a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, June 7, 2008


I bet you think this is my pwesent fwom the gift exchange, but you'we wong...this was a total suwpwise
a gweat big box addwessed to Mommi , Daddi and ME

I had to investigate immediately

thewe was a bootiful lettew and tons of stuff fow all of us fwom my twin Nicky

let me explain!!!

as some of you know, I was bowned in Nowf Cawolina..one of six bootiful kids (thwee boys, and thwee giwls) at Birchhuwst Kennels

I was known as giwl-shouldew -one-spot...not a vewy pwetty name, but it descwibed me

thewe was anothew one-spot kid..a handsome boy , who was named Nicky by his wondewful new pawents, who took him home to annofew pawt of nowf Cawolina

I don't have a baby pictoowe of him to show you

ouw dog-mom is this bootyful lady , called Tweasuwe

and ouw Dog-dad is this studly guy, called Rocky

Nicky gwew up to be a vewy handsome boy, and he saw my bloggie one day, and stawted witing me...and so we found each othew again...I hope to one day go to visit him so we can see each othew in pawson, but meanwhile, I have to be content wif pictoowes and lettews

this is my handsome bwuvvew Nicky

in one of his lettews he told me the exciting news, that his pawents went back and got him a baby sissy fwom the same place..she's ouw half-sissy...and hew name is Jenny...isn't she bootiful??

Nicky has a polka dotted tummy just like me...we have decided that we awe twins, not just littewmates
Jenny was a handful fow Nicky at fiwst, she kept challenging his seniowity but now they have wowked things out and awe wondewful bwuvvew and lill-sissy, and awe soooo lucky to have each othew to play wif

awen't they adowable?????

hew favowitest colow is pink, and his is blue

and she is now abootiful young lady

anyway..I digwess......
Nicky,Jenny, and theiw pawents sent us this pwesent..they felt bad fow all the wotten times we've had lately, and sent us theiw love and gifts to cheew us

this magnificent bag is all fow me!!! isn't it gowgeous??? OWANGE!!!! you'll note, and full of goodies
I got a faboolous duck stuffy, a pawfect pink chewy fwom Jenny, a suede and wope bone, and the most delicious, healthy fabulous tweats........I love evewything!!! THANK YOU SO VEWY MUCH!!!!!!!

and look at this !!!!!! theiw Mom collects bootiful chwistal and silvew, and found this pattewn called "fiwst love" and sent it to my pawents..it's fowm the time of Mommi's favowitest womantic ewa(Nicky's Mom's too)...the time of black and white films, and fox tewwiews galowe

these glasses awe pawfect fow champagne ow pawtinis..and we will toast theiw families' good health on many , many occasions...we awe so gwateful and happy with evewything you sent...Thank you is not enough...
This is a pwetend pictoowe of Nicky and me togefew...the two shouldew-one-spots..twins!!!!
I think family and fwiends awe the most impowtant things in the wowld, and I feel so lucky to have my twin
I hope you all had a gweat weekend..
smoochie kisses


Peanut said...

Oh what a great box of stuff. How exciting.

meemsnyc said...

Oh my goodness Asta, that is the most awesome story. I love that photo of you and Nicky. So cute.

Gus said...

Oh Asta, how lucky you are to know so much about your bruzzer and half sissie. They are beautiful, certainly a family trait, and they look like they would be fun to know, just like you are.

We hope you have a wonderful week. I have to make sure muzzer doesn't pack me into a box, so I don't sit still too long.

more later
lots of kissies

Amber-Mae said...

Wow, Nicky, Jenny & their hoomans sent you such nice stuff! And your dog pawrents are gorgeous Asta!

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Faya said...

Vous vous ressemblez vraiment beaucoup toi et ton frère. Et sa petite soeur est très jolie. J'adore ces belles histoire de famille. J'espère qu'un jour vous pourrez vraiment vous rencontrer. Bisous et bonne semaine ma petite Asta, Faya

Duke said...

Nicky and Jennie are just adorable and we're so happy that you got to connect with them, Asta! What nice gifts they sent you and your mom and dad! We hope one day you can meet in person after all this time! How special that would be!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

What a great story. The crystal looks very pretty and you get to stay in contact with your twin brother.

We love the last picture of the two of you - the same expression. There is no mistake that you are brother and sister.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

What a nice story...I'm sooo glad your brother & you found eachother...Family is sooo important...

I think you are twins, too...And, little Jenny is adorable...

I'm glad to see that things are getting better for you...You had a rough time there for a while...

Enjoy you new toys & treats...

Abby xxxooo

Toffee said...

What a great package! It is so special that your twin was there for you; no doubt you would have done the same. Those presents for your pawrents are so precious and beautiful; how thoughtful.

While those gifts are pawsome their gift of friendship is the most beautiful gift of all (as you already pointed out). I am so happy for you.

Noah the Airedale said...

Hi Asta
Nicky looks just like you. I think you're right you must be twinnies. Nicky's little sissy Jenny is a sweetheart too. How nice to receive such a lovely surprise.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Asta, what a lovely story on your twin brother. You are both so cute! What a great surprise package!!

I love that last picture!!!

How is your Daddy doing?

Love, Auntie Deb

Mack said...

Oh Asta!
What a beautiful family you have!!!
Those were the best pictures ever!
And you are right - family is what really matters. Sometimes I go visit my half-sister, Storm. She likes to TRY and beat me up!!

Princess Patches said...

Asta, that is sooooo nice that you get to stay in contact with your brother. He's a cutie just like you. We just love that last picture!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Deb Cushman said...

Asta, How wonderful that you have found your brother and new little sister! The presents are wonderful! Nicky's family sound awesome.

Ruby Bleu said...

What a pawsome surprise Asta. Little Jenny is so cute and Nicky...well, I think I told you before - HANDSOME!!!

Hope Daddi is feeling better!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Dexter said...

Your brother is so handsome and looks like he is lovin his new little sissy. I hope you get to meet him in person.


The Zoo Crew said...

That's so cool that you found your brother and half-sister! And really cool that you got a pressie in the mail from them :)


Lenny said...

You really do like twins! That's so great you have a new little sister. I don't know where I come from - it would be nice to find out. Your people should have a Nick and Nora Charles party!

Your friend, Lenny

Renna the Princess Puppy said...

You two are twins!!! How neat you know where your brother and half sister are. I was one of a kind in my litter. All my brothers and sisters are almost solid black with a little white here and there. I do not now where they all are now, I hope they found good homes like me.

slobber licks

Stella said...

Oh, Sweet Bootiful Asta fren!

Your bruzzer, Nicky FOUND YOU!! I am certain you two are twins because he seems like his heart is so full of love that he just had to find his twin sissy and spill some of it out to her! Plus, he is a gorgeous wire boy, so that clinches it. (Good looks definitely run in your family).

I hope you get to meet each other some day. The bitey face & wrasslin' will last for hours at your reunion. And, I'm sure that it would end in a big puppy pile with you and Jenny splayed on top of Nicky Boy!

Thanks for sharing the story. I LOVE happy endings, and I LOVE YOU!

Goobery kissies from your BBFF,
Stella Bean

Stanley said...

Sweet Astaroni FB!

I let Stella use the pooter this morning and of course, the first place she goes is to your blog. She is SO CURIOUS about your life and everyone who loves you.

She came running back to me and was so excited I couldn't even understand what she was saying. Her words just kept running together, so all I could understand were the words "Asta", "bruzzer", and "pink"! (You evidently got the same pink chew bone that Stella got from Maggsie & Mitch & she was excited.)

I am SO HAPPY that you are finding more of your family! I know how important that is to you, and NIcky looks like the best kind of big bruzzer ~ caring, patient, and able to handle the assault of a new baby sissy landshark with grace and poise. You two will meet someday, I'm almost positive. I bet you will instantly bond and have the best wrasslin match of your lives!

Please tell Nicky that I would love to meet him someday (since he probably wants to check out your boyfriend), and we could even trade sissy training tips.

Goober love & congratulatory smooches,

Petra said...

These picutres just made me smile, Asta! You are so lucky that Nicky found you --- and now you have Jennie in your life, too.

What a happy story!

Lacy said...

w00f's girl-one spot...watt fun u wood have wiff ur brudder and sissy...dat wuz sooo nice of them sending all of dat to u, ur mommi and daddi...me hopes u all can git together one day...

b safe,

Deetz said...

That was so enjoyable to read about and it was nice to meet Nicky through your writing...the pictures were wonderful and it was so nice the package that you all received...I bet your mummy and daddy really smiled big when the package came...I agree, Family and Friends are the greatest in the world and most important...
Thank you for sharing

Lizzy said...


Wow, that's a really cool how you met your shoulder-one-spot brother again! I can't believe how similar you both look together.

That was really nice of Nicky and his humans to send you and your family that wonderful package. I'm sure it made you all feel very special!


Abby said...

Hi, Asta...

You asked me how I stay so white & fluffy...

My Mom drives me crazy...She takes me to the "Spa" every 6 to 8weeks & gives me a bath every other Sunday...

I'd be very happy to roll around in the dirt & have her leave me alone...But you know how those Moms are...

Abby xxxooo

Agatha and Archie said...

HEY!!! Guess what!! We know them!! Well sort of..PL2 writes to their PL and tells her all kinds of stupid stuff about having 2 dogs...We of course then write back and tell Nicky and Jenny to do the total opposite!!!! You look exactly alike!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those are lovely presents...........Love and kisses A+A

Lady Kaos said...

What a great story!! I hope you and your twin get to meet some day soon! That was a lot of wonderful gifts they to all of you!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

It is so neat you found your TWIN!!! That is pawsome.

~Socks, S & C

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a story! Long parted siblings rediscover each other and become long distance friends.

After all that your family has been through lately, we are thrilled something nice has happened. Those are gorgeous glasses to toast your brother's health until you meet again in person.

purrs and tail wags

Joe Stains said...

what a fabulous and thoughtful present! You really are lucky to have such wonderful friends, we all are! Your brother Nicky and his new sissy Jenny are adorable, but not *quite* as cute as you!

BrandytheGreat said...

Hey there Asta!
Jenny and Nicky look very cute! And your dog-pawrents look pretty and handsome! You're lucky to have met them and also get a huge big box of goodies!

Sassy Kat said...

What great presents! It is always nice to get something in the mail especially when it is a surprise. The photos were too cute. What is more cute than one doggie????? Two doggies!!!!!!!!!!!
Stop on over to my place I have an award for you!!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
Sure is nice to be in touch with Nicky and Jenny!
You all got very nice presents from them!
Kisses and hugs

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

That is a great story! And you and Nicky look so cute together. What a great gift too!
Oh, and I like your haircut too by the way.

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Your story is so sweet. I am so happy that you and Nicky and Jenny have found each other.

Princess Eva

Koobuss said...

It just continues to amaze me how beautiful we wire fox terriers are. Great photos!

You are so lucky, Asta, to be able to keep in contact with your sister and brother.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie

Huskee and Hershey said...

The pic of you and Nicky is so cute! And Jenny is a lil' cutie as well... It's wonderful that you are able to keep in touch with your twin brother and half sister. I am always wondering how my littermates are... =(

Moco said...

How lucky to reunited with your long lost brother and half sister. You are quite the darling pair. Your new half sister is also very cute. May you have many more years together.
Your gifts are wonderful and Mommi got beautiful silverware and glasses.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Asta...I see you put a pic of Grandpa Rocky on there....woooooooot!!!! The old guy's lookin' pretty spry!!!!!

You and ur pupbro look so much alike!!! You both have that same..." I should really be on the cover of a magazine grin!!!"

So that makes him my what??? Father??? Um...probably not...

Mumsie cut her finger tonight on a can of tuna fish...boy, is she being a baby bout it too....

She's makin' Lacie apply pressure and rub her feet. I don't know what the foot rubbie stuff is about...she said it'd fix her finger...

You look as sweet as ever, Dear Girl...tell ur mommi we love those dogtini glasses...we'll use em at the next pawty!!!!!


Your son Scruffy...or something

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh, you 2 must be twins! You look so alike. And Nicky and his sissy are so nice to send those pawsome gifts

~ Girl girl

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

Ack!!!! Asta! I can't tell where you start and your brother begins! I totally think you are twins! There are no if's and's or butts about it! It's official!! Hehehe!

Those are some awefully awesome orange presents you got! Whoo!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Ferndoggle said...

That is such a great story! Nicky is one handsome boy & Mom says that his sissy Jenny has the greatest name in the world. Pawsonally, I like Lola & Asta...but I can't argue with the hand that feeds me.


Simba and Jazzi said...

What a great story. You look so alike.

Simba x

Jake of Florida said...


How wonderful that you know who your family is -- mother, father, and sisters and brothers -- and are in touch with them!

You are a very lucky (and of course beeyoutiful -- girl and we are happy for you. The photo of you and Nicky is adorable.

If you didn't have so many boyfriends, we'd be sitting at your door with roses in our paws for you!!

Jake and Just Harry

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We loved seeing photos of your family! Your brother and half sister are ALMOST as beautiful as you!

Sending our love from across the miles and glad to know your sweet daddy is feeling better. Give him and your mommy a hug from us!

Opus, Roscoe and their humans

Mr. Hendrix said...

how wonderful! Nicky and Jenny and their beans are very sweet and nice. What pretty glasses! Perfect for niptinis too!

We hope your daddy is continuing to get well and things get all happier and easier for your family. Purrrrrrrsssssssss

andrahyb said...

Woah! Its so nice to be able to locate your littermates and keep in contact. We're still wondering where's ours now.

Dog! was your pawrents so beauuuutiful!!! Now we all know why both you and Nicky are so gorgeous. *envies*

Jenny is a cutie little pie too!

Rudolf & Goofy

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Hey Asta, what a jolly nice twin Nicky is to send you so much pawsome stuff! J x

Kapp pack said...

That is so cool! I wish I knew where my "real" siblings and mom and dad were....you are so lucky!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Juno said...

We love the last picutre!! So adorable and makes us smile. :) :)

Momo & Pinot

Eric said...

Asta, what a fab story, lovely photos and what a hansome wiry dveil Nicky is. Must be so exciting to be reunited with you and a new half sister for you too. I's so happy for you my beautiful sweet wiry friend.And yes how right you are family friends and dogs of course are the most inpawtant things.

Wagging, Eric x

Deefor said...

So nice that your mom is reunited with your brother and half-sister's mom. I sniffed. What a wonderful story. And the pictures are really beautiful.
