Hewo sweet Fwiendses
I'm finally back to tell you what's been going on hewe
It's getting to be Chwissmuss time hewe in Boo da Pest like evewywhewe,but, Mommi hasn't even had time to think about decowating yet..we've been soopew busy
I get to go out fow quicky walks in the fweezing cold BWWWWWWWWWW
but othewwise stay wawm and cozy inside
on ouw stweet, thewe is a flowew stowe and as we passed the window, Daddi twied to take a pictoowe of the chwissmuss decowashuns
that of couwse was a total failoowe, but instead, he got something altogethew bettew...just feast yoow eyes on this...look cawefully
now tell methat isn't the most pawfect tewwiew face you see in that window..i think it's ouw angels telling us they awe all awound us
I am off to do some ice scating while Mommi wowwies about hew painting exhibit
I couldn't go to hew show, but you can feel like you'we thewe by looking at this smiley box and see why Mommi has been so pwe occoo pied
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while all that was going on I was asneep at home
smoochie kisses
Oh My, thanks Asta, loved the smile box, almost felt like we were there checking out all the wonderful paintings.
Ohhhhhhhh, outside looked cold, never been to Boo da pest. You have a great nappie poo.
Your Pals
Susie & Bites
Hello sweet Asta,
Yes we too felt like we were there in the gallery with your super talented Mommi. What a wonderful exhibition, we are sure the visitors all loved it. And Asta, you are looking so beautiful in your ice-skating gear, I'm sure you had lots of fun. We have lots of ice here in Aberdeen just at hte moment, should you feel like gliding over.
Toodle pip!
Miss Asta, your Mommi has a smile like a flickering fire... such warmth. I can feel it in her paintings.
Happy, cozy days and nights, Miss Asta.
Woof! Woof! Did you say ice skating... how FUN. Glad to hear your mom is painting again. Happy Monday. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
tat was a terrier face in lights in the window - how cool. You know you have the right idea Miss asta - stay nice and warm inside!
OMD...OMD...I SEES da terrier in da window! Holy cow, dat is incredibles! Dat was an awesome thing to capture on film!
I wasn't ables to sees da smilebox but I is so hapy your mommi has been preoccupied withs paitin'...even though I has missed you tons...I knows her loves to paint and it can be such good therapies too...hehehe.
We see the terrier face. Totally Pawsome Asta.
Essex & Sherman
Oh Miss Asta! Thanks for sharing the smileybox with us! We felt like we were there!! We loved hearing "All of Me" during the gallery show!!
Sending hugs and rottie kisses,
-Bart and Ruby
Its just a lovely smilebox and shows all your mummy's lovely work.. Love the shop window your dad found.. Hugs GJ xx
Tell dad not to worry, we have lots of pictures like that!
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella &Roxy
Keep warm.
Sweetie! Daddi did a MAGICAL photo....He is a great photographer.
Don't worry about Christmas...the muzzer has done nothing too! Except we know there are some new toys in the closet and new leads and collars just for Schmauss.
Bet your Mommi will surprise you too
Congrats to your mom on her show. It looks like a nice display.
Asta mummys' exhibition looked so good and very well attended. It looked so chic. We would have dearly loved to be there. Missing Budapest this time of year. Hope all is well. Have a marvelous Monday.
Best wishes Molly
It is amazing how sometimes the camera catches something that the eyes don't. The dog in the window is a wonder. Your showing looks like a wonderful success.
Sweet William The Scot
What a fabulous show! We really enjoyed your smilebox, Asta!
Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly
How exciting! I wish we could have gone - your paintings are beautiful!
Asta DAWLING... that pic of your daddi's is the SECOND time you have seen somethingy like an angel terrier since you have been in Boo da Pest. AMAZING... I think SOMEONE is trying to get in contact with you in a Special WAY.
Love your mom's paintings!!
OMD, OMD sissy Asta! We all know your mommi is very talented artist and all these beautiful photos from the gallery are another reminder. Awesome and Congratulations!
Stay warm,
Momo & Pinot xo
Oh Miss Asta, the exhibit looks amazing and your mommi looks SO HAPPY! You know I always love her paintings, but they look especially beautiful against the glass. And did I see a painting of you walking along with a friend? Congratulations to your talented mommi! We are so proud of her!!!!!!
xoxo, Pip
Hi Asta
Your mommy is a beautiful artist.
Hiya Asta,
We loved looking at your mom's paintings.... they looked really beautifuls all up and displayed - were they there for display or could the people there buy them??? They were so lovely - I'm sure if they were for sale a lot of them should have sold!!
I could see the terrier face in the blurry photo - we think your dad did this deliberately!
Tail Wuggles, Rubie xxx
It is cold here, too, dear friend! Stay snuggly warm and enjoy the season's twinkling lights and magic.
Speaking of magic, Mommi's opening was simply splendid! Her work are bright jewels on those glass walls shining and inviting. Our momma's heart could not be fuller with happiness for her successful debut in your new city! This is the beginning
Oh Asta! Mom and I so enjoyed seeing your Mom's artwork in the gallery!!! She is such a talented artist and we just luv her style. Sending lots and lots of positive thoughts for sales from the show! :D
Your Budapest is absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us :D
Waggin at ya,
Hay, are you sure it wasn't my Humom dat took dat picture..BOL Ice skating, now dat'z a fing, nearly az cool az dogs driving car's..BOL xxooxx
Mollie and Alfie
Holy cow, how did that face get there! I think you are right about angels.
Nubbin wiggles,
OMD!! Asta your Moms is a wonderfuls painter! I LOVED the smilebox, and all Ma was sayin' was "ooo, ahh"! I really felt I was there at the opening, I loved it! I thinks your Dad's quite the picture taker! I SO was seein' the terrier in the window!
Don't worry about the decor, Ma STILL hasn't but up a real tree yets! pfft!
We are glad to here from you and happy to see that you are enjoying the holidays
urban hounds
OMD...that face in the window??!!! Totally cool!!!...
Um, Asta...how you can manage to get your lisp in the word
I love those orange skates....and the Smilebox is wonderful!!!
Daddy has a Mancold. Which means Mumsie will have a Really Bad Woman Cold by Friday...and the dinner pawty is Saturday. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...go growl...do you put your RRRRRRRRRRRRR's in growling? Sheesch...
Please tell Elizabeth we are on the move and she is to report to Kiev for her next mission.
Miss Asta, how absolutely wonderful to have an angel looking after you. We think your mum is soooooo amazing. Your photos were so lovely and we wish your mum huge success. Thanks so much for taking us to the exhibition. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory
Asta, we loved your Mom's photos of her art exhibition - we hope she sold lots of her artwork. We were at an art auction last night and it was great fun - we love the fun of bidding!
Hope you all have a lovely Christmas,
best wishes
Clive & Co
Stay snuggly and warm!
Wow Asta, your mama's show has amazings! I is highly impressed. Also I is highly impressed that you has sawed Krampus; I heard about this individual from a German friend and I wants to know: where I can find him in the US so I can bark feroshusly at him?
Hi, Asta -
We never realized how talented your Mommi is. The smile box is great.
Don't let your Daddi feel too bad about the bad shot. Mama sometimes does the blurry shot too.
You look so comfortable sleeping.
Love -
Hershey and Kaci
Looks like you enjoyed a nice snooze sweet Asta. We really enjoyed the Smilebox. We saw some very nice art displayed. Thank you for sharing it. Hugs and nose kisses
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