie, Sally wft, Pearl, Simba, Abby wif Lorenza standing in fwont of them. Flash and Peanut and Paddy awe stawing at the sistews Mawtha and Bailey. Sunny is dazzling baby Stan, while those lovebiwds Mason Dixon and Alfie awe pawalized by the fowmality of it all. Willow and Lucy awe being stawed at by Deacon that handsome dude.
fwont wow-----Just Harry can't get enough of his dawling Essex, Bustewigo is so pwoud to escowt His Lucia, Jake that wiwy kid fwom flowida is so vewy pwoud to escowt his gowgeous beagle giwl Gabbi. Petey and Rosie awe wesplended in theiw finewy, Rocky , missing his sweetheawt who couldn't come is putting on a bwave face. speaking of bwave faces, Patches as you co soubt have noticed is weawing the same dwess as Penny (Ludo's sissie)..sometimes you just can't twust those coo tooee-aiwes..they wewe told it was a one of a kind. Homer has such a continent- Al aiw about him that I think he has captoowed Tess' attention , then thewe awe the two cool vewy spiffy dudes,Tanner,, welll...you know..he mawches to a diffewent dwummew, hehehehe, and Mango the Maltese, who cawwies himself wif the utmost elegance, and last but not least, Penny the aiwegiwl is twying to look blah- say


finally we all entewed the chuwch

and the bootiful full owgan began it's heavenly sound..the a-koosticks awe beyond wowds

You won't doubt me if I tell you that thewe was not a dwy eye in the place as Daddi gave Myrna's hand in mawwiage to Gilbert..

Miss Enid,Fiona,Josephine and Autumn, pwoud Daddi, Myrna, a somewhat stunned gwoom Gilbewt(but he didn't faint), best man Sullivan wheelie, and Myrna's twin Max

They softly wepeated theiw vows..bof of them quite chocked up wif emotion.............I only heawd pawts....

"....to have and to wheel, in love, and honow and considewation, and twust, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till all ouw days awe gone......"

Then the pwiest said:

FORASMUCH as Myrna and Gilbert have consented together in holy Wedlock, and have witnessed the same before fuwwfwiends and wheelies and God and this company, and thereto have given and pledged their troth either to other, and have declared the same by giving and receiving of a Ring, and by joining of wheels; I pronounce that they be Man and Wife together, In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

I have to admit I was totally chocked up and sobbing by now

the happy couple , sowwounded by fwiends and family , glowing wif Happiness

the chuwch bells wew pealing non stop..it was simply the most bootiful cewemony evew, befitting a bwide and gwoom who awe twooly comitted and deeply in love
(snifffffff, sowwy, I can't help it)

Pwesenting Mr and Mrs Wheeley Kwoonsky-Kweit

(sowwounded by, clockwise fwom left:Stanley, Jake,Pedro,Pearl,Jazzi,Lorenza,Riley, me,Toffee and Eric,Gabbi, Bailey,Brody,Benson,Abby, Scuby(cat),Baxter, Noah, (some pwiests),Scruffy,Koobuss,Butchy, Joe Stains, and in the wow behind them Homer, Rosie, Lacie,Archie and Petey,
Tintin,Luna and Notty(Karl's ginger family had the best view fwom the high pawts of the chuwch)

even the clouds wewe heawt shaped as they wode to the weception in the wedding cawwiage.

tomowwow I'll take you inside the festivities following
smoochie kisses to all


Faya said...

I miss you all so much.....
Kisses, Faya

Faya said...

.....I miss you too....
Congratulations for this beautiful mariage et beaucoup de voeux de bonheur aux mariés !
bisous, Dyos, Véronique et Faya

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

What a wonderful wedding!!!! I just love it!! All is worth it with all hard work Mommi had put in.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Ohhhhh. It was just as lovely as we knew it would be. We are so happy for the new bride and groom, and wish everyone a perfectly delightful time during the rest of your stay in Salzburg.

Thanks for the speedy delivery of the photographs. They made us feel almost as if we were there!

A toast to the new couple....
Jake and Fergi

Noah the Airedale said...

The happy couple look wonderful and what a great day. It was pawfect Asta. The photos are terrific. I think every one had the very best time. My sissies wont stop barking about it.


Duke said...

You have mom all choked up! She always cries at weddings!
It was an honor to witness the two of you getting married, Myrna and Gilbert! What a beautiful ceremony and the perfect day!

Love ya lots,
Maggie, Mitch and Autumn

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Even our Mom is wiping the tears away - she always leaks at weddings. We're so sorry that we didn't make the fabulous festivities, but we wish you eternal happiness.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Anonymous said...

The wedding was so pawsome and Myrna and Gilbert make such a bootiful couple. We were honored to have attended such a mafnificant wedding.
Love hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
Pearl, Opal & Harley

Pee ess Nanny misses you sooo mush, she is going to Vegas for her birfday and promises to visit when she comes back, with me Pearl yippee

Dughallmor Beagles said...

Ohhh, it was just beautiful...sniff...a perfect happy day...sniffsniff...
Everyone looked stunning, the ladies in their pretty outfits, the lads in their morning suits, we especially liked the lilac bridesmaids and of course Myrna was radiant...and such a perfect romantic setting....*sigh*....we can't wait to re-live the reception, what a night!
Great job on the photography as always!
Slobbers xx

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh what a beautiful wedding! Myrna made a lovely bride! Asta, you look gorgous! Sigh.....weddings are always so lovely.....

Jake of Florida said...

What a pawfect wedding!! But we bet no one can begin to imagine what it takes to plan and carry out such a splendid affair!!!

We sobbed -- even though we're guys -- and then were so happy to join everyone in toasting the happy couple!!!

Congratulations for making this such a successful -- and in my case (Jake)head-turning -- event!!!

Jake and Just Harry

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Oh what a beautiful wedding it was...

Myrna looked sooo beautiful & Gilbert was sooo handsome...And, they looked sooo happy...

Not a dry eye in the place...

Abby xxxooo

Mack said...

'Twas the perfect wedding!

Myrna was such a lovely blushing wheely-bride. Gilbert was a proud wheely-groom.
(And yes, even me, Mack T. Beans, got a little teary eyed during the ceremony!)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh, Myrna is such a lovely bride and everyone looks smashing.

Congratulations Myrna & Gilbert. Best wishes for a long and happy life together. ~S,S,C & F

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

What a beautiful couple. All of the guests look smashing in their clothes. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the wedding.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Agatha and Archie said...

Arch writing in here because Aggie is still sniffling as she is sooo choked up....... Really what a fabulous ceremony.....Now Let the party begin!!!! Love Arche Aggs here....I can write, he is such a nudnick......I can not get over how beautifull her dress was........and what a classy couple they make... ahhhh true love........

Sophie Brador said...

I look simply smashing in that dress and head piece. Clearly, I have the best image consultant and dresser. Oh yeah, and that wedding was lovely too. Mom is a bit concerned that I will try to pick up the cat guests.



By the Great Dane that was a pawsome wedding. Everyone sure had fun and the food was just pawtastic.

Guess we'll have to wait for the honeymoon photos. Are they going to Niagra Falls?

Essex & Deacon

The Cat Realm said...

Sniff, sniff, sniff - what a beautiful wedding, sniff - I apologize, weddings always make me cry. With joy! Oh what a beautiful wedding, thank you sooooooo much for inviting us! I wonder where Karl and Ruis are - I think they were very moved too...
Congratulations Myrna and Gilbert!
Mrs. OZ
Tintin, Notty and Luna

Daisy said...

Congratulations to Myrna and Gilbert! I wish much happiness to the beautiful couple!

Kelly said...

Oh Asta, it was more beautiful than I could have imagined! Everyone looks fabulous, and Myrna & Gilbert look truly swept away in love! This is the wedding of the century!!

You and Stanley look incredible, and your Daddi cleans up awfully nice!

Can't wait for the reception! Woohoo! I can cut a mean rug!

XOXO Pearl

Cat Naps in Italy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat Naps in Italy said...

Ohhhhh Miss Myrna! What a beautiful wedding! Don't tell anyone but even Opus cried a little! You are such a beautiful bride! We can't wait to see what the rest of the weekend brings. Many wishes!

Much love,

Many wishes to the bride and the groom! Wishing you so many years of happiness together!


Sassy Kat said...

You were certainly right, this was the wedding of the year.
I ran out of Kleenex while the happy couple exchanged their lovely vows to live life together for always.
Now that the serious side of the marriage is over, the ceremony, now it will be time to party on.
You certainly did a fantastic job on this wedding, everything was beyond perfect.
Having the greatest of times.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Sure looks like a marvelous happy occasion. And all those handsome dudes and beautiful belles! Quite the fashion show!!

Thanks for letting us see the festivities.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

It beed such a beautiful wedding. Penny telled me that true love if ever she seed it. I was so glad we was able to make it, after all Mum completely forgot to send my invitation in on time. I so glad I did not miss such a spectacular event.
~lickies, Ludo

the many Bs said...

what a beautiful wedding it was. we have never seen anything like it. Gilbert & Myrna are the perfect couple. it was truly wonderful to see all of their friends there for their special day.


Persephone and Buster said...

perfecto!!! what a great experience. we will always remember this. i have never been to a wedding and what a great place to do the ceremony...the reception...well lets say it was
a blast ---->later....still celebrating..
theBUSTERIGO & the gurls

Eric said...

Wasn't that wheelie the bestest wedding ever Asta? What a splendid ceremony. Myrna looked bootiful in her Chanel dress. What a couple. Made for each other. Aw, I got choked up at your Daddi giving Myrna away - made Toffee water her roses. I'm glad old Gilbert took my advice and had his tyres pumped up for the occasion. Didn't want him to have a slow puncture during those wheelie special vows they took.

And din't everybloggie look wagging WICKED??? You specially, in your orange frockie. Even the wheelie bridesmaids looked presentable in their old furs. Though I saw the kitties catch a few moths every time Miss Enid wagged her tail - haaaaaa!!!

Yep Asta. The wedding planner and co=ordinator did the most fabbie glorious job. Twas a bootiful site, I love it all. All that effort n planning and eye for minute detail didn't go unoticed. Must be exhausted.Let's make sure she has more than her fair share of bubbly from Lacie's Champagne Bidet at the reception *wink!!

See you at the reception, Can't wait to see who catches Myrna's bouquet!!

Wags n kissies, Eric xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Khwite the event!

Tank woo fur sharing!


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh my. I must admit I shed a tear or 2 myself. It was the most beautiful wedding ever! (I must say, I do think Stannybaby and I look quite gorgeous! Thanks for procuring my designer for me. He did a fab job with my dress!!! Doesn't Stannybaby look handsome!!!! (Sorry about Scooter hickuping all over the place....sheesh)
Thank you thank you for such a beautiful event. (And kudos to the photograhper again!)

Joe Stains said...

omdog it was BEAUTIFUL and I am not just talking about Sophie's dress! The whole wedding was wonderful! I was nearly in tears as well. One thing I am a little concerned about is where is Tanner? Anyway, I sure can't wait to see more photos and relive the moments again!!

Gus said...

Wonderful Wedding...Miss Snickers and I and Teka and Willum were so happy we were able to join you all, thanks to you and Mommi for making this possible.

Congratulations to Myrna and Gilbert, and to your Daddi, who looks like the perfect father of the bride.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I am so happy that I was able to be there!
Thanks for a pawesome time!
Congratulations to Myrna and Gilbert!
Kisses and hugs

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

This was the best wedding I've ever attended! Myrna looked so beautiful in her gown. sigh. And the coach carrying off the gorgeous bride and her dapper groom...elegant touch! If I ever get married I want you to do my wedding Asta!
AireKisses, BabyRD

That was my best & first wedding. It sure set the bar high! Tell Joe Stains that I saw Tanner weeping like a little baby at the back of the church! Miss Aggie had to lend him her hankie to blow his nose!! hehe
WelshieHugs, Hootie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh my...OH ASTA...wasn't it the most pawfectly bootiful weddin' ever???!!! And Daddi givin' Myrna away...he played his role splendidly, though I think he had a crick in his back from havin' to bend down soooooo far!!!

The Kirke was just fantabulous! It quite took my breath away...or it may have been the incredibly steep climp up there!!! You can see all of Salzburg from the grounds of the church...so very grand!

I pawsitively can't wait for the reception...dancin' with Archie, Butchy, Noah, Hootie, Gussie, Jake and Harry, Mango (is he here?) um and the rest of the boyz...Joe Stains for sure is gonna be totally fun....I have my blender ready for champagne smoothies....did you bring the bidet? Eric had mentioned it....

Barkies, Sweet girl...love you the mostest!


Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Asta

Just checking in .. hope all is well! :-)



Anonymous said...

We maybe were the only two men crying... but we don't care.
It was soooo beautiful!!

Congratulations Myrna and Gilbert!!!Love,
Karl & Ruis

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

OMD! A wedding? I am missing so much with my mom so busy!!

Sassy Kat said...

A most beautiful and fun filled day. I am going to get quiet for awhile as I need a little rest with all of the excitement going on. Time to slow down for just a few moments.

Lacy said...

w0oo's, the weddin wuz bute ti ful, the bride a vision and the groom sooo handsome in his suit..me wished my girlfiends cooda wented...me iz having a wonderful time..

b safe,

Stanley said...

Sweet Sweet Astaroni FB!

You and your mommi TOTALLY outdid yourselves, and it SHOWS! The church was bootiful and a perfect spot for the vows! Myrna and Gilbert looked spectacular! The bridesmaids were bootiful. But, you know what I noticed more than anything else?! I noticed how fabulously gorgeous and radiant YOU were! Orange is completely the right color for you always!

Can't wait to dance with you at the reception!

Goober love & smooches,

Unknown said...

Whew what a wedding! Everyone looked fabby! Who did Lacy end up with?? Congrats on the wedding! It was great to read!

Samantha & Mom said...

Congratulations to Myrna & Gilbert!! It was a beautiful wedding and touching!! We will be back to see the rest of the pictures!
Your FL furiends,

Toffee said...

Oh Asta! What a lovely ceremony. I am still all choked up - I was sobbing so much that I think I wilted a few of my roses nearly creating a "wardrobe malfunction"

I am so happy for Myrna and Gilbert.

Pedro said...


That was quite a wedding and a beautiful celebration! Thanks for inviting me! I think I had a little too much dawggie water so I have to sleep in today :P


Kelli said...

Hi Asta!
WOW! All the guests look lovely in their formal wear! I am so happy that I was able to attend! The ceremony was stunning! Best wishes for the newlyweds!
:) Tibby