a tired dog is a good dog

Friday, December 12, 2014

nevew fowget I love you

Deaw sweet Fuwwiends,

 I'm almost nevew on Bloggie anymowe, but I wanted to tell you I'm thinking of all of you this Chwissmuss season and wish you all good health , and all that youw heawt desiwes. I wish you health and love and a wawm home , and lots of tweats

please don't fowget me, you can see me on Facepoop undew Mommi's name AmarillisKroon

 smoochie kisses fuwwevew



WFT Nobby said...

Dearest Asta is it really you? Of course we could never forget you. Wishing you and your lovely Mommi and Daddi a peaceful Christmas full of joy.
Toodle pip!
Bertie (and Gail).

easyweimaraner said...

Asta I'm so glad to see you! I hope you will have a wonderful christmas and I will send my momma over to that facebook-thingy.

rottrover said...

Oh Asta! How lovely to see you! We aren't blogging much either, but it's SO nice to see you...We hope you and your mommi and add have wonderful holidays filled with beauty, love and friends!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Unknown said...

How we have missed you sweet Asta. We so hope you have a lovely holiday and wish you and your family a Happy Christmas and a joyous New Year. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Dear SWEET FUREND, ASTA... we are SO very much THRILLED to see and hear from you... WHY OH WHY don't you DEMAND that your mommie Come Help you BLOG again... OH HOW WE MISS YOU...

WE are sending YOU and your Peeps MUCH LOVE fur the Holiday Season and the Entire NEW YEAR...
ASTA... Come BACK to us...

Get your mom's FACE outta the POOP and come BACK to Blogging.

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

You have a VERY Happy Christmas with lots of treats and gifts. We'll see when you when you blog again.

Millie and Walter said...

It's good to see you Miss Asta and we are glad to hear you are doing well. Have a great Christmas.

Murphy said...

Merry Christmas to you and your mom!!

Your Pals,

Murphy & Stanley

da tabbies o trout towne said...

itz veree nice two heer from ewe asta...pleez eggs cept thiz greeting for yur Christmas ♥♥♥

hope yur christmas tree.....
ree manez burd free.....

sendin R card.....
ee lect tron ick lee.....

a verree merree Christmas.....
a happee mew yeer two .....

frum all oh uz in trout towne.....
we loves ewe XXXXX

Da Tabbies O Trout Towne

heerz two a halibut herring N haddock kinda week oh end ♥

The Daily Pip said...

We love you Miss Asta!!!

Duke said...

Merry Christmas to you and your mommi and daddi, Asta ♥

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Gus said...

smoochies smoochies smoochies. We love you and hope you have a good Holly Day!

Gussie, Teka and them hoomans

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Hi Asta...Wishing you and your family a wonderful HOWLoday season!


Anonymous said...

Oh...you made us smile,,,so happy to see your face....hop you and the peeps have a most wonderful Christmas and new years.
Hope you still do post...we don't do face book

The Mad Scots

Ruby said...

Hey gurl!!! You knows I check in on you in the FB worlds, butts I likes to see you here too! I loves your purty sweaters this year!
Loves ya gurl!!!
Ruby ♥

Two French Bulldogs said...

We will never forget you. You better fire that assisted of yours
Lily & Edward

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I will never forget you either. Merry Christmas,

Jake of Florida said...

We'll never ever forget our sweet Asta and her dear mommi and daddi!!!

xxxxx JH

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Thank you for the sweet greetings, Asta. Our best wishes also, to you and your family.


How Sam Sees It said...

We definitely haven't forgotten you! ...and we love reading your updates on FB!

Monty and Harlow

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we wanted ta say bee fore we forgetted:

{ travis, crockett & angelique getz a reel card !!! BOL...look for it in de mailz }

hope yur christmas tree.....
ree manez burd free.....

sendin R card.....
ee lect tron ick lee.....

a verree merree Christmas.....
a happee mew yeer two .....

frum all oh uz in trout towne.....
we loves ewe XXXXX

Da Tabbies O Trout Towne

Wyatt said...

Merry Christmas Asta and Family! Enjoy the season in your lovely home and festive city.
Wyatt, Stanzie, Paul and Sue

Brinley Westie said...

Merry Christmas, Asta!! And a prosperous New Year!

(And I nevfur could forgets you! You is unforgettable!!)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello asta its dennis the vizsla dog hay never feer us dogs never forgit a frend!!! hyoomans cud lern a fyoo lessuns frum us!!! mary krismas in advanse!!! ok bye

Islay said...

could never forget you, Asta!
Merry Furry Christmas!
from Islay!