a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, June 2, 2008

Petey joins us!!!

Hi Evewyone..I have vewy exciting news...you have all heawd me talk about my fwiend Petey, and how he, his Mom, and Cat Mica helped me while Daddi was in the hopsital...welllllll
hewe's my news!!

He and I have known each othew fwom the wun fow along time now, but wecently he has come to my house a few times and I just love it!

Yestewday this is the message he left on my bloggie...and then, I guess he decided .........................hmmmmmm, why not have one of my own?

Hi Asta's pals!

It's me, Petey, and I just came from Asta's house. Her Daddi is feeling much better (even though he didn't believe me when I told him there was a very good orange ball under the bookcase!). We were very happy to see him looking like his healthy self! Me and Asta went swimming this afternoon and it was really fun. There's a swimming pool shaped like a big bone at our dog run and we can go skinny dipping.

I am very tired right now and my mustache is looking crazy from all those Asta kisses! One last thing, Mica the cat asked to tell you all that he is my big bruddah, and he is not a sissy! He's a ferocious mouser (hamsters don't need to worry!). He liked Asta so much that he didn't even say "ssssss" when he met her for the first time!

Hope everyone is having a fun summer and has plenty of bouncy tennis balls! Thanks for sending such good thoughts to Asta and her people.

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

This is what Petey and I do fow houws when he comes ovew...I twy to get a gwip on the ball in his mouf

and then we just stand thewe like ninnies accowding to Mommi...the hoomans seem to think this is hilawious

this is a movie of us doing this a few weeks ago...Mommi has weawwanged the woom , and I've gotten a haiwcut, and Daddi has been to the hopsital and back, and we awe still doing the same thing..so it could have been filmed yestewday , like the pwevious pictoowes, hehehee

and this is a pictoowe of Petey's bootiful Mom, ..she's holding a pictoowe that Mommi gave hew fow hew Birfday a few weeks ago...the pictoowe is a collage, painting,inspiwed by Petey.
Pleez all of you go and welcome Petey to the blogwowld!!! He's a love!!! and vewy cute too!
smoochie kisses


Lizzy said...


I went to visit Petey's blog, and I LOVE it. He's a real cutie! Thanks for introducing us.

I hope you had a GRRRReat weekend,


Amber-Mae said...

What's that loverly music playing in the background? You both are such great friend huh! Just visited his bloggy. He's such a kewl dude & he loves tennis balls just as much as i do!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni FB!!

Your Petey Boy is a stinker... talking about you messing up his moustache with all your smoochies. I know for a fact (cuz your mommi told me) that he acts like a monk around you because he only has eyes for his tennis balls.

I'm so glad you have a buddy like Petey to hang with and to go to the run with and to play tug with. His mama looks like a very joyful person, so he MUST be very loved.

I'm going over now to say hey. Does he know who I am?

Goober love & smooches,
Stanley Boy

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...

Tank goodness you haz Petey fur a frend & dat your momee haz dat purrty
Petey'z momee fur a frend. All of deze frendz haz da love dat iz necessy-sarry fur us to heal. & now your dadee iz comin' homez & gettin' better!!!! YAY! HoorAH!! Dis iz what life iz abouts. Aren't we so fort-ypou nate to beez a part of dis wunderfull misteirry?
I yam so glad dats Momo'z siisiez dadee iz alivez & well. Nuttin' iz better den taken a nap, & knowin' dat all iz well.
Dr Tweety

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, I've just been to Petey's blog to woof hello. Any pal of yours is a pal of mine!

How's your Dad? Hope he's on the mend.

J x

Simba and Jazzi said...

I'm back from kennels and looking forward to catching up with everyones blogs.

Simba x

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh. Petey looks nice. I'm going over to say hi to him

~ Girl girl

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

So happy to hear that Daddi is better.

Hi to Petey!

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Asta
We'll head over to Petey's blog right now.
It's good to have another matie of yours in blogworld.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Duke said...

What a cutie Petey is! We're off to say hi to him! Thanks for letting us know, Asta!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Princess Patches said...

Hi Asta! Thanks for introducing us to Petey! We went over to say hi. We're very glad your daddi is feeling better, but we aren't uncrossing our paws until he's 100% well!!!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

I love the game you play with Petey...I'll have to try that one with Rosco...

I'm gonna visit Petey's Blog...I can't wait to meet him...

Glad things are going better for you now...I love your Mom's shoes...

Abby xxxooo

Mack said...

I think I smell LOVE in the air!

I will go say hi right now!


The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Asta! We are so glad to see you having some fun. You have had such a stressful last few weeks. How is your Daddy doing?

Smoochie Kisses from us to YOU!

Deetz said...

I am so excited to meet your friend...You two play like Charlotte and I do....I will go over and introduce myself for sure.
I am so happy your daddy is better and better.

Deb Cushman said...

How great is that to have a friend that you can meet at the dog run or play fight over a ball! You two look like you're having fun!

Dexter said...

Bitey face is ALWAYS fun. I will visit your new pal.


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh I love playing bitey face!!! Looks like you two had a blast!! W00t!!! Glad Daddi is feeling better too...I'm sure it's because you are taking such good care of him!!!

Oh and I went and said hi to Petey...seems like he is kinda sweet on you - hee hee hee!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Amber said...

Hey Asta! Your friend, Petey is adorable! I'm going to drop by over his blog! Glad your daddi is feeling better! Send him some get well soon licks~!

take care

Petra said...

I've been over to meet Petey, Asta! It's going to be fun getting to know Petey on his blog.

You two sure know how to play together, too!

Daisy said...

Asta, any friend of yours is a friend of mine! I am off to meet Petey now.

Lenny said...

Asta, I'm so glad your Daddi is home. Welcome Petey to the blogosphere!

Your friend, Lenny

Cynthia Rae said...

Just wanted to stop in and give you all a big from Italy. Glad to hear that Asta's daddy is feeling better and we hope each day is better than the last!


Harry said...

Soory we have missed daddy being so poorly, but we are so pleased he is back home and feeling a little better. Big hugs and kissies to you all.

Toodle pip
Harry x

Juno said...

Asta Sissy!! Sorry for calling in late! We're glad your daddi is home!!!!! Please send him lots of kisses and hugs from us!

Momo & Pinot

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Hi, Asta. Those are such cute pictures of you playing with Petey. We Sherwood Cats will go check Petey out right away.
Missy Blue Eyes

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

You and Petey really know how to play. Kaci and I (Hershey) don't think you are ninnies at all. Mama laughed because she thought you were so cute.

We are glad your Daddi is feeling better - here are some more paw hugs and kisses from us.

We will visit Petey's blog and say hello.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

wally said...

Yay! If Petey comes recommended by you I'm sure he's a must-read! So glad things are going better at your house--I'm sure you're doing a great job keeping your dad entertained.


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I am happy to hear that your dad is doing better!
I went to say hello to Petey!
Kisses and hugs

George the Pup said...

That is wonderful news - I'm off to meet Petey right now!

The Cat Realm said...

We are very happy to hear that your Dad is doing better! And we will go over and say hello to Petey at his blog now!
We will be deserted soon for the rest of June! We will post about it on Thursday after the peace globe and we will miss you!
Emil and Mrs. OZ

i said...

Hi Asta, we're so glad your daddi is home and feeling better. Keep an eye on him now. Going over to say hi to Petey.

Dewey Dewster said...

Asta what a cute friend Petey is...you play so nice together...we will visit his blog ta welcome him to blogland...we are sure glad ta hear that your Daddi is feeling better...we hope he is back to his old self soon.

Dewey Dewster here.....

Moco said...

We will get over to Petey's blog this week. It is a wonder that he has any teeth the way you were pulling on that ball. LOL

Glad Daddi is doing better.

We like those sparkly shoes.

Sassy Kat said...

How nice to have music while watching your vidwo. Was your mommie playing???? I just went over and met Petey. He seems like such a sweet doggie. I hope I get to know him better. I told him you and I are sissies.
So glad to hear that the dad is feeling better.
The mom of the house here has had a bad cold, now fun, but at least she got to stay home and not have to go to the hospital like your dad did. Give him hugs from all.

Agatha and Archie said...

On our way!! Love A+A

Eric said...

Asta,Great news Daddi is feeling better.
You look so cute playing with Petey - I'm off to go give him a good sniffy welcome.

Wags n kisses, Ewic

Deefor said...

So happy your dad is getting better. I like your movie with the bitey game and nice soundtrack.

I'll go say hi to Petey


Maya and Kena said...

Hi Asta!
Yay!! Petey got his own bloggie! We've met him on Dogster too!
We'll go right now and say hi!
And that collage your mommy made is BEAUTIFUL!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena