a tired dog is a good dog

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Comfowting Auntie Kawen, and zonked

and this....

I suwe hope it helps!

then Mommi and I walk home and this is what I do
twying to fix all the huwt is hawd wowk fow a little doggie, but my deaw fwiend Gus Dagger wote me some vewy wise wowds

"Time for the little girl to be a strong and beautiful lady, so that people can tell her the secrets their hearts can't hold any longer. Dogs are the best medicine humans can have at time like this. Work your magic darling, we will be here to support you when you need us."

THANK YOU ALL MY SWEET ,SWEET CAWING FWIENDS fow all youw thoughts and pwayews comfowting AUNTIE KAWEN..She has wead all youw wowds and gotten all youw kisses, hugs, puwws, and headbutts, and they have helped hew get thwough this sad time.....fowgive me if I haven't gotten awound to answewing you..we haven't been home much lately, but I'm going to twy to catch up wif all of you in the next few days..

I miss you, and miss heawing about all the sillinessesses you'we up to and seeing youw faces..

I love you all!!!!!!!


Lizzy said...

Oh, Asta! I was so sorry to hear about your Uncle... We will be praying for your family!

I think you're doing a wonderful job at comforting your humans... Keep up the good work.

We love you all!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
You are doing a very good job comforting your Auntie. Sure she needs you!
We miss you too but we understand that you need to take your time with your family.
Kisses and hugs

Peanut said...

Gus's words made my mom cry. She said they were beautiful. We are glad your auntie Karen has you to help her feel better.

Gus said...

Asta Sweetie: It looks to me like you are doing exactly the right thing. I am sorry you are so exhausted, but little by little it will get better for Auntie Karen, and she won't need you nearly as much, or hug as hard, or want so many kisses. Then you can take a well deserved rest with Mommi. A few naps will help a lot


Ruby Bleu said...

Oh Asta...I can just tell how much you are helping your Auntie Karen. You are doing such a great job and just like Gussie said, we are here for you!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

George the Pup said...

Gus is a very wise friend. We're glad to see that you are doing such a good job comforting your Auntie. The kitties and I are purring for you all (well, I'm sending kisses and hugs, since I can't purr).

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are ding a fine job, Asta sissy! Auntie Karen needs all your love and smoochies to help her in this difficult time.

Sending my purrrrrs as well,

jamie said...

Asta, You are doing such a big, important job and doing it very well. No wonder you are tired. I know your Mommi and Aunty Karen are very happy they have you. Gus is right, eventually things will get a little easier. In the meantime, know you have soo many friends that are thinking of you.
(((((HUGS))))) to you, Mommi and Aunty Karen
Jamie, Sunny & Scooter

Amber-Mae said...

WE'RE BACK!!! Asta, I just read about your Auntie Karen's husband's passing. I'm so sorry about it! I hope she's feeling better now after you showered her with lots of huggies & lickies. Please tell her that I'm so sorry for her loss...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Joe Stains said...

That Gus sure has a way with words, we agree 100%. We will still be here so you go do your comforting and sleeping and whenever you have time, come back and see us!!

Deb Cushman said...

Even though you're sad, it looks like you are doing a fine job helping your mom and aunt cope with this tough time. Our thoughts are with you.
Hugs & Binkies,
Freckles & Deb

Anonymous said...

Love those tummy spots - they look like mine!

Kyanite said...

I'm sure all your kisses are helping Asta, you've such a huge generous heart in that small body of yours.

Love, pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

Looks like you are doing a great job. I know it must have helped.

Simba x

Jackson's J1 and J2 said...

Asta, Gus said it just perfectly. I'm sure you're a great comfort to your Mum and Auntie Karen. We're thinking about you. J1 & J x

Noah the Airedale said...

Asta, for a tiny pup you've the biggest heart of all and you're doing Auntie Karen the world of good. Just keep being you Asta.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Dandy Duke said...

Gussie is one smart friend! We're so glad you're there for your Aunt Karen, Asta! You're such a sweetie!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Faya said...

Oh je suis certaine qu'elle doit avoir tout chaud au coeur de t'avoir près d'elle. Véronique dit que nous sommes des boîtes à carresses....
Gros bisous, Faya

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Asta, that's very sweet of you to comfort your family. You have been a very strong doggie

~ Girl girl

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

What adorable pictures! We are glad that you are helping your Aunt Kawen and the rest of your family.

When Mama gets sad Kaci and I LOVE to lick her tears away.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

P.S. We hope you have a good weekend.

Daisy said...

Asta, who could not help but feel a little bit better after snuggling with you? You are doing a very wonderful and important job.

Princess Patches said...

Asta, Gussie was absolutely right! Your hugs and smoochie kisses are exactly what Auntie Karen needs right now. Our mom's mother died a little over 3 years ago and at that time, someone told her that the day would come when she would feel guilty for not thinking of her mother every single second of everyday. Mom found that hard to believe and prayed for that day to come soon. She can't remember how long it took, but the time DID come. She still thinks of her mom everyday, but not every single second and that sick feeling in the pit of her stomach has finally gone away. Please tell Aunt Karen that although her grief will never go away completely, it will get better with time. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you!

Poppy & Penny

Mack said...

Hi beautiful Asta-
I know you are a great comfort to your Mommi and Aunti Karen.

I've been thinking a lot about you and hoping everybody is feeling a little better.
Love ya,

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Sweet Asta, we can tell that you are helping your Aunt Karen a lot! Snuggling with you would make anyone feel better. You have been doing such a good job! We have been thinking about you and your aunt. You need to get your rest! Mommy loves those pictures with your tummy showing! She wants to come over and give your tummy some smoochie kisses!

Much love from our home to yours!

Ferndoggle said...

You are an A+ therapy dog Asta!


Stanley said...


My girl says that one look at your freckled belly and she doesn't even care what else happens that day... her day is ALREADY made!

Auntie Kawen feels the love, that's for sure. Gussie Boy made my girl cry and made me tear up a bit myself thinking of my brave Asta girl with a heart full of love and spunk. You have so much to give, and you our channeling our love to Auntie Kawen too!

Be sure to get some good naps in. I'm SO PROUD of you, sweetpea.

I'm sending a boatload (and Stella is sending a Vespa Load) of goober smooches for you, your mommi & daddi and especially for Auntie Kawen. I wish I could give her one of my atomic goober hugs!

Goober love,
Stanley Boy

Snowball said...

Asta, I am sure you have help your Aunty Karen heaps. You are such a sweet girl. Have a good rest.


Petra said...

Take your time getting back to us, Asta. Just remember how much we love you and your family.

Dexter said...

Asta - You are doing a great job helping your auntie. I love your spotted belly!


Toffee said...

Keep up the good work. I have no doubts that your canine medicine is helping your auntie...still sending pawsitive vibes your way sweet girl.

with love,

Jake of Florida said...

Sweet Asta, We love you too. Having your furry self with your good heart to hold close has to have helped your Aunt Karen, and your Mommi, and all your family. Healing hurts is one of the things we doggies do best!!!

Wire love,

Jake and Just Harry -- and Mom

Deetz said...

You are the best medicine anyone could ask for during the hardest of times, Asta. You are a true giver of unconditional love and honesty. My mum is going on vacation next week, so I will be gone for a whole week...please don't forget I am thinking about your family.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


I'm so sorry to hear the family news. Good thing you are around to comfort everyone when they need it. It's such hard work!

For you and your family I will rest up oober hard right now and send some intense, industrial strength ESP your way. If you all feel a slight shock or jolt don't be alarmed! It's just me and some ESP!!!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Moco said...

Grammie says, "Moco,there is nothing that can make you feel better than to have a dog love you." She has three dogs and two cats. Someone is always sitting on Grammie. We can tell by the photos that you are a GREAT HEALER. Do not worry about being tired. It is the best kind of tired you can be.

Abby said...

Dear Asta...

We're sure you have helped your Auntie Karen so much...

Gus Dagger's words are sooo true...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

Ozzie, Rocky and Lola said...

We were sorry to hear about your uncle's passing. Pleae give your Aunt Karen extra licks and loves for us. We hope everyone is doing ok.
Ozzie & Rocky

Lacy said...

w00f's asta, me knows u will take care of ur mommi n daddi and auntie karen...gus, put it sooo pawsome...u get sum rest and we will b here when u come baCK...we is still thinkin of all of u and praying the hurt will heal...

b safe,
~rocky and company~

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We know how much you snugglin' with Auntie Karen has helped...you can see it on her face sniffin' the sweet softness of you, Asta...(unless ya need a bathie...then, she's probably holdin' her nosie hopin' for some scrubbin' bubbles...I only bring that up as I ahem seem to have rolled in well SOMETHING RATHER ODERIFIOUS...) Happens to all of us.....

Scruffy is feelin' much better...thank Dog...that laundry was atrocious...

Give ur mom big kissies...I know she's tired too...



Pee Ess...
Um...Babystan took one look at ur tummy photos...and well...he's got a lump on his noggin where he fainted....

Sassy Kat said...

Oh no, my poor sweet Asta and her mommie. I am so saddened to hear about your Aunt Karen's husband's passing. My heart is so heavy and again the mom of the house has the tears in her eyes falling down her cheeks. My throughts and prayers are with you and your family. I am so so so sad that this has happened. Please tell your mom that I will keep her and her sissy in my heart and prayers as they are going through this sad time.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Gus Dagger is very wise. When humans hurt, they need us more than ever. We have been thinking of you all this past week. Purrs and prayers.

Myeo said...


You are going a good job. What Gus Dagger says really makes sense.

Boy n Baby

Kapp pack said...

Good dog Asta!

Woo woo, Kelsey Ann

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

Dear Asta,

So sorry to hear about your Auntie Karen. Deepest sympathies to you, your Mom, Dad, and Auntie Karen. I know she is very special from all the posts on your blog.

Wacky Wires are the best medicine for humans during sad times. It is very tiring keeping everyones spirits up with all the entertaining and licky face.

Keep up everyones spirits.

Luna Licks,


PS: I haven't blogged in a while. My laptop crashed and Dad just got around to reloading it. Something about excessive dog biscuit crumbs in the keyboard.

Deefor said...

That is very good advice. Sometimes we can help our humans by being with them. Cause we know how they feel without asking. You are doing a good job.


the many Bs said...

hi Asta, your Auntie Karen is fortunate to have a wonderful pup like you to give her comfort. we think it helps her a lot.


i said...

Hi Asta, you are such a sweetie for taking good care of your Aunt Karen.

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Asta,
Gus' words are so true.. What a wonderful job you did in comforting Aunt Karen. Please give her a kiss frm me too.

Martha said...

You are such a good girl, Asta. I am so very sorry for your Auntie Karen. I hope she finds peace. Love, Martha

Patience-please said...

Asta, I know. When I get done my therapy work - doesn't matter if it's at the hospital or at the women's shelter - I AM EXHAUSTED. I sleep for hours.
You are doing a great thing.

special wags from Sam I Am whippet

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We just want you know how much we love you and how happy we are that you are our friend. Thank you for taking the time to come dance at Karl and Ruis's hula party. You are such an elegant and graceful dancer. And you look just beautiful in your grass skirt.

Sending you kitty kisses from the island.
Opus and Rosoce

Deetz said...

I will be gone next week, but will think about you everyday...will bark at you when I get back...
Special paw hugs

Agatha and Archie said...

Well of course our Gussie said it best......You are the best thing for her and I am sure she appreiaciates it more than words can even say..Love and a miliion kisses to you all A+A

Eric said...

Asta, how sweet and precious you are with your big loving heart. The photos of you with Aunty Karen are very special, it truly shows on her face just how much you are helping her.
Thinking of you, your Mommi and Aunty Karen. Take good care. Special Nuzzles and love.Eric + his Mom.

Koobuss said...

Hi Kousin Asta,

Dogs are very special beings. One of the things that we do best is to cheer up our humans. You are doing an outstanding job helping your Aunt Karen to get through these difficult days. Keep up the good work, my sweet little kousin. I know it is exhausting, but it is well worth it.

Love you,
Kousin Koobuss

Lady Kaos said...

Hi Asta
I haven't been able to check in with everyone lately. I'm very sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope all the love you're giving your aunt is helping. I know when my Mom and Dad feel down a hug from me makes them feel lots better.
Love and Chaotic hugs to you and your family.

Crikit, Sparky, Ginger! said...

Asta Darling we know you are the purfect medicine to help your auntie's heart heal. We still have all ya'll in our prayers

Love Licks