a tired dog is a good dog

Monday, August 6, 2012

Anothew Pawlympic Update

While Mommi lays pwostwate on wet sheets undew the ceiling fan in blistewingly hot Boo da Pest, I am luckily in gween and comfy sowwoundings at Pawlympic Stadium 

 Since last thuwsday when I posted, I have been in sevewal impawtant eventses
 The fiwst( on August 3wd) was sowt of hoomiliating, gulp,

 (as I might have mentioned this befowe, even though I'm a tewwiew, I've only evew sowt of did any digging once n my life and ,blush blush  it was a measly little hole) 
 BUT my good fwiend Puddles was 
hosting DIGGING and I was detewmined to be pawt of it

I had to use my bwains instead of bwawn, but I did it..i dugged a hole and my effowt was accepted by Puddles the host fow this pwestigoos event

Of couwse, if you see the technique and pawsome effowts of my fellow con testants, you will know why I am not exackly pwoud, but I was happy to just be pawt of it and Thank Puddles fow the scintillating commentawy as well as the wefweshing snacks and dwinkies doowing this event

I hope you've been checking the daily list of events on my sidebaw to make shoowe you don't miss any of the excitement

I didn't entew all of them , but have gone along on my Vespa to each and evewy one to cheew my fellow athletes on 

August Fouwf was my Day to entew KEEP AWAY hosted by Casey

 I am cleawly bettew at this than Digging, but we'll see what the judges have to say
It was anothew exciting and vewy competative event and I thank Casey fow hosting it

yestewday, was the Equestwian event  hosted by Wubie and Poots
an boy was that excitewing
You have no idea of the talent that these Copetitows displayed and the vawiety of techniques in widing and steeds

hewe I am doing show jumping on my most bootiful steed

not only was Wubie and (Poots hew Mom) a most wondewful commentatow, but had a faboolous suwpwise fow all of us
Aftew we all weceived ouw gold meadals, thewe was an awena full of the mosst fwagwant howsie pwesents to woll awound in fow all of us

Thank you so vewy much Wubie!!!!! It was a fabooloos event.

Todays events incloode
Wanna-be Synchwonized Peeing, hosted by Shasta and Shilo

fow this even, I had to ask my wheelie sissie Mywna fow assistance and I am  pwoud to say, she didn't let me down

the cobbles of Boo da Pest will nevew be the same, hehehehe

and fow today's final event fow me
it's DESTUFFING, hosted by Wufie

well, have to dash, Weenie has pwomised me a wide on his Bumblebee and Then I have to go west up fow mowe events
we have five mowe days of wondewfullness at these Blogville Pawlympic Games befowe the Closing Cewemony on August 12th

pleez make shoowe you haveyoow tickets and get to all the events on time

smoochie kisses



WFT Nobby said...

Asta I can't tell you how impressed I have been by all your amazing entries. Your effort for the Equestrian event especially - so stylish. And I felt quite honoured to be in the photo next to you in the 'would-be' category of synchronised pee-ing. (To share a secret with you, I was a bit disappointed not to be allowed into the main part of this event, but perhaps my idea that I was peeing in synchrony with the human in the public toilet next to where I was standing was just a wee bit too subtle....)
Toodle pip!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Oh Asta! Synchronised peeing! HEHEHEHE!!! Wer yu on a hill? Did it roll down? HEHEHEHEH!!!!

Beanie's synchronised farting event has starting an I'm posting pic's for SYNCHRONISED SITTING this Thursday! Pop by an tayke part if yu hav time!!!!

The Black and Tans. said...

Asta you looked magnificent on your horse. It must have taken ages to prepare yourself and your horse for the event.
We love your entry for today. Definitely deserves gold.

Molly, Taffy, , Monty and Winnie

Unknown said...

We loved your entries Asta and we think you are quite a star. Hope you had a good weekend. Have a great Monday.
Best wishes Molly

Pippen said...

Asta! Your digging and equestrian are so inspiring! We wish we could do so well!

Sam and Pippen

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Me tinks you deserve da GOLD fur every event you entered. And...hey...you did dig a HOLE. No one said how big da hole had to be!

George The Lad said...

Hi Asta
I've seen you in the events, you have put your heart and soul into every one.
A round of a paws to you.
Pucker up and I'll send a kiss on a breeze of air, hopfully it will keep you cool :)
Love your friend George xxx

Martha said...

Goodness we bassets are worn out just reading about your Events!!
We think you made a wonderful digger but what was most impressive was seeing you on your horse!
Yes Asta, showjumping is for you!! We will notify Princess Zara immediately of your upcoming talents.
Much love
Martha & Bailey xxx

ShellePenn said...

Wow, Miss Asta... you are an amazing competitor! We believe that showjumping is the sport for you... something about the black and white against your furs.


Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

Millie and Walter said...

Asta, you are such a great competitor. I loved your digging entry and thought it was very clever.


3 doxies said...

Oh girl, you is a terrier and terriers will find a way to do their thang regardless!
Your events has totally been inspirational, and your sportsmanship like none udders! You is a WINNER fur sures.
I have so loves seein' all your fotos from da events.


Ruby said...

Oh, Asta, I just LOVES your sychronized peeing!!! Masterful! You are a true champion.



Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Being a CITY GIRRRRRL you have had few chances to practice digging... butt I think you did FANGtastic. AND OH GIRRRRL can you EVER sit a HORSE and De-Stuff and PEE like a TRUE ATHLETE.


Gus said...

Hmmm...I think I am glad you did not ride sidesaddle like you said you might. That scares me.



The Daily Pip said...

Oh Miss Asta ...you excel in so many events! Look at you on that most beautiful horse! And I don't think I have ever seen such a skilled de-stuffer!

I'm just exhausted from the excitement and think I will retire to the Olympic wine bar for a nightcap. Feel free to join me.

Your pal, Pip

Duke said...

We haven't missed any of your events, Asta! You are such a talented girl and beautiful too!

Love ya lots,
Mitch and Molly

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Asta you look good on your horse, and your digging is similar to how I dig. If you need a ride around London, my brother's browed car has lots of room. Apparetenly, it is something to do with the trust that comes with his name and title.
Sally Ann

White Dog Blog said...

Asta, you are quite the athlete and competitor! We love seeing your entries and are so proud of your efforts. It is wonderful of you to visit the other Events and cheer on the contestants...so sportsmanlike! Tail to snooter, you are truly the ideal embodiment of the Pawlympic Spirit!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I have been watching you and all the spectacular events!
Did you get a gold yet?

Winston said...

Asta, you are amazing, we enjoyed watching you pawticipate in all of the events!

Chloe and Cecil

The Daily Pip said...

Oh yes, let's raise our glass to my sweet bunny sister. Her surgery is tomorrow so your special wishes came just in time. Thank you for thinking of her. My assistant and I are so worried ...

Your pal, Pip

Juno said...

Paws up, sissy!!! Glad to know that you're doing very well. Even after your hard work, you still look very good. Very impressive!!

Stay cool!!

Momo & Pinot xo

Ziggy Stardust said...

Asta, you never cease to amaze me. You look stunning up on that horse, I had no idea that you were such an accomplished equestrienne. No job is too big or too small for you. You also look very smart digging, wearing just the right clothes as always. These Olympics have brought out the best in all of us I think. We all have a talent in something, don't we?

Loveys Sasha

tubby3pug said...

They are all amazing, what an athlete, but we like Equestrian the best!

urban hounds

My Mind's Eye said...

Asta thank you so very much for this most fabulous recap. I absolutely love your riding habit...and I'm in awe of all your hidden athletic talents. Hugs from your BFFF

My pets protection said...

Looks like someone made a mess. :)

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Hi Asta,

We've been watching ALL the events and have seen your entries...just magic. All the hosts are doing a fantastic job.

Unfortunately, we don't have a P.A. who can come up with good ideas, so we have to perform!

SHE was in Budapest a few years ago, so SHE knows how beautiful it is. Keep cool.

XXXOOO daisy, Bella & Roxy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

YOU USED A SHOVEL TO DIG A HOLE? Brilliant, Asta...so much easier on the nails!!!

As for Myrna, um I was wondering what kinda looks ya got with that. Somehow I can't imagine Miss Enid in that kinda competition....

Why don't you come over here to cool off...it's going down in the 60's tonight...we could sleep in a small tent in the yardie?????

Fab E QUES TREE IN event...but I thought Foxies were supposed to ride IN the saddle bags....you looked stunning, BTW!!!!!

XXOO Miss Lacie

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Hi Asta! We think you are doing just fantastic! We confess, we have not done as good a job of even keeping up with the events. But, gosh, you look like gold to us!

We hope it cools off soon for you there. Maybe you can see about staying on at the Olympic Stadium where its green and cooler ;-)

Hugs, wuz and kitty kisses to you lovely Asta. We always your Friends...and fans!

Remington said...

WOWZERS! You rock, Asta!