a tired dog is a good dog

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

PweChwissmuss Cwazies

AGain, I have to stawt wif an apologie fow not witing to all of you, sheeesh..its getting old

We spent most of the weekend Cleaning and decowating the twee and tah dah..hewe it is

 (I didn't help much), but I did snoopewvise and give invalooable advice

Daddi was pwetty tiwed by the end

I had to inspect Mommi's  angels that she made yeaws ago fwom Papew Mache

nothing in my stocking,hmmm, Do you think I wasn't good this yeaw????

aftew all that, we had to cook..when it's this cold we just want soop soop soop

Hungawian bean s00p wif home made little dumplings and ham hocks

can I help you mommi?????

I looove these(Mommi only uses these in some hungawian soops)

and the end wesult

and an apple tawt..that's all(well, thewe was some ice cweam to go wif it if you wanted)

time fow a dwinkie in fwont of the fiwe while we wait fow ouw fwiends to come and eat wif us  (we'we sad, cause we have wegoolaw sunday dinnews wif them , but they'we moving out of the building and that means seeing them less fow suwe..no mowe just dwopping in)

a nice welaxed time aftew all that wowk.. of couwse I convinced evewyone to take tuwns thwowing me the ball and playing wif me

then aftew evewyone left, I got belly wubses befowe going to bed , and Mommi told me that she is kind of going nutso(mowe than oosual) wif twying to wowk, and paint and blah, blah,blah.. 

mostly all I heawd was despite so many of my fwiends saying wouldn't it be fun to have a pawty and a snowy adventoowe again, we pwobably have to wait until Janooawy to do it...BoooHoooo...
but then I looked outside and wealized that it's too cold and NO SNOW anyway, so I guess we can wait.

I hope you'we all doing well and that youw pinkies awe not going cwazy wif the holidays
smoochie kisses


Barbara said...

Wow, you've been busy!!!

Golden Samantha said...

Bootiful tree! So artistic - Asta - you did a magnificent job snoopervising! And those angels are gorgeous; the soup is totally mouth-watering and that tart is such a work of art! We're sure it was as or more delish! Mnnnnn - lovely warmth all over!
Big Hugs xoxoox
Sammie and Avalon

Oskar said...

Hi Asta,

You look awful cute with your stocking! I'm sorry your friends are moving away.

Nubbin wiggles,

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Asta,

Your tree is just BEAUTIFUL! Oh, and my mom is going crazy over those paper mache angels! She loves them!

Your pal, Pip

Jake of Florida said...

What a beautiful tree. It must have been from all that terrier snoopervision!!!

Don't worry about the pawties -- wherever you and your mommi and daddi are, it will always be pawty time, right?

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Asta your tree is a SPARKLY work of ART. I like the angel that your mom made. BUTTTTTT I like the looks of that soup even MORE. My dad would be having long Mango Drool strings if I let HIM see it. YUMMMMMMMMMMMM
A January SNOW Pawty... sounds grrrrreat to ME!!! "Souper" way to beat back the winter blahs.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Asta, your tree is so pretty - we like them with all white lights so much. Ours came pre-lit with colored ones. And you look so cute checking out your stocking - have no fear, Santa will fill it to overflowing for you soon.

Soup - Mom says it is a great time here too for some good hearty soups. Mom needs to find some good recipes for some new ones - yours looks delish.

We are hoping for snow too, but not looking good.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Wyatt said...

What a lovely dinner, Asta. We wished we lived in your building. We would come over all the time...:)!
We look forward to some snowy adventures with you, in January!

Wyatt and Stanzie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom says the soup looks furry yummy!!!

Thanks fur sharing all those HOWLiday stuffs!


Unknown said...

Gosh Asta you seem like a very busy doggy how do you fit blogging in there? You must be very organized!

Bocci said...

Asta, you are clearly a great sooopervisor-everything looks beautiful! We particularly like your stunning tree and luscious apple tart:-)
Thanks for sharing your day with us!

Anonymous said...

Oh, Asta, please don't say you're sorry. This is a Most Busy time of year for sure. And WE are behind with visiting all our furends, too. So we're all in it together, I think!

I just LUVS your Christmas tree. You did a most wonderful job offering advice. And that soup looked DEE-lish! I wish I could come over and spend the evening with you sometimes. But I think you lives very far from Collie-rado.

Wiggles & Wags,

Charlie said...

Yummy looking soup, Asta! How did you stand the wait?!
- Charlie

Joe Stains said...

Just stopping by to say hello! Your tree looks wonderful. I hope your Mommi stays somewhat sane. Nutso Mommis are NOT fun! We miss you and hope to do some blogging over the holidays.

WFT Nobby said...


The best Christmas present that Gail and I could have is the recipe for that soup. We both think it looks divine.

Oh, and the tree looks beautiful too. And you of course!
And Mommi and Daddi!

Toodle pip!

kissa-bull said...

oh asta love,
youw house looks soooo bewootiful and of gweat taste. we just know your the one who decowated it wight?
we hopes you got some of that nommylicious apple tawt cause it sounds yummy to our tummy.

pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack

Noah the Airedale said...

Oh that Christmas tree is just stunning. We dont have one ....can you believe that!

The soup looks very delicious and with your cold weather I bet its nice and warming.

Noah xx

The Black and Tans. said...

Your apartment looks so Chritmassy and cosy Asta. We hope Santa Paws fills your lovely orange stocking to the brim as you have been such a good girl this year.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Duke said...

Your tree looks beautiful and your mommi's angels are fabulous, Asta!
Soup and apple tart! yummmmmmmmm

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

Miss Asta,
You let us know if you need help with your adventure. Momma is super busy, but she has some time off between the Christmas and New Year and if you hit it right she'll be able to work on pictures.

Your tree looks lovely. Wish I could teleport your daddi here to fix my tree.


3 doxies said...

Miss Asta,
Your tree is just gorgeousness, all sparkly and twinklin' like! I know your mom was very thankful fur your expert advice. These hoomans can't do nuttin withouts us.
Your family sure is good makers of soup....and tarts...I is sooooo hungries now and I just ate!!!!!! Our soup comes outta a can....hehehehe!

No needs to apologize furs not gettin round to da blogs...we understand dis is such a busy time of da year. We knows you loves us.

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Your place looks mighty pretty for the holidays. Your mommie has worked hard and I also noticed that she has decorated your blog too. Like it. Sorry to hear that your friends are moving away from you. Maybe you will meet new friends. Give the mom some slack, this is a busy time of year. Try to stop over for a quick visit if you can.

Gus said...

Your tree is bootiful, just like you. We think maybe you need a few orange accents?

Soop looks yummmy. Wish we lived close enough that we could just drop in....

gussie n teka

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Everything looks so Christmas-sy!! That soup sure does look nommy too!

Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Asta! Wow your tree is so pretty! And oh that soup sounded so yummy! We think you did a great job of snoopervising the tree decorations - and those angels look great too - we hope they passed inspection!

We are sorry your friends are moving - we hope it is not too far so you get the chance to see them often!!

George The Lad said...

I love your tree, very beauiful and the angels. We only have a very small tree stuck up out my way, mom said we have a big tree but she didn't trust me!!!!
By the way I will make sure santa paws know you have been a Good Dog ;)
See Yea George xxx

Daisy said...

Asta, your tree is very pretty!

ps: My word verification today is "parka"!

The Thuglets said...

Thank you so much for your lovely message on our sad loss of Dorcus.

Our furkids are so very special to us all. We have learnt NEVER put off saying or doing what you can with them today, until tomorrow. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes!

Your christmas tree and apartment look so christmassie. We are sure santa will fill your stocking.

Karen & Alan Dorcus's Mum & Dad
Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

doyle and mollie said...

aw asta your tree is BEAUTIFUL i wish i was as trustworthy as you, my pawents had to put our tree on the table this year and it's sadly also a false one! your neighbour friends are crazy moving away from all those delicious looking foodibles, dont worry we knows you will meet more friends! sweet licks and loves dear asta... xxx

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You have been bus. The tree is beautiful and wow that soup we could smell it from here. Delicious.. Hugs GJ x

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sweet Sissie Asta. We have no doubt but that you'll find special treats in your stocking ... 'cause we happen to know that you've been VERY good this year. We were there to see for ourselves. You are such a good girl, with such a good family, and you live in such a beautiful home. It looks 'specially pretty with all the Christmas decorations ... and we have no trouble imagining the wonderful smells coming from the kitchen. We are sad, though, to learn your friends are moving. We hope they won't be too far away.

Enjoy the pre-holiday festivities. We'll be thinking of you.

Your bruvver and sissie,
Jake and Fergi

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You have been busy and look at all the wonderful food!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Asta!

Neeko said...

Wow! Miss Asta...

What a Beautiful Christmas tree!
You did the right thing to snoopervise and stay out of your Mommy's way!
I do the same; my way of helping is to get busy in the window "talking" to everybody going by. I tell my Mommy that while she does chores, I protect the house ;o)

I have to ask who is Hungarian in your house? My Mommy is half Hungarian and recognized the yummy looking dishes :o)

Neeko :o)

Zona said...

You've been so busy! Everything looks so festive!!


Neeko said...

OMD! Your Mommy is all Hungarian???
How cool is that?!
My Mommy's Father is Hungarian from Erdély. She used to cook for her Grandpa all kinds of Hungarian dishes. She still speaks the language when in company :o)
She says to tell your Mommy: Jó éjszakát!

Neeko ♥

Neeko said...

Awww...Miss Asta ♥
Te vagy egy nagyon szép fiatal hölgy :o)

Neeko ♥
P.S. Guess what? My Grandpa (Mommy's Dad) is a painter too; he also does sculptures... It must be a Hungarian thing?!

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Oh Asta...your tree was so very pretty. Um...well, I waxed my broom you know and well I feel really bad about what happened to it when um well the Great Broom Crash...and the piano and all the ornaments and well, I did bring a dustpan...

