Hello evewyone..this is Mywna! I'm still undew the weathew..I thought it was just a cold, but I heawd mention of something called momo new cleosis which a cewtain handsome Pittbuwgh Wheeley also has..ummmm I have no idea how that happened
Today is Mr T-BoneBeasley's Stuffie appweciation Day...now I need to point out something!
I am not a stuffie!!!!!!!
this is a pictuwe of Gus-Gus,Me and little Vweni, and NONE of US awe STUFFIES!!!!!!!!!!!

These awe stuffies!!!!

As you can see fwom the following pictoowes..they awe vewy much appweciated by my sissy ASTA..I can't show you how she appweciates them to deaf, cause she has hidden all those pictoowes...but ovew time, I'm suwe you have all seen what she does to stuffies...
she calls it suwgewy, ow spontanious splosion,...I call it muwdew
the funny thing is, she still appweciates them when they awe no longew stuffed, just wags

Myrna just doesn't get the joys of Stuffies...I have spent endless houws with mine, and they have helped me thwough loneliness and fwustwation many a time..
I love you stuffies!!! Thank you fow being hewe fow me!...a vewy appweciative ASTA
Yep... not a Stuffie!
Hi, Asta...
I agree with you...I LOVE my Stuffies soooo much...
Your Stuffies are sooo cute...I really like the bunny & the pink one...
Enjoy your Stuffies today...
Abby xxxooo
Asta...love the frog stuffies and they sure do give ya a ton of comfort and warm feelings.....we love ours ta death...literally...cause they are in defib by the time we get done with 'em....Gram will have ta show ya some soon....
Dewey Dewster visitin' from the library.....
Ah, Asta...All your stuffies look very appreciated. Your green froggie is really cool and they are great for keeping you company and sleeping with at nighty night time.
Ahh...better than substance abuse....chewin' on a stuffie, huh, Asta???!!! We love our stuffies to death too!!!! Cute pix of you Girl....
Um...ouch...it hurts to swallow...ouch...and turn my head....ouch...I'M SOOOO TIRED!!!!
Ouch....I'm losin' weight....whine.....
Infected kissies....
Hey Asta, Myrna's right, she's a wheelie, not a stuffie! I should know, I've loved many a stuffie to death in my time...J x
Oh Oh we are soooo appawreciating your load of stuffies & even the non-stuffies, what a pawsome collection
Love Licks & waggin TX tails barking loud today!
Happy Stuffie Apreciation day! Love The Nudnicks(Ps PL2 figures a small amount of running is ok for Archie...the truth is she can't stop him!!!!)
I can tell your stuffies are loved so much, Asta!
Happy Stuffy Day!
Oh yu look so cewt playin wiv yor stuffys! I hav wun, Dogcat. It's a dog wun end an a cat the uther. I hav it wun week an Dilly haz it the next. I like the dog end best so I call it Dogcat. Dilly likes the cat best so she calls it Catdog.
Hi Myrna and Asta!
Happy National Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Of course you're not a stuffie Myrna! Don't worry, we would never play tug-of-war using you!
Great stuffies Asta!!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena
What a lot of toy you have and they all look neat. We cannot agree on which one we like the best.
Sassy &Tthe Executives
We sure hope Myrna feels better! We LOVE our stuffies too, we have had MANY that just exploded for no reason. It is quite an epidemic!
Hey Asta, you better stay away from Myrna...you can't be sick for all those upcoming pawties. And I love my stuffies to death too...the ones in the pictures are just the survivors!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Stuffies are stuffies where there are snow in them. So you wheelies are no stuffies becoz you're hallow? Anyway, Happy Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
Hi, Asta and Myrna!
I hope Myrna gets better soon!
Happy Stuffie Day!
I can see you had a great day celebrating with yours!
Kisses and hugs
Happy Stuffie Day! You sure appreciate your stuffies!
You really love your stuffies, dont you.
Thank you for telling us abt Cinco de Mayo. We really appreciate that.
Boy n Baby
Oh Asta you look so happy with those stuffies. I used to have that many, too, and my brother Higgins, may he rest peacefully in the Great Forest Beyond, and I used to play together with them, stewing the floor with all of our toys. What fond memories you have awakened in my sleepy head!
licks & slobbers
Yup Myrna, you sure ain't stuffie.
I'm sure your stuffies love you very much too Asta
~ Girl girl
Mais on a jamais pensé que tu es un doudou...
Les doudous sont fait pour baver dessus, mordre, tordre, secouer....pas toi Myrna.
Gros bisous, Faya
I never thought you were stuffies. There is a big difference.
Simba xx
Hi Myrna,
I sure hope there is a cure for Momonewcleosis!!
Roachin' with the stuffies is the best! And sometimes, you gotta hold down that stuffie with a very authoritative paw...kinda let them know who's boss! Hehehe
You look so great appreciating your stuffies, I'm sure it was the best day ever for them!
Thanks for being a part of Stuffie Appreciation Day!
Mr. T-Bone Beasley
Asta, you look so cute with your stuffies! We sure hope Myrna feels better soon!
Poppy & Penny
You have so many cute stuffies - it is obvious that you love them very much! I have a honky goose stuffie too - but it missed the photo shoot cause I think that my brother, Riley, has taken it hostage under the bed! I hope that you have a paw-some weekend...we are going to try and go to the earthdog trials to support our terrier friends.
Myrna, you are NOT a stuffie!!!
Asta, good job playing with those stuffies! Sam has a pink bunny stuffy and Seaborne has a green froggie!
hi Asta, you have a wonderful collection of stuffies and we understand about still appreciating them after they become un-stuffed. we just don't understand about Myrna not being a stuffy. we have Burt and mom said he wasn't a stuffy, but Brody still murdered him and it was still fun. now how is that different from our other stuffies? humans are so difficult to understand.
You love your stuffies no matter what! Even if they are missing arms and legs. You are so sweet.
Nanny has seen first hand how much you love use stuffies to death, hee,hee.
Myrna, Opal said she wasn't a stuffie too and now she is angry with us, hope use and Gilbert feels better soonest.
Love, hugs, bellyrubs, smoochies
I think Stuffies are very comforting to have around.
Awwwwwwwwww, we love you on your back sleeping with your peachy stuffie! How sweet! We can tell you certainly do appreciate your stuffies, Asta!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I didn't know that is what you meant by stuffies. I have lots of those and I love them all. Yea stuffies!!!
Koobuss Kisses,
Kousin Koobie
woof's asta, u shure got a bunch of stuffies....and most of em still looks goo...my rooster me likes to chew his head and my one eyed monster me likes to drool on him...
b safe,
~rocky and company~
Hmmmm -- Stuffies. Maybe I should get some of those stuffie things! You look like you've got quite a collection there.
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