a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

weseawch, an awawd, and an announcement about the holytewwiews

It was a bootiful day..pawfect fow doing a little weseawch fow the film Petey is making

we walked down to Soho to twy to get ideas
Petey was wondewing if this was the wight look fow his film
ow pawhaps something a little mowe in an abstwact collage
all this weseawch and thinking made us thiwsty
Hey Petey "how about this kind of haiw do fow me?"
I like this colow scheme
What happened..awe we in London all of a sudden?

is Ewic coming?
This was vewy confoosing

now fow the all impowtant clothes fow ME!! if only they had it in Owange.
We checked out a bunch of stowes..Petey couldn't have cawed less..he kept talking about "method acting" and stuff, and that if I keep making demands..I can be weplaced...he akshually said"you'we not the only fuzzy butt WFT in the wowld..I can weplace you in the film if I want"
as Joey would say....WTF! that is just wude

I gave up on the coootoowe clothes,cause Iweally do want to go on location..so I just window shopped
and look who we bumped into...a wheeley! he was not happy(look how his tail is dwooping)
I didn't want to leave him thewe , but I was outvoted again
Petey wanted to stop and get some tips fwom this film cwew
I say, how would they know anything..look at how they'we dwessed...I think the only thing they'we expawts in is the buffet table at bweak time..................so we headed towawds home
we bumped into sevewal fans along the way..they wewe vewy insistant on meeting us

I think the adoolation was getting out of hand
we stopped fow a west in fwont of a westauwant in ouw neighbowhood called Cowgiwl Hall of Fame
They wewe doing a spoof of a TV show in theiw window
I think they weew vewy clevew
well, I didn't accomplish anything..no clothes ow accesowies bought fow the film..but I think I lost at least a pound walking all day, so if I have a noode scene at least I won't be fat
All along ouw woute thewe wewe baws fow us to get a dwink.., and I suwe needed one
Photo of Asta by Lacie
When I got home, I had a bootiful bathing suit waiting fow me fwom Lacie my BFF..I put it wight on..I hope the wawdwobe depawtment appwoves , cause I think it's hot.

Speaking of Lacie, and Scruffy and babyStan, the poow kids awe wifout theiw intewnets fow days now!!! pleeez keep visiting them and seeing if they'we back..they send theiw love to evewyone, and miss weading all the comments and posting about theiw peacable home life.

and now fow a faboolous awawd!!!!

Jan's funny fawm
gave me this lovely awarwd(all the way back on the twelfth of this momf) Thank you so vewy much fow saying that and giving me this bootiful awawd..I do hope I can lift some spiwits along the way!...
akshually they gave it to me cause "as many of you already know, Roscoe passed on to the bridge a week ago Tuesday. We have enjoyed the adventures of Opus & Roscoe. They have been an integral part of Sassy's CCSI from the onset. We will miss him! And so, in memory of Roscoe, we would like to pass this on to his brother Opus and some of his closest friends."

I was lucky enuff to be one of his closest fwiends

I would like to pass this awawd on to some fwiendses who do the same fow me:

Mango the Maltese Kiddo

Mango and Dexter
babyStan,Scruffy and Lacie
the fourBs

This is my last post fow awhile, because I'm going on location to Hilton Head .....my fwiend Petey is making a film, and he told the cast and cwew to be thewe thuwsday mowning..I will be back in New Yowk late Monday night.
I will miss all of you vewy much!!!! Pleez stay healthy and have fun, and don't fowget me...I love you all!
smoochie kisses


Moco said...

Gads away,
You have the neatest things to look at on a walk. We are so looking forward to your movie. I will have to find the right attire to wear to the premiere.

Ruby Bleu said...

That is a bootiful pix of you. That bathing suit is very fetching! You have fun on location...I'll miss you!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Simba and Jazzi said...

Congratulations on your award. Been on location sounds like fun.

Simba x

Duke said...

We can't believe you spotted a DaleWheelie on the streets in NYC!
Have a great time on location with Petey, Asta! We can't wait to hear all about it!
You look stunning in your new bathing suit!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Noah the Airedale said...

OMG a dale wheelie...excellent!!!

You and Petey are so busy with this movie. Good luck with it all.
Congrats on your award Asta.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy
ps. come to our bloggie!!!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Dear Dr. Asta, szeretlek too!
I enjoyed your fabulous pictures. Tsk! Tsk! Look at Asta exchanging French kisses right on the NY sidewalk! That swimsuit loved you, Asta.
Congrats on the award and thanks for passing it to me, muahhh!
Come back soon, sweety hotty Asta. I have missed you already!
PS: Pawsome previous post! Asta the excellent U.S citizen helps saving the planet! I follow you, baby!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

I added "szeretlek" to the love message, thanks lovely Asta!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Wow, you and Petey have so much fun! Congratulations on your award!

I hope that you and your Mommy and Daddy have a wonderful vacation!!!

Safe Travels!!!

Love, Auntie Deb

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You are so funny! Mama had a good laugh reading your adventures. We miss you already.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, we are sooooooo jealous of woo and your wonderful adventures. Woo get to go to the coolest places. No wonder your fans adore woo - look at that fan - so enamored with your beauty.

And now on to Hilton Head - woo are sooooooooo lucky. Bring back some good photos - we look forward to your return.

Woos and wags, the OP Pack

Unknown said...

Okay Asta, I only said you could be replaced so you'd stop yapping about your wardrobe, the size of your trailer, whether you could fly in your own hairdresser, etc. Phew! For a starlet, you sure were demanding.

You're going to be wearing a fur bikini, like Rachel Welch in 10 Million Years BC and since it's the same color as your fur, you probably won't even notice it.

And you make it sound like this is all work and no play! NO WAY! We're gonna have big FUN in a place with no sidewalks, lotsa grass to roll around in without getting a ticket (like in NYC), and a whole house to play in. And then there's the beach!!! Hard packed sand that makes the ball bounce for days! Swimming in the ocean and all sorts of wonderful smelly things to roll in.

So chin up, Pup (I know you can't help bitchin' cause, well, you're a female dog!) and get ready for the time of your life!!!

Your pal,


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Great khoverage!

And speaking of khoverage, don't FURget your sunskhreen!


Gus said...

Asta sweetie...we love ya in whatever you wear, but if I were you, I would watch out for that Petey Producer. He is beginning to sound bossy, and we know you can't put up with that!

Khyra is right, don't forget the sunscreen, have lots of fun, and pee mail us when you have the chance. We're expecting some promo stills too.


Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni!

I will MISS YOU something fierce, but I understand that you're an independent working wire and you are a slave to your art. Speaking of which, I hope no nude scenes will be necessary for this film unless it enhances the artistic integrity of the film!

You look amazingly smashing in that bathing suit Lacie sent. I'm surprised it's a one piece coming from her.

Be careful, be sure to roll in the sand and the surf, and make sure your parents use plenty of sunscreen!

Goober love & smooches,

Toffee said...

Oh Asta! Have a wonderful, wonderful time in Hilton Head...what a great way to spend (what I think is) the beginning of your birthday week!! YOu will knock 'em dead with your fancy couture bathingsuit! Make sure that Petey gives you all of the work breaks that you deserve! Good luck to daddi with his talk, too!

Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

Oh Asta! What cool places you got to go for research. And now to Hilton Head! That's a NICE place!!
Have fun!
Hugs Sunny
pee ees
uh,yeah! u luk reel hot in that bavin soot!!!!! mmmuuuuaahhhhh
I luv u purty asta!
sorry Stan.i jus git caryed away

Dexter said...

Asta - Thanks for the award. I will make sure Mango gets it. He might be a little off his game after with all the changes at home, so he could take a while to get back to blogging.

Please do not do a nude scene! If its in the script, you can use a stunt double. You never know where that footage of you could wind up.


Stanislaw said...

Everyone's going on trips this weekend! Enjoy yours! We'll miss you!

Princess Patches said...

We won't forget you, Asta! Have a great time in Hilton Head!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Amber-Mae said...

What an adventure you both had!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Looks like you had a very busy day! Have a safe trip and know that I will miss you while you are gone.

And yes, you really were one of Roscoe's closest friends, as you are mine. Your friendship means the world to me.

Hugs to you and humans,
Opus (and Cyndi too)

Clover said...

Hi Asta! Have a good time on location. Stay safe!
Love Clover xo

PB 'n J said...

Looks like a great research trip Asta! Have fun in Hilton Head!

George the Pup said...

Wow - what a walk, you two sure did get to see lots of cool stuff! Hope the filming goes well!

Tesla and Hansel said...

i hopes dat yoo all haz a great trip! Gud luck wif da film!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

DAt iz quite da resurch program dats you & da Petey didz.
I hopes you iz doin' well Asta & enjoyz yer time in da brain of da Hilton. (Be careful in dere!)

Juno said...

Congratulations on your award, Sissy Asta!!

You had such an amezing day and we enjoy seeing all the places you stop by!!! Have a safe trip, ok??

Momo & Pinot

The Furry Kids said...

Asta, you and Petey did so much research! Holy cats! Have fun in Hilton Head!

Anonymous said...

So??? Did you get in the movie?

Georgeous said...

You must have been exhausted after all that research ASta?
You looked really cute in the bathing suit!
I hope the filming goes okay - I can't wait to see a trailer!
Love George

The Cat Realm said...

What a great walk you had! Congratulation to the award - and have fun at Hilton Head!
We can't wait to see the film - what will it be about? Did we miss that part - or did you not tell yet???
Probably the first.....

Chef said...

What an interesting walk, Asta! Mama wants to go shopping now... ho hum.

I'm so looking forward to your movie. Tell Petey you are a diva and he's lucky to have you starring in his film. Maybe I'll see you on the Academy Pawards!


BenTheRotti said...

Gosh Asta, what a fun packed day you had! I bet you are an inch shorter after all that walking!
I was quite jealous when I saw that "fan" kissing you! If only I lived in New York! *sigh* I could become your personal stalker.. umm I mean fan!

I'm going to miss you soooooo very much! Have fun and hurry home,

love ya,

Ben xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lacy said...

w00f's Asta, heehee dat petey iz shure gonna b pickie on his actors and actresses...not let u shop, dats just mean...me will miss u while u gone, but hope u has a pawtastic time....

b safe,

Joe Stains said...

That swimsuit is fabulous! I can't believe Petey's complete disregard of your needs! That is a true WTF. Sure there are other fuzzy butts out there, but are any as cute as you, I don't think so!

Eric said...

Gee wizz, that Petey sure wasn't a a metrosexual doggie today...fancy treating you like that Asta.Do you think the whole movie thing has gone to his head a little? Could be worse and like that crew to their waistlines, he,he!! As if he could replace you, he knows really there is only one you. I'm sad you didn't get the wheelie (see, what did I say bout them popping up all over the shop?) or a dress or really visit me in the King's Road. Wish I was coming with you.I'll miss you. Have a wagging wonderful time. See you in the movies.
Wiry wags n kisses Ewic. x x x x

Agatha and Archie said...

Well we think it may have gone alittle to his head alos..but you are the majpr star dahling so ..throw your weight around( and now that you have been groomed you will have less weight to throw around) Hope you are having funLOve A+A

the many Bs said...

hi Asta, you sure did have a fun walk with Petey. it's too bad he has such an attitude about you needing a proper wardrobe. we're totally in agreement with you that you need to be properly dressed and it has to be orange!

thanks for the award. that means a lot to us to get this from you. we are your fans!

have a fun weekend.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
You and Petey sure had a busy day!
Congratulations on your Award!
Have fun! See you soon!
Kisses and hugs

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh.. I think you'll do pawsome on the film Asta. :)

~ Girl girl

Patience-please said...

have a great trip! We bet it's going to be a wonderful movie... probably win all sorts of awards!

wags from the whippets

Thor and Jack said...

How nice walkie you had!
Congrats on your award!
I hope you have a great time on location! I miss you.

Love and licks

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi! We know that you have left for your trip, but we wanted to stop by and tell you that we will miss you!


Cassidy said...

Enjoy your trip and your film making Asta! We enjoyed your photos of NYC!

Cassidy x

Pedro said...


Thank you so much for visiting my blog and supporting me and my mom during this very difficult time in our family. You were so nice to think of us and I'm looking forward to reading your blog and becoming your friend!


Anonymous said...

Wow Asta! It looks like you had such a busy day!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

That dale wheelie was dorable...why was he sad, Asta??? If we EVER saw a wheelie in the burgh we'd fall over in shock!

I miss you already, dear Girl...I might need to teleport down there and meet you for a drinkie by the gator that ripped Stuffie Stan apart...

We could go for a bike ride too????

MISS YOU!!!!!!!!

Love Lacie....

T-man's mom said...

Those are some interesting walks you get to take! That's great you get to go in a clothing store too..wow :) I'm surprised that film crew didn't put you in their movie.

T-man's mom, CC-man and T-man Angel

i said...

Wow, it must be so exciting to be on location! And looks like you and Petey sure had a busy day there!

Congrats on your lovely award!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
I can't belive it.. you got to go INTO the shops? How cool...
Looks like you have a busy schedule ahead of you.. Have fun with Petey!

Snowy and Crystal said...

what fun pictures :)

we have alot of catching up to do in our dear pals' blogs

we missed ya

Maltese Paws


Jans Funny Farm said...

Hope you have a terrific time, but it looks like you're going to miss Roscoe's wake. Don't despair, though. You can always add something later.

Deb Cushman said...

Wow! Making a movie sounds like hard work! Have a good time at Hilton Head (how come you're vacationing on someone's head?)

Mr. Hendrix said...

wow, that looks like fun research. what an interesting walk and what cool things you saw! i hope you have a good time on your vacation.

i hope you have fun making your movie.

if i'm reading your counter right, your birthday is coming up soon.

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

Just stopped by to say Hi...

My Mom has been to busy lately to let me check in on my friends...

I hope you enjoy your trip...

I'll talk to you when you get back...

Abby xxxooo

Mack said...

Hope you are having a wonderful vacation pretty Asta. Can't wait to see the pics when you get back.

The Black and Tans. said...

Hello ASta

What a busy lass you are. We certainly hope that all your research has been going well for your forthcoming film.

WE cannot believe that we will know a filmstar!

Congratulations on your award and we are sure many more will follow once your film is premiered!

Molly and Taffy

Katherine and Pippa said...

Hi Asta
I didn't realise you were making a film too.
Mine seems to have disappeared off the ethersphere but I have been nagging Mistress to revive it.
Perhaps we can learn from yours.
Mistress says to let you know she was all set to make the lovely green soup at the weekend (fresh peas are in season again) but her blender started smoking!

Sassy Kat said...

I know NYC is the place to be to do all of these neat things that you do. Wow you have the bestest of fun.
I will miss you when you are gone. I hope you are not going with another production company as CCSI considers you one of its top actors and we wouldn't want to loose you.

i said...

Hi Asta, are you back yet? Sure miss you. I have an award for you.

Jessie, Jake and Lola said...

That is the best walk every - we will wait for you to return!

Sophie Brador said...

Hey Asta, Great location scouting! Makes mom miss NY even more.
