a tired dog is a good dog

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Peeps on Pawade

Hewo Evewyone!!!! Happy Memowial Day weekend
My good fwiend Sawge is hosting a most fun event this weekend

We'we supposed to talk about ouw Peeps, so hewe goes,
pleez fowgive me if you've heawd this a thousand times befowe
My peeps awe fwom way back in the stone age, so thewe is lots to covew, hehehe

as most of you have heawd, Daddi was in the vewy Fiwstest Peace Cowps gwoop and helping othews and being loving and genewoos has aways been pawt of his natoowe
He was bowned in Pawsylvania, but didn't stay thewe aftew high School.
Daddi could be comfowtabull anywhewe, in the city, ow countwy, in any pawt of the wowld cause he's coowious and fwiendly and loves to leawn new stuffs

He gots a Piled high and Deep degwee in Echo Nomics and became a pwofessow
He is a faboolous teachew  and a vewy calm and laid back sowt of guy

He was mawwied befowe Mommi and has a bootiful Hooman dogtew who is my Pink sissie
but then, aftew being alone fow many yeaws, he met Mommi and she captoowed him despite his nevew wanting to get mawwied again

Mommi is the awpawsite chawactew fwom Daddi.
She is volatile and gets happy and sad weally quickly and can't live anywhewe except a city full of peeps awound hew
.(She's scawed of the countwyside and dawk lonely places..I pawsonally think wunning away all night fwom Hungawy to Austwia  , walking all night long ovew fwozen cown fields and getting shot at occasionally didn't help )
She was bowned in Budapest, Hungawy and had to escape wif hew pawents when she was eight yeaws old and thewe was  a wevolution. She lived in Bewn Switzewland fow thwee yeaws befowe coming to the United States.
Eventooally she wound up in Califownia fow High School and Univewsity.  Being an obedient sowt of giwl , she went along wif hew pawents plans to go to Pwe med at UCLA, but hew heawt wasn't in it.  All she wanted to do was dwaw and paint and wead books and play the piano

Aftew she mawwied Daddi, she wowked all day and went to painting school all night and finally in 1980
she gots hew first exhibit in Austwia

She looks pwetty smug huh?????
Fow suwe she was convinced she would be a famoos paintew HAH!
The best laid plans of mice etc.....

Bof Mommi and Daddi loved to twavel and because my Gwammpapa moved back to Hungawy aftew Gwmmommi died, they went to visit evewy yeaw and stopped in many places along the way

They wewe a giggly paiw always

the mowe they twaveled, the less they like living in LA whewe all theiw time was spent dwiving somewhewe..wowk, buying food, looong way to see fwiends .  They thought  "why can't we live somewhewe whewe thewe awe places to walk and many kinds of peeps?"

so , they moved to NewYawk City and found theiw pawfect place by the Hudson Wivew
(at the time Daddi wowked fow a bank besides his teaching and they wewe luckily willing to pay fow the move)

as the bestest bonus, they wewe finally able to get theiw dweam woofie Nikki
 (all the places they lived in LA nevew allowed doggies)

Aftew Nikki, they couldn't live wifout a doggie evew again and soon thewe wewe thwee wiwy kids in the apawtment..evewyone thought they wewe nuts, but they wewe in heaven

The yeaws passed and Nowa and Chawlie wewe the onliest ones left, 
Mommi aways had sevewal pawt time jobs and continood painting and having exhibits but she cewtainly nevew gots wich ow famoos

Daddi got attacked by the howwibull big C, and Mommi had to have a stent put in hew awtewy
Little Nowa got sick and left them faw too eawly and they swowe, they would nevew get anothew doggie cause the pain of losing hew was just too much.
Fow the fiwst time in many yeaws, the house was silent and they hated it

Sooooo, I came along and completed the family again

I twaveled wif them to Wome and discovewed the delights of Gelato.

Then life got hawdew and hawdew cause Daddi lost his big job and only had teaching  and that didn't even pay the went

some angels thought they should still have a chance to twavel and sent them to Pawis and London fow theiw 35th aminevewsawawy

Daddi has been Cancew Fwee fow five yeaws and still is the best kissew and the sweetest, bestest Daddi I know

Mommi  is still painting and not being successful ow famoos

I don't know what the footoowe will bwing, but as long as we'we togethew it's all good

I hope all of you have a most wondewful Memowial Day weekend and I would like to honow and give thanks to all those soldiews who have pwotected us all this time.

smoochie kisses


Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
I never get tired of that story. Your humans are amazing people and just about the two kindest people I have ever met. I hope that mommi gets famous painting soon so that daddi can use that economics degree to manage your wealth and maybe you can get a little brother.


Duke said...

We think your peeps were absolutely made for each other and we never get tired of hearing their special story, Asta! BTW, your mommi is very famous to us! We think her artwork is sensational!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Scooter said...

Hey Asta!
Wow, your P.O.P. post is amazing! Your dad must be very special to be such a great professor. My mom says that the Peace Corps is a wonderful thing to have been a part of. I think your mom is very pawesome to have such a unique background and be such a talented artist! It sounds to me like you three are a perfect pack and I'm so glad I got to read your whole story. Thanks so much for pawticipating and sharing this with us. You're a great furiend!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

Mack said...

You have such a sweet, wonderful family.
I love hearing the story about how your mommi and daddi met and then you came along!

And if Blogger lets me post this - it will be a miracle!


Mack said...

I guess miracles do happen!

Oskar said...

I just love reading the stories you tell about your people. They are wonderful & so are you!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Oskar & Pam

Anonymous said...

Beautiful story and beautifully told. We think you hit the jackpot Asta:)

Tank & Asst.

Uji, Angel Izzy, Ziggy, Angel Bean, Angel Hiro and Momma Tea said...

Good Golly Asta yor pawrents sure havs hads intrestin lives butt da best fing mee liked was dat dem gots yoo. No house is a home wivsout the tippy tap ovs paws in it. Mee so glads to hear yor Daddi is free from da nasty big C mee hopes mee can say dat fur Da Momster dis year its would be soooo kewl ifs mee can.
Bein a rich n famous artist may nots bee all it is cracked up to be as longs as yor Momma enjoys paintin dats da main fing mee finks anyway.
Fank yoo fur sharin yor peeps wivs us mee so enjoyed reedin bouts dem all.


houndstooth said...

I'm always impressed by how cool and interesting your humans are, Miss Asta! I knew some parts of the story, but not all of them and I thought it was a fun read!


Scooter said...

Asta... It's ME (Frankie Furter) using Sarge's computer. I am soooo glad you are awake. I talked to your Dad the other day when you were sneepin. He was very much NICE to me and I like him a lot.
You are sooooo lucky to have such Bright and Loving peeps!
You did a brilliant job of telling about them.
I hope that you three have a wonderful Memorial Day!!!!!

I hope I didn't disturb your nap. I tried to be really quiet when I typed to Mr. George.

The Daily Pip said...

Dear Asta,

I didn't know any of these things - except I did know your mom was a most fabulous artist and in our eyes she is rich and famous!

I love all the pictures of your parents through the years. Of course, you know my mama loves the New Yorkie pictures the best. But I like the picture of your parents getting married, I am a romantic at heart!

I still can't believe you got to go to Rome. My parents went to Italy a few years back (I stayed home). They LOVED Rome - of course, my mom was following all the cats around! They also went to Lucca, the town where Papa's grandmother was born. Papa loved his grandmother more than just about anyone in the world so this was very special for him. When my sister is a little older, they plan to go back and see more!

Your pal, Pip

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We never tire of hearing the story of your peeps, Asta. And somehow every time you tell it, it gets even better. We think your peeps are awesome and we hope life brings only good things their way.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Asta
I have never heard this amazing story. I love it so much, and I could hear it everyday.
Your momma and dad are so loving and have been through so much together. Now I feel like I know them.
I can feel your moms artistic soul,,
I feel the gift your dads knowledge as he shared with so many when he was a professor.
Its absolutely wonderful your dad has been free from the monster for 5 years,,,
And even though so many furrys had been in their life,, I am so thankful it is you that is there now.
My soul is connecting with yours.
Thank you for taking the time to share your story with me

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Like Mango pawed, we so love to read it!

It is all so furry special - especially since Mom's dad's paternal side khame from that HUNGERry place ;-)

Thanks fur sharing that great and pawesome story!

Khywa, Mewdie, and Hawley

Maggie Mae and Max said...


Your peeps are AMAZING! Thank you so much fur sharin' dems wif us!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Bocci said...

What fabulous stories-we've only heard parts before, and we will never get tired of hearing them-promise!

We love all the photos but especially the one that appears to be at the alter. No doubt you three are made for each other!

And there is no doubt that your Mommi is a fabulous super-talented artist-we LOVE her work!

And you already know how thrilled we are to even think we know someone who served in that first round of the Peace Corps-we thank you, Asta's Dad, for your courageous work!

Thanks for sharing these stories and pictures!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Asta!
I could read your Peeps story a million times!
They are the best!
Happy weekend!
Kisses and hugs

Kari in Alaska said...

Are you sure your mom is ok with you calling her Volatile?


Wyatt said...


We just love the story of your peeps!! We have traveled, but never to Budapest, it's on our bucket list!!

Wyatt's Mom

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

Hi Asta,

We loved readin' bout your peeps - they have certainly been through a lot and thank goodness you are there to care for them when they need it!

I'm so happi your dad kicked the "Big C" in the butt!!

And your mum should have been a rich and famous painter! Hope the future will shine bright for your all!

Big Tail Wuggles, Rubie.

George The Lad said...

Asta I may have read some of those things about you peeps before but you know I loved reading this post, they are two very special peeps, and I know they love you to bits, as I do :)
pucker up and I'll send you a kiss across the pond XXX
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Oh Miss Asta you're folks have lived such interesting lives. We just love sitting at your feet hearing their stories. Only thing better would be a pizza party while you're telling us the stories!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie

ps-Your mama is famous in our eyes! (She should look up mommy's artist friend Amy Zerner.A very interesting lady!)

Amber-Mae said...

Awesome post & awesome vintage pictures!!! Thank you for sharing this with us Asta!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Oh Dear Asta! We so enjoyed reading the story about your mommie and daddy and how you finally came to be in their life! That is a most interesting and wonderful story!

Hope your Memorial Day is good!

Gus said...

Sweetie: We love the story, every time we read it we love you all more.


Bogart H. Devil said...

Miss Asta, thanks for telling us the story of your mama and dad!

Oh and tell your mama that she's a famous painter around our place - the painting of me and my dad is still the first thing she sees every morning...


Zona said...

What a fun post!! I loved learning about your parents!

What a great event!


Cowspotdog said...

What an awesome post Miss Asta and what a wonderful little family you have.


A great story Asta.

That said, I want to thank you for stopping by our blog. Your kind words and prayers have meant a lot to Dog Dad and I.


Niamh said...

Very lovely story about your parents Asta. They are very special. They are lucky you came into their lives and you are lucky to have them.

Your friends,
Niamh & Ambrose

Persephone and Buster said...

HI ASTA!!! we understand....we've been trying to move the humomm to...they are a stubborn lot. we've had to rely on our dad for posts because..."grades are due"..and she needs to post them.. you know blah blah blah... well. she said "that's it the grades are gonna be posted tonight!" we think things will be happening at our blog (thankfully)..so much has happened that has been "put on the shelf" <---what the heck does that mean? i just don't get these humans..
ah well, i must ponder...but in the meantime, we have enjoyed hearing about your family's story. xing paws for you all. you will hear from us now that "school's out for the summer"... '
theBUSTER, MS.Blue and grrracie the great coming to you from here!

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...


Gosh that waz reelly intrestin!


WFT Nobby said...

Oh Asta
Thank you so much for telling us all about your wonderful Mommi and Daddi. We had heard some of the stuff about Daddi before, but knew less about Mommi (who is certainly successful in producing beautiful pictures, and famous in our section of the blogosphere). Anyway it was ALL very interesting. And we so hope that you all figure out a plan to stay living where you want to be, but we know these things can be difficult and stressful.
Happy Memorial Day!
Bertie and Gail .

rottrover said...

Miss Asta, thank you so much for sharing about your mommi and daddi. We loved seeing the pictures of your mommi in her beautifu hats - she's so glamorous! We see where you get your taste in fashion! Our paws are crossed that you can all stay where you are in Greenwich Villiage! Mom HAS to have you there so she can imagine visiting you someday and having hamburgers and martinis at a sidewalk cafe!

Rottie Kisses

Levi said...

What a boootiful story! I read it twice :)

The Florida Furkids said...

We loved reading about your peeps! Yippeee for your Daddy being free of the nasty "c' for 5 years!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow...we thought we knew all the story but we didn't. Your mom has the best profile ever...and she looks exactly the same now. How does she do that? Even I vary from month to month.

We adored this post...and seeing you mom's smile!! She's really volatile? Hmm...I had a blender like that once...it blew up.


Lacie Hotcakes

Corbin said...

What a great story about your parents!!! It was vey nice to read about them :o)

Eric said...

Aw Sweet Pea, what a wagging post.Smashing photos. I loved itall! And love you! And your Mommi and Daddi!

Squillions of wiry kisses Eric xxxxx

tula monstah said...

hi sweet asta,

woo know what? my mom is half hungarian!--the last name Horvath might sound familiar! we could almost be related. heeehee

luv your peeps luv story: sigh...


The Black and Tans. said...

Like our friends have already written here we can honestly say we love reading about you and your family Asta.

Molly, Taffy and Winnie.

Your Mommi is famous to me as she painted my pawtrait and we all love it so much.


TwoSpecialWires said...

Moma loved loved loved this post. Even if she was lazy rude and irresponsible and didn't write to tell you that. (Please forgive her ... she's a mess sometimes)

Know that sometimes words that are unspoken are the most important ones to hear. (That'll make Moma feel a bit better)

Jake and Fergi xx

Two Schnauzers from New England said...

Hi, Asta -

We love reading the story about your Mommi and Daddi and how they met.

We are sooooooooooo behind in blogging. We have had some bad thunderstorms the past couple of days and lost power for about twenty minutes.

We hope you and your family had a great Memorial Day!

Love -

Hershey and Kaci